I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

120: Declare War On Painxun! 【1】

"Forget it? What do you mean by forget it? Will Tianmei Studio stop operating Honor of Kings and disband at the same time?" Lu Li asked Ma Hua Teng in return.

"If they don't make games well, they blame our League of Legends for being too popular, right?" The second question was raised again.

There was another silence on Ma Huateng's side, but he did not answer Lu Li's question, but continued: "Mr. Lu, you have to be merciful and merciful. If the trouble continues like this,

It's not good for you or me. "

When Lu Li heard what Ma Huateng said, he laughed: "Mr. Ma, you have to remember that this matter is indeed not good for us, but it is bad for you!

"We, Riot Games, are still a small company, but we are not that easy to bully!" Lu Li snorted coldly and hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone, the entire Riot Games scene was filled with silence. Everyone stared at Lu Li in stunned silence...

Mr. Lu just seemed to have scolded a horse for painting a vine?

"Lu, Mr. Lu, are we directly declaring war on Tongxun?" Miss asked Lu Li weakly. A few minutes ago, she wanted Lu Li to calm down, but a few minutes later, Lu Li gave Hang up the phone on Ma Huateng!

Lu Li smiled and suddenly kissed Miss in front of everyone: "Anyway, you are already mine, and you can't run away...but others, if you think it will hurt us, we will be defeated." , If you want to leave, you can leave now."

Lu Li looked at everyone softly and said, but no one moved. On the contrary, Pang Xinxin was the first to run over.

"Mr. Lu, I'm yours too. I won't leave." After saying that, he came up and kissed Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, I'm yours too." Rita also came up and kissed Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, I..."

"Go, go, man, die!"

Inside Riot Games, everyone was happy, but on Ma Huateng's side, he was so angry that he dropped his phone!

"Come on, come on, find me a hacker, find someone to make a plug-in for League of Legends! Then Lu Li is so rampant, I don't believe it. How can he step on my head?!"

Inside the pain training, the personnel quickly began to take action.

As for Lu Li, he began to sit down and think about some issues quietly.

As the saying goes, the first shot kills the first bird. From the first day Lu Li developed League of Legends, he knew that some people would be jealous and some people would want to suppress them.

But Lu Li didn't expect that this day would come so quickly, and that his enemy would be so powerful!

But Lu Li is not afraid at all. After all, League of Legends has been in open beta for five months and has 30 million active users. The number of global users has exceeded 100 million. How could it be defeated so easily?

But if Lu Li is still like before, he only started working on the League of Legends mobile game after painful training in Honor of Kings. Naturally, it is impossible to continue using this passive method of attacking. He needs to take the initiative to make people move. Make the entire Riot game more stable by yourself!

"Mr. Lu, there is a problem with the in-game recharge. WeChat payment cannot be used."

"The same goes for Riot Esports."

“Fist Live Plus One.”

However, Pain Xun's movements were so fast that they had already launched their move before Lu Li really started to think about it.

"Is WeChat payment unavailable? Make an announcement and ask everyone to use Alipay first." Lu Li said to Miss. After speaking, he frowned.

In 2019, Huaxia Internet's payment system has become quite complete, with WeChat Pay and Alipay accounting for half of the market. Therefore, in terms of payment, even Lu Li had to intervene in these two major payment interfaces before.

But now, Lu Li has to make some changes!

"We want to develop our own payment software!"

Lu Li said to herself!

This content cannot be solved by a LOL system at all, but Lu Li is still confident that he can come from behind and complete the lead!

"Miss, call someone from the development department to come to a meeting! At the same time, recruit relevant technical personnel immediately!" Lu Li said to Miss immediately.

Ten minutes later, Lu Li appeared in front of everyone in the development department. His first words made the programmers feel a lot of pressure.

"Summoners, this may be the most difficult moment in the history of our League of Legends!"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Li announced his new idea to the developers!

In the handheld League of Legends, payment function is added!

Adding payment functions is actually relatively easy. You only need to add an interface with UnionPay...

But there is one problem that Lu Li needs to find a way to overcome.

That is, let the League of Legends payment method become the daily primary payment method for all League of Legends summoners! We don’t require everyone to use it, “as long as the summoner uses it, it’s fine.”


"It seems that we still have to develop a chat software!" Lu Li said to himself.

Although the chat systems of Zhangmeng and League of Legends boxes are already relatively powerful, Lu Li also knows quite clearly that there are still quite a few people who choose to use QQ and WeChat to chat with their friends.

And when Tongxun could cut off WeChat payment, Lu Li also fully believed that they could block all words related to "League of Legends" in the chat.

The name of the chat software is... Lua Lu!

And just when Lu Li was imagining the content of the Lualu chat software, Lu Li got another not-so-good news from Miss.

"Mr. Lu, our League of Legends server has suddenly been attacked by a large number of unknown sources!" Miss said to Lu Li, but the good news is that the programmers of League of Legends can still withstand such attacks.

The source is unknown? Besides Pain Xun, who else could it be!?

"It's okay, let them attack. Our League of Legends system cannot be conquered!" Lu Li chuckled, because his server is directly connected to the LOL system. If it is easily breached by these mortals, Then there is no need for this LOL system to exist in version 1.1!

"Mr. Lu, we received feedback from summoners that some people use cheats in the League of Legends game and can use summoner skills unlimitedly!"

When he heard the news, Lu Li was stunned for a moment. Can the League of Legends program in the LOL system be modified by mortals?

"How many people are using cheats?!"

"Just one person."

"Ah? A person? What's his name?"

"In a daze, when we contacted him and asked him to stop cheating, he told us that he had told us about this vulnerability a long time ago, but we ignored him.

When Lu Li heard these two words, his whole person suddenly fell into silence.

The butterfly effect in this parallel world has not yet taken off.

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