I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

124: Lu Li’S Two Earth-Shattering Plans! 【5】

In fact, whether Lu Li’s Plan A, Plan B, or even Plan C, all need to be based on League of Legends. Without the game League of Legends, all plans will be in vain!

Therefore, Lu Li’s earth-shattering plan B must be based on the League of Legends game.

But what exactly does a game have to do to be considered "earth-shattering"?

After combining the experience of his previous life and the various situations in this parallel world, Lu Li decided to truly build the League of Legends game into a game for all!

How to make League of Legends a game for everyone? Naturally, we need a game mode that everyone can participate in!

The earth-shattering game mode envisioned by Lu Li is to summon heroes!

In the previous life around 2017, a game called "Pokémon GO" was once popular all over the world because it created a unique AR game mode of catching Pokémon balls, which allowed players to play in the real world. Through AR technology, go collect some Poke Balls!

In this parallel world, this game still exists, but just like in the previous life, it has not become popular in China at all because of China's network barriers.

Under such circumstances, Lu Li decided to use this game mode to turn League of Legends into a truly universal game!

In the real world, summoners can use their mobile phones to capture the heroes who "traveled" to the earth from Valoran anywhere and collect them. In addition, the summoners are catching the heroes. After that, you can also upgrade your own heroes through battles with other summoner heroes!

To put it simply, this is a development card game, but Lu Li believes that as soon as this mode is released, even some players who don’t like MOBA games will start collecting these heroes!

In Lu Li's conception, the "Summon Heroes" game mode will not be added to League of Legends. At that time, it will directly become an accessory game to the Lualu chat software. In that case, gaming and social interaction If they work together, we can definitely achieve the earth-shattering idea envisioned by Lu Li!

Of course, whether it is the overall championship of the S1 World Championship or the game "Summon Heroes", these are all the ideas in Lu Li's mind at this time. In this era where no one knows what will happen in the next second, Lu Li also It is very possible that both plans AB will be ruined.

But Lu Li absolutely does not want this to happen, and will not let this happen. He wants his Riot Games to first crush Pain Xun, and then become the most successful game company in the world!

The next morning, Miss ran to Lu Li excitedly and told Lu Li something very good!

"Mr. Lu, your guess yesterday was indeed correct. Because Paixun loves Tianmei Studio too much, everyone in Photon Studio is very dissatisfied now, and some people even want to change jobs!" Miss was quite excited. said.

"Can you dig it over?" Lu Li also asked with a smile.

"No problem at all. I have already contacted the development director of Photon Studio! I will meet with him offline this afternoon! If successful, we are likely to directly transfer the entire Photon Studio in one go. The development department, hire them all!"

Miss said excitedly!

"Then let's do it... By the way, if possible, also recruit one or two people from Tianmei Studio... By then, Tianmei Studio will probably be in civil strife. Got it

Lu Li said with a chuckle.

I'm afraid he never thought that after they copied League of Legends and made the Honor of Kings mobile game, not only did they fail completely, but they also involved their own Photon Studio!

Even if it just loses the photon, Tianmei may not be able to save it!

"You have to be kind. If you are not kind, the result will be like this." Lu Li said with a chuckle.

But what surprised Lu Li was that Miss's work efficiency was so fast! Before five o'clock in the afternoon, Miss sent Lu Li some great news!

"Mr. Lu, the development director of Photon has already agreed, and also agreed to bring his confidants here with him! He can join the job next Monday!" Miss said to Lu Li very excitedly, after all, if this happens , their Riot Games got more than ten top programmers at once!

"Well done!" Lu Li also said excitedly. For Riot Games, which is currently under pressure, this is nothing more than a timely help, and for Pain Xun, it is even worse!

"Salary and other things, you pay them according to the market price plus a 10% increase. Try to contact Tianmei as much as possible. If it doesn't work, forget it." Lu Li said to Miss again, feeling very ecstatic!

Last night, Lu Li was still a little worried. Even if he came up with the game "Summon Heroes", the programmers of Riot Games would not have the time and manpower to do it. Now, if the programmers of the former Photon Studio If he embarks on this project, Lu Li will be full of confidence in the quality of the game "Summon Heroes"!

After all, Lu Li knew very well that of the two studios that Pain Xun was working on, Tianmei only wanted to make money, while Photon was really serious about making games!


On Sunday, Lu Li met the team who resigned from Photon Studio. After signing the contract, he warmly welcomed them to join. However, he did not immediately assign tasks to them. Instead, he invited them together to the Riot Performing Arts Center. , let’s watch the finals of the first season of League of Legends LPL!

Although the game didn't start until three o'clock in the afternoon, when Lu Li and the others arrived outside the venue at two o'clock, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the Riot Center!

In the venue, Lu Li can see fans from the WE team and the IG team at any time. They have the team logos of the two teams on their faces, and they also hold some cheering banners for the players. More People who write some dirty words on their boards!

"I will raise pigs in your wild area! Come on, director!"

"PDD, you are the most slutty pig in the League of Legends!"

"Xiaoxiao, promise me, don't be too empty anymore, okay?"

Outside the entire stadium, there was a sea of ​​people and a lot of jubilation. Even Lu Li sighed for it! Because this kind of atmosphere for watching the game, if it were in the previous life, at least it could only be had when you got s4s5!

But in this parallel world, with the efforts of the major teams, it only took them just one season to achieve the results that they had for several years in the previous life!

However, Lu Li understands that all these are actually due to his shrewd policies.

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