I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

Chapter 138 The Clown Is Nothing To Worry About! 【1】

When Miss said this, Lu Li laughed: "Are you hacking us again? We have already won the championship, how can you hack us?"

Lu Li asked Miss, but he picked up the phone and read the article again.

The title of the article is this, "League of Legends wins the championship? It's just an unofficial decision!"

In this article, the author describes in detail why the LPL IG team can defeat other teams in the world championship and win the final world championship. But after all, it is actually just one point of view...

Riot Games is a Chinese game. If a foreign team wins the world championship in the first year of the World Championship, it would be too shameless. Therefore, Lu Li, the president of Riot Games, in order to let the LPL win this Champion, in order to make League of Legends players like League of Legends more, he bribed the major teams to make them lose the game!

"Hahaha!" However, when Lu Li read this article, he did not say "haha" to express disdain, but "haha" and laughed loudly, because what the editor said was very relevant. If 353 words were given with a little more concrete evidence, Lu Li might even believe it!

However, the entire article is the editor’s own words, fabricated out of thin air, and has no credibility at all!

Not to mention Lu Li, even the majority of netizens couldn't stand it. They scolded the editor at the bottom of the article, saying that he must be a lackey sent by Pain Hun, etc.!

Originally Lu Li didn't want to deal with this matter, but the number of reads of this article is getting higher and higher. Countless summoners from the League of Legends want to scold the editor under the article, so that , four hours after the article was published, this article turned out to be on the Weibo hot search list!

And this incident not only attracted the attention of the IG team, but also the FNC team, which had just created an account on Weibo!

After seeing this article, the two teams also published their solemn statements on Weibo!

"In e-sports, strength speaks for itself. Please don't look at the efforts of every member of our IG team in this way!" said the official blog of the IG team.

"We were bribed to lose the game? That's pure nonsense! The IG team is a very strong team. We lost this time, but we will definitely work harder next time! But now, your behavior has already affected us The reputation of the FNC team has been greatly affected, and the FNC team will reserve the right to sue!" said the official blog of the FNC team.

The two clubs spoke out in unison, which made the editor of the article panic. He never thought that he originally wanted to mock the IG team, but instead aroused strong dissatisfaction from the FNC team, and even wanted to Sue yourself!

So, in just five hours, the editor of the article deleted the article and issued an apology statement, asking for forgiveness from the two teams.

The two teams ignored this clown at all, but the League of Legends, who were looking for summoners, had no intention of letting this editor go. After collecting all kinds of evidence, they suddenly discovered that this little editor Editor, he works in the news department of Painxun!

In an instant, everyone suddenly realized!

"Sure enough, this is another good thing done by garbage Pain training. I have no innovation in the game and cannot achieve results. Now I see that our League of Legends has achieved results, and I am jealous!"

"No wonder last night, among the many media who wished IG the championship, I couldn't find any media that was fond of training. It turns out that this painful training has never wanted to see IG win the championship!"

"Of course I don't want to. After all, the more successful the League of Legends is, the more it proves that they are a hot chick who loves to train!"

"Before, I thought that Tongxun just wanted to make money, which is understandable, but now (bdce)... Haha, don't be mean, I will never use any of your products from Tongxun again!"

"No, you don't need to use WeChat anymore?"

When will Riot Games make a social product? As soon as it can be made, I will bring my family and friends over to it immediately!"


"plus 1!"


Originally, after the netizens took out the identity of the editor, they were just scolding Tongxun for his immorality, but in the end, the style turned into willing Lu Li and asking Lu Li to build a social product. come out!

Although Lu Li's Lualu chat software is already on the way, Lu Li has not given any response in such a storm.

However, the calmer the Riot Games side is, the more nervous the Painxuan side is. They are afraid that Riot Games will really directly launch a social product at this time to seize their social market!

Therefore, the person in charge of Painxun News immediately announced that the editor in question was fired, and at the same time issued the "most sincere" apology to Riot Games, IG and the FNC team.

However, Lu Li only found it funny that Paixun acted like a clown.

"They are scared." Lu Li said with a chuckle, "Painxun must be worried that we will take the opportunity to surpass them, so they apologized, but the apology was not sincere. They only sent a small responsible person. people!"

"It seems that in Ma Huateng's heart, he still wants to put our Riot Games to death."

Lu Li snorted coldly. If Ma Huateng had taken action in April to put Riot Games to death, there might still be a chance. But now, it has entered November, and Riot Games, which was not yet sound in the past, , at this time, he has grown into a healthy young man, how could he be easily defeated by Pain Tuan?

And when Riot Games truly grows into a mature man, that's when Riot Games defeats Pain Xun and truly steps up to the altar!

"Miss, next, let's hold a celebration ceremony for the IG team to win the championship!" Lu Li said to Miss with a smile, and the plan in his mind was already laid out.

Although after IG won the championship, Lu Li did not take the opportunity to release new Riot Games products, but this was just an illusion given by Lu Li. When the "celebration ceremony" came, Lu Li would All the big moves are released, and when the time comes, the fight will be so painful that Xun can no longer take care of himself!

"By the way, I've also been paying attention to the pain training and the movements of Wang Yi and the others recently. After being dormant for so long, they should make some moves next."

Lu Li said to Miss again, and then walked towards the Riot Games development department, preparing to check the progress of various products. .

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