I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

178: Are Major Companies Attacking League Of Legends? ! 【5】

A night on the cruise ship was quite dreamy for all the Summoners, so much so that at ten o'clock the next morning, when the cruise ship docked and the Summoners got off the ship and looked back at the cruise ship, they even I was somewhat doubting myself, whether I spent the night up there last night!

For Lu Li, this game conference on the cruise ship was another huge success, because last night, there were talks about the "League of Legends Cross-border Cooperation Mercedes-Benz" and the "Cruise Cruise Conference" The entry appeared on Weibo’s hot search list early and lasted for nearly a whole night!

It even attracts more attention than the unique entertainment mode of "Skill Battle"!

And after such a wealthy night for League of Legends, countless gamers who had previously thought that they would never play League of Legends also chose to become a summoner!

After all, when they saw how poorly the League of Legends officials treated their users, everyone else finally became moved!

"Garbage Pain Training, Garbage Net One, they only want to steal players' money all the time, and don't even think about giving benefits to players!"

In the eyes of these players who transferred from other games, Paixun Wangyi has become like a 917 landlord in the old society, and they were scolded a lot.

The next day, the first day of the League of Legends 2020 April Fools' Day event, the popularity of the League of Legends game once again crushed other games several times, and the first set of League of Legends April Fools' Day limited skins alone, in one day , it sold a total of 100 million in sales!

And this situation finally made some people panic!

"We cannot continue to let them Riot Games be so rampant. If they continue like this, the game empire we have spent more than ten years building with great difficulty may be defeated by their mere League of Legends!"

In the pain training headquarters building, Ma Huateng said angrily to his subordinates, his head full of anger and his expression very ferocious!

And such Ma Huateng also made his subordinates remain silent and did not dare to speak out at all.

"Don't talk? What did you say when you promised me before? Where are the people from Tianmei Studio? Where are the people from Mengsanguo Studio?"

Ma Huateng yelled at the two of them!

At this time, the two talents finally came out looking at each other and reported to Ma Huateng the status of the project they were leading.

"Mr. Ma, Meng Sanguo has entered the final preparation stage. There is about a week left before the internal testing can begin." The person in charge of Meng Kingdom said to Wu Guoyi.

"Mr. Ma, as long as Dream of the Three Kingdoms comes out and we cooperate with our user base of KouKou and WeChat, we can definitely occupy half of the MOBA PC games! After all, we Chinese people still know the Three Kingdoms quite well, but their heroes The alliance is all fictitious characters, and the sense of immersion is definitely not as good as ours in Dream Three Kingdoms!"

"Also, in terms of game mechanics, I have also studied it. League of Legends is actually very simple, and I also added a new 10v10 battle mode to Dream Three Kingdoms. In terms of minions, you can also deny, and you have more Strong confrontation and operability!”

The person in charge of Dream Three Kingdoms said to Ma Huato excitedly, because after accepting this project, he worked tirelessly every day and had great confidence in the game Dream Three Kingdoms!

However, just when the person in charge of Meng Sanguo was quite excited, Ma Huateng's expression was as dead as ever, and he even became angry again!

"The closed beta will not start until one week later? How long will the closed beta last? Now that the closed beta is over, when will the open beta start? By the end of the year?!"

As Ma Huateng spoke, he began to curse!

"Last time, Tianmei's King of Glory had this in mind, but what happened? It was aborted before it was even released!"

"Why, do you also want the League of Legends to release the same game mechanism in advance, and then make the Dream Three Kingdoms stillborn?"

Ma Huateng angrily scolded the person in charge of Meng Sanguo (bddj), which made the person in charge of Meng Sanguo and Tianmei tremble with fear.

"On the side of Glory of Kings... it's because they plagiarized... But on our side of Dream Three Kingdoms, there will definitely not be any plagiarism. The heroes are all characters from the Three Kingdoms. There may be some skills and so on. It will be similar, but it is definitely not plagiarism!”

The person in charge of Meng Sanguo said to Ma Huateng with great confidence, which made the person in charge of Tianmei blush.

But Ma Huateng still looked ugly!

"Now we are discussing plagiarism? Now it is a matter of rushing! The internal beta in one week and the public beta in half a year are too slow. I ask you to start the public beta of Dream Three Kingdoms before mid-May!"

Ma Huateng ordered Meng Sanguo to be in charge of human affairs. The person in charge hurriedly bent down and nodded, but his brows were furrowed tightly.

"How about Tianmei, how is your new mobile game?" Ma Mianteng asked again.

"Mr. Ma, our new game Vainglory is almost done. The main selling point is 3D MOBA. In terms of gameplay, it is definitely more fun than the League of Legends mobile game.

The person in charge of Tianmei also said with confidence...

While the Painxun headquarters building was discussing countermeasures, the Net One headquarters building was also discussing similar things.

Since NetEase's "Battle of Heianjing" was launched in September last year, although it has not been sued by the League of Legends, it has been half-dead. Only Onmyoji players can play it, and there are no new players at all.

But despite this, NetOne also wants to seize the League of Legends market in MOBA games.

For the client game, they obtained authorization from Blizzard and made a client game called Dota based on a map from World of Warcraft.

In terms of mobile games, they also did not give up, and without obtaining any authorization, they made a mobile game called "300 Heroes" with the protagonist of the island nation's comics as the hero.

But these two are not the only games that want to “encircle and suppress” League of Legends!

Blizzard's "Heroes of the Storm", Rockstar Games' "Smite", etc., although they have obtained the overseas agency rights of League of Legends, they still want to have their own MOBA games!

Lu Li is naturally very aware of these trends in the outside world. Although major game companies have already followed suit, Lu Li can always find clues about MOBA games from various game companies in various places!

After all, if a game wants to be launched online, it must obtain the game version number, and Lu Li can find this with just a quick search.

But even if Lu Li found it, he wouldn't worry at all, because in Lu Li's eyes, the MOBA games made by these game companies are completely worth mentioning!

"Still dreaming about the Three Kingdoms and the 10v10 competition? Haha, wishful thinking!" Lu Li snorted coldly. .

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