I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

186: Ma Hua Teng Is Too Picky! 【1】

The content of this announcement is actually very simple, it is to announce a penalty decision, but the content of this penalty decision makes all LPL summoners excited!

"On May 10, during the MIS Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament held in Kentonia, the United States, during the match between the WE team and the FNC team, due to the organizer's error, the on-site match was interrupted for four hours!"

"This is a terrible viewing experience for all players, summoners both live and online!"

"In view of the fact that the person in charge of Riot Esports in the United States made such a mistake and caused such a huge impact, Riot Games officials unanimously decided to resign from all positions of all relevant personnel involved in Riot Esports (USA)!"

"At the same time, because the person in charge of Riot Esports in the United States made such a big mistake, Riot Games officially decided that the League of Legends S2 World Finals originally scheduled to be held in Los Angeles, United States, will be canceled immediately, and the venue will be notified later!"

“Once again, we would like to express our sincere apologies to all summoners. Riot Games will provide summoners with a better viewing experience in future events!” 13

After the summoners read this announcement in full, everyone, especially the LPL summoners, were all hooked!

Because they still clearly remember that on the day of the game, the American organizer actually unplugged the network cable twice in a row, trying to win the game through external means, but at that time, they could only curse, In terms of action, I can't do anything at all!

Fortunately, the WE team finally defeated the FNC team and won the MSI championship. This made all the summoners very excited and forgot about the bad things that the FNC team did.

But I never expected that the League of Legends LPL officials would hold a grudge even more than their summoners. They announced this punitive measure not only in the middle of the game, but after the game was over!

"So beautiful! I have long felt that those European and American people are not good people. They always targeted us China in the Olympics and so on. Now it's okay. You continue to target us.

At least in the League of Legends project, we are no longer afraid of them competing with Europe and the United States!" 1

"I have to say that Lu Li did a great job. Not only did he punish the relevant person in charge, but he also directly canceled the opportunity for Los Angeles to host the S2 World Championship! Now, if the Americans still dare to be arrogant, they may not even be able to compete with League of Legends I can’t even play this game anymore!”

"Do Americans need to play League of Legends? I heard that Blizzard has also created a Heroes of the Storm, which is also a MOBA."

"Don't play if you don't need to. Now the number of League of Legends players worldwide has exceeded 500 million! If Americans don't want to play, there won't be anyone else to play Heroes of the Storm with them, so let them enjoy themselves. !"

The summoners of the LPL were talking a lot, praising the conscience of the League of Legends and praising Lu Li's spirit!

During the discussion among the summoners, their topic slowly turned into a comparison between several new MOBA games and League of Legends for some unknown reason.

After the discussion, the summoners all came to a conclusion... That is, except for League of Legends, all other MOBA games are garbage!

Lu Li didn't know about this situation yet, but that night, when the two companies Tongxun and Wangyi chose to forcefully release their new games, Dream Three Kingdoms and Dota, Ma Huateng and Ding Lei just watched. When they arrived at the live broadcast room of their press conference and saw so few people, I felt a chill in my heart!

"Could it be that the game is about to go cold as soon as it is released..." Ma Huateng said to himself very worriedly, but what he obviously didn't know was that because of the League of Legends MSI championship celebrations, In addition, a new 8v8 mode has been launched, so summoners have no time to watch any so-called press conference!

But Ma Huateng was still unwilling to accept it, and immediately decided to forcefully divert a wave of traffic by giving out red envelopes!

As long as you download the game, players will receive cash red envelopes ranging from 1 to 999 yuan!

Ma Huateng's Dream of the Three Kingdoms said this, and after this move, as expected, quite a few players who wanted to make money immediately ran to download the Dream of the Three Kingdoms, but while waiting for the download, they also Or stay and fight in Summoner's Rift.

"Mr. Lu, Ma Huateng threw money away, what should we do?" After learning the news, Miss ran to Lu Li anxiously and asked Lu Li.

"Just wait and see what happens." But Lu Li was still quite calm and said to Miss with a slight smile.

Ma Hua Teng's token distribution is indeed a way to quickly attract traffic in the early stage, but Lu Li cannot distribute tokens himself in order to prevent user loss. In that case, he will fall into meaningless and malicious competition. This is completely unnecessary.

Moreover, Lu Li is quite confident that even if Ma Huateng throws money, their dream of the Three Kingdoms will never achieve the results they want!

And sure enough, when the benefits of opening the server of Dream Three Kingdoms were introduced, the download volume of Dream Three Kingdoms instantly climbed up on the game rankings.

But at the same time, what climbed up was the hot search ranking of Meng Sanguo on Weibo!

It's just that the hot search about Dream Three Kingdoms is not positive.

#梦三国too stingy#

On Weibo, there is only one hot search about 933 Yu Meng Three Kingdoms [That means they are too stingy!

Although Ma Huateng promoted that by downloading Dream Three Kingdoms, you can get red envelopes ranging from 1 to 999 yuan. However, after players downloaded and received the red envelopes, they discovered that the so-called big red envelopes of 1 to 999 yuan were not available. 99.9% of the red envelopes are only one yuan!

As for the 0.01% 999 red envelope, it is in the hands of a relatively small number of people. Although everyone does not know whether they are trustworthy, in the eyes of the players, they are just trustworthy!

"Trash Ma Hua Teng, it's like this every time. You only give us one dollar and you want us to play your dream of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Even if they really gave me 999, I would just take the money and leave. If you look at this game casually, you will know that it is another rubbish cash game."

"I didn't even download it. I finally completed League of Legends and now I have to learn about a new MOBA game? I don't have time to spare!"

On Weibo, players continued to talk about it, and the entry #梦三国狠门# continued to rise on the hot search list.

But for Ma Huateng, he thinks it is a good thing, because there are too many discussions about the Dream Three Kingdoms, which means that the Dream Three Kingdoms will become more popular!

But this time, the situation is completely different!

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