I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

Chapter 190 Company Annual Meeting

You must know that the current tourism consumption capacity of Chinese people is very strong. You must know that more than 80% of the current tourism consumption population in various countries is contributed by China!

And as China's economic strength is gradually increasing, the consumption power of China's population is also increasing day by day, so it is not only a potential stock, but also a powerful potential stock!

"Mr. Lu, here are applications submitted by companies from other countries. Please take a look..."

Miss walked in in a panic, holding a large pile of documents in his hand and said to Lu Li, who was sitting on the presidential chair and looking at the documents.

"What's going on? The League of Legends S2 season is held within our Riot Games. Why, in addition to branches in other countries, are there other game companies submitting applications from us?"

"Eight-four-three" Lu Li frowned.

"I don't know either. Mr. Lu, please take a look. Not only does the Empire of Japan and the Bear Empire exist here, but there are no applications from the Kangaroo Kingdom and many other countries..."

After saying that, Miss threw the document in her hand directly on Lu Li's desk.

"What's going on? We don't have branches in Kangaroo Country or the Japanese Empire, right?"

Getting more and more confused, Lu Li then opened the document in his hand and flipped through it page by page.

"The Furry Bear Empire Toy Company? The Japanese Empire Maid Catering? The Kangaroo Country... There are actually African governments asking us to hold a $2 season there?"

As he read the documents one by one, Lu Li's eyes widened, and then he felt relieved.

"Wow, even the governments of African countries have asked us to go to their places for the season. Doesn't that mean that our company's appeal and influence are growing!"

Even though Miss has been following Lu Li for so long, she understands that if Riot Games holds a second season competition there, it will be enough to attract a large number of Chinese tourists to that African country.

Come save the economic contribution of that country in Africa to GDP!

This is true for these small African countries, and large countries like the Empire of Japan and the Bear Empire naturally welcome Riot Games.

The companies that these people submitted applications to Lu Li are all leading companies in this industry in their countries.

Catering wants to cooperate with Ipl, so it naturally wants to launch themed restaurants through League of Legends to attract Chinese tourists, and even attract Riot fans in the country!

Not to mention toys, the toy company probably wants to make good friends with Riot Games by holding this competition and obtain all toy copyrights from Riot Games!

You must know that these toy companies are not making toys for children, but toys for adults!

Of course it's not a dirty toy, it's craftsmanship!

You have to know the figures, but the skins are much more expensive. The starting price is 500, which is much more expensive than the skin. The conscience of Riot Games is only 200 at most.

Moreover, each hero in the League of Legends has a huge fan base. There are now nearly a hundred heroes. Each hero can be modeled, especially the female heroes. You can also change their costumes and launch different series. Figure!

Judging from the current popularity of League of Legends, there are definitely many fans to buy it!

It’s a sure-fire business!

"It's really a good plan!"

Sure enough, Lu Li flipped through the document to the end, and sure enough, there was an additional clause, which explicitly or implicitly expressed that the company wanted to represent the copyright of League of Legends in the country.

"Do these guys really think I'm a fool?"

Lu Li smiled slightly, and after flipping through a few documents, he closed the document directly, pushed the pile of documents, and said to miss.

"Throw away all these documents. There is no need to watch this League of Legends S2 season and its anniversary. I will not hold it in any country, including China."

Picking up the document and preparing to throw it away, Lu Li was stunned by this sentence and blurted it out.

“If it’s not held in any country, then where is it?”

"Haha, since it is an anniversary, this is the annual meeting of our company's first anniversary. Naturally, the protagonists are our own employees. Tell the company's employees that we will host this S2 season in the Maldives."

The Maldives is a world-famous tourist destination, and the resorts here are generally tourist destinations that can only be consumed by the domestic middle class and above. Many wealthy people also like to choose here to rest when they are on vacation!

The Maldives does not belong to any country. It is an archipelago in itself. Of course, there is no Riot branch...

Lu Li wanted to use this move to make these Riot branches understand that this time the Riot branch in the United States had angered him.

At the same time, it also expresses disappointment with other Riot branches. If you want to be qualified to host the remaining seasons, then you must work hard!

This is what Lu Li wants to convey to the national branches in other countries!

When miss conveyed Lu Li's meaning to the people in the company.

As expected, all employees of the company were in great spirits!

"Mr. Lu is so awesome, great!"

"Oh my gosh, only middle- and high-level managers in other companies can enjoy such treatment. I didn't expect that one year of working for the grassroots employees of our company is worth more than ten years of working for others!"

"Long live Mr. Lu!"

Some people even had tears in their eyes. Although the basic salary of Riot Games' grassroots employees is 10,000 yuan, it is nothing to eat and drink in a first-tier city, and less than half of the money is left every year after living expenses are calculated!

A trip to the Maldives requires a minimum of RMB 20,000, which is simply not what white-collar workers like them can afford!

I originally thought that it would take at least more than 10 years of hard work to enjoy the Maldives once, but I didn’t expect that Mr. Lu would give them such a 2.5% treatment just one year after joining Riot Games!

This made these grassroots employees even more flattered, and some even secretly vowed that no matter what happened to Riot Games in the future, they would never leave!

Of course, he treats grassroots employees so favorably, and Lu Li is even more generous to those middle- and senior-level veterans who have joined the company from the very beginning. In addition to fully covering the travel expenses to the Maldives, he also provides generous year-end bonuses. Starting at RMB 500,000, it rewards senior leaders who have made substantial contributions to the company.

"Our Mr. Lu is such a good boss..."

Seeing the employees of her company so happy, Miss, as the president's secretary, couldn't help but smile, feeling sincerely happy for them.

At the same time, the official website of League of Legends and Lu Li’s Weibo also announced this news. .

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