I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

Chapter 192 League Of Legends

After saying this, the employee who was pointed at and scolded by Mahuatang immediately threw away his computer and strode out of the Tongxun Building headquarters!

Ma Hua was so painful that he was stunned. He didn't expect this employee to be so courageous!

"Riot is Riot again! Lu Li!!!"

Gritting my teeth in pain.

"Why are you still watching? Why don't you go back to work?"

Looking at the eyes of the surrounding employees, the expression in their eyes was not indignation, but envy for that employee. It hurt but I couldn't help but feel angry.

He said slowly and carelessly because of the pain, and with the pain of the pain, these employees could only sit back in their seats, but their eyes were a little unconvinced.

Look at other fist companies, and then look at our own company.


"Also, hand over the programmers in the data group who are responsible for issuing red envelopes, and stop the red envelopes immediately. Riot Games must not take advantage!"

"Mr. Ma, the programmer who was in charge of the red envelope program that you just favored is not here. It will take us a week to accept the red envelope program and stop issuing red envelopes...

At this moment, a programmer next to him stood up, and some couldn't help laughing.


It's like shooting yourself in the foot!

He even scolded the programmer who made the red envelopes away. Looking at it like this, he probably won't come back again. Thinking that he had to give so many red envelopes to Riot Games for nothing in a week, he couldn't help but feel the pain. Ruan rolled his eyes and fainted immediately...

"I have given instructions to Mr. Ma's public relations company. Just wait for my good news... Mr. Ma, why are you fainting? Mr. Ma, please call an ambulance!"

As soon as the cheerful and smiling secretary came back, he immediately noticed the pain and fainted, and hurriedly called for an ambulance...

This kind of thing happened not only in Tongxun Company but also in Wangyi Company. The boss of Wangyi Company was also very sad.

"Boss, the retention rate of our game in one week is only 20%, which is only better than the Dream Three Kingdoms released by Painxun...

On the luxurious round table, the secretary of the board of directors was announcing these quarterly reports.

"What's going on? We have cooperation with Blizzard and so many Warcraft players support us. How can we have such a small retention rate? Isn't it at least 60%?"

The boss of Wangyi slammed the table hard!

The secretary was startled and said a little aggrievedly.

"It's like this, but boss, you have to know that although there are many old players in World of Warcraft, after all, this is not 10 years ago. Many old players have already switched to League of Legends, and now League of Legends has released The ticket activity is basically the rhythm of the National League of Legends, and many people who don’t play games have joined the ranks..."

"Damn, it's League of Legends again. Isn't this game only a little over a year old? What does your public relations department do? You don't know how to publish public relations documents to discredit them!

"Boss, it's not that we don't do our best, it's that there are too many fans of League of Legends. Accompanying them will be harmful to our company, and we will be besieged by their fans!"

The secretary's words immediately silenced the CEO of Net One.

After a long time, he looked at the directors on the board of directors around him and then spoke slowly.

"Don't you all have other ideas? We can only let this new generation trample our company?"

All shareholders can only take money but not do anything. Fools looked at each other, lowered their heads and chose silence.

At this moment, a young voice suddenly spoke.

"Boss, since we can't defeat their company alone, why don't we find help?"

This voice immediately made the CEO of Net One’s eyes light up and he turned his head. He immediately saw a young and thin figure walking out of the corner of the meeting.

The shock caused by this Weibo post about nutrition not only happened in China, but also caused great waves in many foreign companies.

"What's going on? Why isn't the company competing and the country is preparing for me to be in the Maldives!"

"The company must be disappointed with our foreign branches. Quickly modify the company's internal data and give more skin discounts to those Chinese students. Let them boost our reputation."

"Hurry up and do what other branches are doing. Only Chinese talents can boost our reputation!"

Since Lu Li’s Weibo post, Riot branches in various countries have all launched skin promotions with preferential treatment for Chinese students.

Lu Li's actions towards these branches naturally knew his intentions and were already expected.

However, he doesn't care about these branches. If he wants to continue to win his trust and favor, he still needs to continue working hard.

One month has passed very quickly. During this month, Lu Li and his team are still working non-stop to plan the next activities of League of Legends. The most important ones are the S2 season competition and the company’s annual meeting valley!

Of course, the second step is the design and location of the League of Legends theme plaza in Hangzhou. This is the first major offline project of League of Legends. It can even be said to be an experiment for the League of Legends district game company to develop into a leading company in various industries!

If the League of Legends theme plaza can be a big success, not only will it receive huge investment, but at the same time, it will also prove the power of the big IP of League of Legends!

As long as this project is completed, it can be guaranteed that the popularity of League of Legends will continue to rise in the next ten years!

Directly surpassing World of Warcraft back then!

Therefore, the designers and engineering departments chosen by Lu Li are all top leaders in the industry, and he also signed confidentiality agreements with them to prevent these partners from leaking information about the League of Legends theme park!

After all, even though it is a parallel world, his cheap dad still started in real estate and is a leading real estate company!

Moreover, the young father’s company is also developing a themed world in order to compete with Disney. If he hears that he is also developing this themed plaza, there will definitely be many obstacles!

".々As long as I finalize this square and start construction in three months, even a cheap dad like me won't be able to interfere!"

"Haha, in the original world, you were someone I looked up to, but in this world I want to defeat you!".

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