I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

24: Me! Founder Of League Of Legends!

During Lu Li's studies abroad, she had seen various product launches, such as Steve Jobs's Apple launch, Lei Jun's Xiaomi launch, Luo Yonghao's Smartisan launch...

At these press conferences, as the big bosses of a company, they strolled on the stage and talked, which made Lu Li once think that if he became the boss of a company one day and held a product press conference, he would also You can stroll around like them.

However, when Lu Li really left the backstage, walked to the center of the stage, and stood under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes, some nervousness arose again.

But okay, it’s just some.

When Lu Li looked up and saw that every audience present was excited about the opening performance of the game conference, Lu Li's mood became cheerful again.

"Dear viewers at the scene and in front of the TV, welcome to the launch of Riot Games' first game... I wonder, was the League of Legends show good to watch just now?"

Lu Li was sorting out his mood as he spoke.

"It looks great!" The audience responded with excited voices!

“Is Linkin Park’s song good?!”

"Sounds good!"

And when the audience responded so enthusiastically, Lu Li had no choice but to feel that all the tension disappeared in the midst of Lu Li's laughter!

"That's good, I'm very relieved. Before this, I was always worried that our press conference would not be exciting enough... But now it seems that we are still doing a good job, hahaha."

Lu Li said with a smile, and then, Lu Li's expression suddenly became solemn, and he looked at the audience around him solemnly and said.

"Hello everyone, I am the CEO of Riot Games and the founder of League of Legends, Lu Li!"

Lu Li said proudly to the audience, and immediately after, the audience gave Lu Li warm applause!

"This is too young... This Lu Li looks like he is only in his mid-twenties."

"Wow, it's really true. I feel like he could be my younger brother... It's true that talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years!"

"Although I still don't know what the game League of Legends is like, I have already fallen deeply in love with this game based on the performance just now!"

The audience talked a lot, but Lu Li continued to say with a smile.

"Perhaps everyone thinks that I am relatively young, and that it is unfair that I have become the CEO of a company at such a young age... But in fact, I am just lucky, and, in normal times, like everyone else, They all like to stay at home and play games.”

"What games did I play in the past? I have played Dungeon of Painxun, Zhuxian of Netizen 1, and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which has been popular for several years. But one day, I suddenly discovered that these games are really boring. It’s funny, even PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which claims to be a fair battle, has to rely on luck when clearing circles.”

Lu Li said this, and among the audience, countless senior PUBG players nodded.

"So, I was thinking, is there a game that is absolutely fair, without looking at the level, just like the painfully trained Dunkou Speedster, where you can win a game through your own operations, but you have to It’s like PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, with battles between players!”

"I've been looking for it for many years, but I didn't find it... So, seven years ago, when I was just studying abroad in high school, an idea was born in my mind."

"I want to make an absolutely fair battle game!"

"So, seven years ago, the prototype of the League of Legends game concept came to my mind!"

"At the beginning, the first thing that came to my mind was a story. Just like the continent of Azeroth in World of Warcraft, the world of League of Legends is called the continent of Valoran, and on this continent, there are some cities. They are called Demacia, they are called Noxus, they are called Ionia..."

"In every city, there are heroes who defend their homes, and as you can see, they include Annie, the daughter of darkness, and Ash, the ice archer... Do you like them?!"

While talking, Lu Li suddenly asked the audience.


And the audience also responded enthusiastically.

"In the next few years, I and some friends started making the League of Legends game, and just before I graduated from college, the League of Legends game was finally completed!"

"This is a 5v5 fair battle competitive game, and I named this type, MOBA!"

"Before the game launch, we announced the gameplay of League of Legends on Weibo. However, most players may not know what kind of game League of Legends is."

"So, for the first item of the game conference, I will lead the Riot Games team to demonstrate it to everyone on site!"

Lu Li said to the audience, and then, one side of the stage was once again illuminated by the spotlight, and under the spotlight, ten computers were placed on both sides, five or five apart, and on the seats, there were already It was filled with ten summoners!

"League of Legends is a 5V5 fair competition game. In each game, there are only two teams, and the purpose is to knock down the opponent's base crystal."

Lu Li first gave a brief introduction, and then, the League of Legends login interface lit up again on the big screen at the scene.

And then, audiences around the world saw for the first time the client interface of League of Legends after successfully logging in!

Directly above the center of the interface, there is a big word Play. In the upper left corner, there is an avatar. The right side displays the level, experience, and the number of gold coins and points.

The second line is a button that can be clicked.

The first one is a novice tutorial, the second one is a human-machine battle, the third one is a matching match, and the fourth one is a ranking match.

Further down, there is a dynamic news navigation bar similar to that of a news website. What you can see now are "League of Legends' first CG animation officially exposed" and "League of Legends joins hands with Linkin Park to sing the theme song." "etc.

As for the right side of the interface, there is a friends list, which can be used to view and add your own friends.

However, when the audience at the scene saw such a login interface, they were all stunned for a moment, and immediately there was a burst of noise.

Because they have never seen such a "hall" before!

"Isn't it? This League of Legends doesn't have a character lobby or something?"

"Yes, yes, there is no such thing as a main city like other games?"

"Wow, in this game, after logging in, you are all alone. Isn't this so boring?!"

"Trading system, is there a trading system? I also want to make money by buying equipment in this game!"

The audience at the scene and in front of the screen were talking a lot, and Lu Li also noticed this.

But at this time, Lu Li was not panicked at all, but instead smiled softly.

"I know that everyone is still very unfamiliar with the game League of Legends, but believe me, as long as you play a game, you will truly fall in love with this new model of the game!"

"Dear contestants, please start matching!"

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