I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

26: League Of Legends Server Officially Launched!

Because this game was just a demonstration for the audience at the scene and in front of the screen, the ten people from both sides didn't go anywhere. They just kept fighting in the middle. They resurrected after dying, teleported to the middle, and continued to join the battle. It’s impossible to communicate!

It was such an exciting battle that made every audience excited, not to mention how much they wanted to go on stage and have fun themselves.

In order to allow the audience to have a more intuitive experience with the League of Legends game, after the demonstration, Lu Li also made a spur-of-the-moment invitation and directly invited five lucky audience members to experience a human-machine battle.

At first, the audience thought that Lu Li asked them to fight against humans and machines because he looked down on their strength. However, they did not expect that they, who had just come into contact with the League of Legends, could not even beat humans against machines!

"Having experienced a game of League of Legends, do you have anything to say?"

After the human-computer experience was over, Lu Li was one of the five audience members who came to the stage with a smiling interviewer.

"I feel that League of Legends is really fun, but it's just as difficult as the human-machine game... But I think if I practice more and become familiar with the skills of each hero, I won't lose against the human-machine game."

"After I go back, I will definitely gather my friends and play League of Legends together!"

"I don't have anything to say. I just wanted to ask Mr. Lu if he could give me an activation code. I've been trying to get it for several days but I still haven't gotten it!"

"When will the public beta of League of Legends start? I have the activation code and I can't wait!"

Hearing the witty words of these five audience members, the audience burst into laughter!

As for Lu Li, she is even more satisfied! Because Lu Li is now 100% sure that although the League of Legends game conference is not over yet, his goal has been achieved!

Since the audience asked about the launch time of League of Legends, Lu Li did not continue to talk about it. After sending the audience off the stage, Lu Li continued to talk to everyone.

"After this game conference is over, tomorrow, at 0:00 on March 26, the League of Legends server will be officially opened! However, before 10:00 tomorrow morning, only summoners who have grabbed the activation code can advance Entering the server."

"But summoners who don't have an activation code don't worry, because at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, we will relax the registration restrictions. All summoners can directly enter the game and fight in Summoner's Rift!"

And when Lu Li informed the audience of such an accurate time, the summoners all cheered whether they were present or not!

On the one hand, League of Legends is definitely a fun game. On the other hand, they have never seen a game where a game conference is held today and the game will be launched tomorrow!

"This Riot Games company is so honest!"

"If we are punished by pain training or Net One, I'm afraid we will have to hang up for at least three to five years!"

"Just because this company is so sincere, I am determined to play League of Legends!"

The audience was talking a lot, and everyone had a smile on their face.

And then, Lu Li gave all the audience a huge surprise!

"Today, all summoners present, as long as you register for League of Legends through your mobile account and upgrade your summoner level to level 20 in the game, everyone will get a limited hero skin! "

Lu Li said this to the audience excitedly, but after his words fell, the painters headed by Pang Xinxin trembled in their hearts!

What the hell? Hero skin? It seems that Mr. Lu has never told them, right? !

Everyone's eyes widened and they had no idea what Lu Li was talking about on the stage. But judging from the huge cheers from the audience, Lu Li's decision seemed to have once again aroused their warm applause!

"We can't predict Mr. Lu's ideas...and this is why Mr. Lu can succeed!"

At this moment, Miss was already looking at Lu Li on the stage with a red face, full of admiration!

This game conference ended with the League of Legends game introduction. In the final stage of the conference, two singers specially invited by Lu Li, JJ Lin and Zhang Jie, also came on stage to sing and build momentum for League of Legends.

While the two singers were singing, Lu Li had already appeared in the private room of the vice president of Tongxun Games.

"Mr. Lu, I really admire you. I didn't expect your company to make such a game. I really don't mean to flatter you, but League of Legends can definitely surpass PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!"

Vice President Tongxun praised Lu Li and said.

Lu Li smiled and said, "You're welcome, if you want an activation code to try it out, just tell me directly."

Lu Li continued to laugh, but it made Vice President Painxun twitch the corner of his mouth, because what he said was definitely not what he meant.

"If it's possible, that would be great... But Mr. Lu, I think if you, Riot Games, work alone, you want to surpass PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds..."

Vice President Tongxun continued to chatter to Lu Li.

But Lu Li suddenly stood up and said to him apologetically: "Sorry, sorry, I suddenly rang. There is one more thing that has not been announced. Please excuse me first."

After saying that, Lu Li walked out of the box without looking back, leaving Vice President Tongxun alone in the wind.

How could Lu Li not understand what Vice President Painxun meant? Don’t you want them to get the agency rights of League of Legends?

But it is absolutely impossible for Lu Li to agree. After all, he is the founder of the League of Legends. If he finds a stepmother for the League of Legends, the "healthy growth" of the League of Legends will definitely be affected!

Although the negotiation with Vice President Tongxun was broken down, Lu Li soon reached an agreement with the Vice President of Net about a cooperation matter. To put it simply, it was between Tianyu and the League of Legends, which they represented. Channel each other.

Although it seems that Net One is riding on the popularity of League of Legends, Lu Li is not worried at all, but is very sure that in the end, Tianyu players will definitely flow into League of Legends in large numbers!

"Mr. Lu, JJ Lin, Guo Xiaosi and others also want to ask us for the activation code...can you give it to us?"

"Of course I did. If they go back and play League of Legends during the live broadcast, it will be a living advertisement for our League of Legends!"

Lu Li said with a smile. Although the 500 million start-up capital was spent after the game conference, almost no penny was left. However, Lu Li firmly believed that in the next short period of time, , he can earn back the 500 million!

Or, not just five billion, but one billion, five billion, fifty billion!

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