I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

46: Four Major Plans In The Early Stage Of The Press Conference!

However, before Lu Li could continue, Miss forcibly interrupted Lu Li's words and asked Lu Li in shock.

Because the cost of the last holographic projection was a full 300 million! With such a huge investment, Miss is still vividly aware of it!

From Miss's anxious expression, Lu Li could tell that Miss was indeed thinking about the company, which made Lu Li very happy, but now she is actually a little concerned and confused.

"No, no, no, this time, we don't need to spend so much money... Didn't you ask me what Rita does? That's what she does, but you don't have to worry about how to do it."

Lu Li smiled and said to Miss: "In short, my current goal is to hold another game conference in 20 days, so I need you, especially Guan Bo Niang, to come up with a plan as soon as possible. Let more people pay attention to our League of Legends and let them participate in this game conference!"

Lu Li said to the two of them.

In fact, Lu Li already had some ideas in his mind, but Lu Li also knew that the things he considered alone might not be comprehensive, so he asked two people to discuss it together.

"Is it 20 days from now...probably around Labor Day?" Guan Bo Niang said thoughtfully, "In that case, we have 20 days to publicize... Mr. Lu's idea should not just be us. As we have done before, attract people through the hero’s original painting and CG animation, right?”

"Of course." Lu Li smiled and nodded, suddenly realizing that this official blogger was well worth recruiting.

"In that case, we need to think of some ways to attract more players to the League of Legends game..." Guan Bo Niang murmured again.

"In this case, let me throw some light on it first." Lu Li suddenly said, "I will not give away free tickets for this game launch, but I will let the summoners fight for this free launch. Tickets for the conference... My first idea is to invite the top ten players in the League of Legends rankings to participate in the conference!"

Lu Li said, this method is quite simple and easy to implement. After all, with the incentive of participating in the game conference, the players in the qualifying match will definitely compete to get a higher rank!

"This method is really good!" When she heard Lu Li's idea, Guan Bo's eyes lit up, and then, Lu Li's suggestion also opened up the two people's ideas!

So, in the next hour, everyone thought of many traffic diversion methods one after another, but in the end the method they decided to use was actually not too many.

Riot Games’ second press conference is tentatively scheduled to be held on the evening of May 1, so several of the methods the three of them thought of were centered around this time.

The first method is that as of 0:00 on April 29, that is, 0:00 on Monday morning, the top ten summoners in the League of Legends qualifying rankings will receive an invitation from Riot Games to participate until May. During the game launch event on the evening of the 1st, at the same time, round-trip transportation expenses and accommodation will be reimbursed!

The second method is that as of midnight on April 22, in the League of Legends game, every player will randomly receive a press conference ticket fragment after finishing a game. Collect ten fragments and you can Combined into one conference ticket.

The plan invites a total of 1,000 people, and they have to bear their own travel expenses, food, accommodation, etc., so the deadline is one week in advance.

The third method is that as of midnight on April 22, when all the limited skins of the first batch of 20 heroes are purchased, the summoners will receive a lottery card ticket at the same time as the skin. After opening the lottery card, Summoners will have the opportunity to receive a ticket to the conference.

Summoners who have purchased hero skins before the event starts will receive reissued lottery tickets, and no summoner who supports the League of Legends will be treated badly! This plan is expected to invite 1,000 people.

The fourth method is that as of midnight on April 22, all summoners who have forwarded any Weibo of the League of Legends official Weibo will enter the lottery pool. At that time, the League of Legends official blog will also randomly draw 1,000 people. The summoner distributes tickets for the conference.

However, the limiting conditions of this plan are that the winning audience must have a League of Legends account of at least level 15, otherwise the winning qualifications will be drawn again.

The methods that Lu Li and the three have temporarily determined are the above four. After all, if there is too much, the summoners will feel irritated, but if there is too little, there is no way to stimulate the summoners' enthusiasm for participating in activities to the greatest extent.

As for these four methods, each method is actually to introduce summoners into the League of Legends game. Any cloud players or people who just want to try their luck and participate in the conference, Lu Li completely eliminates them!

Moreover, Lu Li is not worried at all about the issue of no one coming back for the press conference. After all, League of Legends’ first game conference, whether it was their CG animation or holographic projection, was criticized on Weibo. It was hotly searched all night, and in the following days, authoritative media continued to report on it!

In other words, everyone wants to come to the scene and see such a shocking holographic projection!

"Guanbo mother, tomorrow morning, you go to the development department, and they will rush to make the ticket fragments and lottery cards. In the evening, you will announce this event!"

Lu Li said this to Guan Bo Niang, and Guan Bo Niang nodded excitedly, and then left the conference room, preparing to write a more convincing event description.

Then, Lu Li turned his attention to Miss.

"I asked you to register Riot Animation Company before. Have you registered it yet?" Lu Li asked Miss.

"Registered." Miss responded simply.

Lu Li nodded with satisfaction, and said again: "Tomorrow, you can go help me and register two more companies... One company is called Riot Music, and the other is called Riot Hologram (China). The two companies .”

Lu Li solemnly told Miss that since Lu Li is ready to develop in an all-round way, it is natural that music companies, animation companies, etc. will all be established...even though they are definitely shell companies.

"Understood!" Miss nodded, sensing Lu Li's ambition again!

"And... forget it, just go and do this, I will take care of the rest." Lu Li smiled and waved to Miss, then walked towards the bedroom.

After three days of traveling back and forth from Europe, Lu Li was still very tired and urgently needed a rest. However, before going to bed, Lu Li turned on her phone and sent a message to Linkin Park on WhatsApp.

"Are you there?"

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