I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

55: A Press Conference That Will Go Down In History! 【2】

Although Lu Li rented the venue for two days like last time, this time it was much more intense than the last time at the Mercedes-Benz Center.

After all, last time, the Black Bow team only had to run around in a certain gymnasium, but this time, the Riot Holographic Team had to run around the entire foot of Mount Putuo, just to make it possible for the people on the night of May 1 Holographic projection can present a scene where the sky and the earth are all stages!

Before the Riot Hologram team came to Putuo Mountain, they had already simulated the on-site construction on the computer based on the terrain of Putuo Mountain. So when they enter Putuo Mountain at midnight tomorrow night, they only need to set up the equipment according to the points they have stepped on before. Just install it.

But despite this, the Riot Hologram team still spent a full sixteen hours from zero to four o'clock the next afternoon, "430", before finally completing the construction of the equipment!

"Mr. Lu, the coser team is also ready. This time, do you want them to perform in sync with the hero characters as before?" Miss asked Lu Li.

"How are you performing? Flying into the sky?" Lu Li curled her lips and rejected Miss's proposal. As for the purpose of the cosplayers, they can just be backup dancers when the five singers played.

"Are all the dubbing teachers here?" Lu Li asked Miss again.

"We'll be there tomorrow afternoon." Miss replied, "And this time, I followed Mr. Lu's wishes and invited those big shots..."

Lu Li laughed when he heard this.

There are so-called big shots in the gaming, film and music circles, but the ones Lu Li finds most interesting are naturally Ma Huateng and Ding Lei, the big bosses of the two major game companies, Paixun and Wangyi. .

"They didn't come last time, but two heads of the game department were sent over. Now they are willing to come?" Lu Li chuckled.

"And, actually, I didn't invite them, it was their agent who took the initiative to contact me." Miss said with another secret smile.

In addition to these two big names, Lu Li still respects some other big names, such as the real big directors in the film industry, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou, and Wu Jing, who just became Mr. Ten Billionaire at the beginning of the year, etc.

However, Lu Li clearly knows that the protagonists of the game conference tomorrow night will not be them at all, but the five new heroes of the League of Legends and the ten strongest kings!

"Test it and see how the projection works!"

That night, Lu Li said to the new director of Riot Hologram, and then everyone put on the special glasses they had purchased in advance and said, "Look up to the sky hall!

And when everyone watched the holographic projection completely, even Lu Li himself was shocked!

Because he never imagined that watching a holographic projection on the sea would feel like this!

The whole person felt like he was on the sea, completely witnessing the wonderful "interaction" of the five heroes!

"Tomorrow night, it's safe!" Lu Li took off his glasses and said confidently!

Time passed through April and finally came to May!

May 1st is the beginning of a long vacation for most people, but for the summoners of League of Legends, tonight, Riot Games will definitely give them enough shock again!

Therefore, the summoners who got the tickets for the press conference in advance rushed to the Magic City from all over the country early, and took various modes of transportation to rush towards the Putuo Mountain Scenic Area, hoping to see the press conference in advance. appearance.

However, when the summoners came to the entrance, they were told that Mount Putuo refused to receive ordinary tourists today. As for the summoners attending the League of Legends game conference, they would not be able to visit until five o'clock in the evening. You can enter the scenic spot with your ID card and tickets.

This left the summoners speechless, but they had no choice but to wait.

As for Riot Games, Lu Li and the others slept until ten o'clock in the morning after a busy day yesterday.

However, this "they" actually only includes Lu Li. The others have entered work early.

After Miss saw Lu Li get up, she immediately reported the business situation throughout April to Lu Li.

In the past month, League of Legends has gone from 30 million registrations on the day of the open beta to 150 million registrations yesterday, and the number of people online at the same time has also climbed to 7 million!

At the same time, in the past month, the 20 limited skins launched by League of Legends have also brought nearly 300 million yuan in revenue to Riot Games...

But even so, there is still 700 million yuan left before the capital can be recovered!

"It's okay. Take your time. You can't become a big fat man after one bite." Lu Li smiled and pinched Miss's face, walked out of the bedroom, and while washing up, he was going through tonight's press conference in his mind. specific process.

After washing up, everyone from Riot Games went directly to the Putuo Mountain Scenic Area and once again made final preparations before the launch of the press conference!

As for the summoners outside the scenic area, they waited until five o'clock in the afternoon before they could finally enter the Putuo Mountain Scenic Area.

"Everyone enters with their ID card and ticket, and each receives a special pair of glasses. After entering the scenic spot, except for the stage at the foot of Putuo Mountain, you can go anywhere else, but it is recommended to go in front of Putuo Mountain because you can see the performance The whole picture.”

"No deposit is required for the glasses, but be careful not to damage them. If they are damaged, we will pursue a compensation of 1,000 yuan for the cost. Each person has one pair of glasses, corresponding to each other. If the glasses are damaged, the League of Legends will permanently block your identity information."

"The admission time is from 5 to 7 o'clock. If anyone has not entered the scenic spot by then, we will give the remaining tickets to the summoners on site for free, but the summoner's game level is required to be level 15 or above!"

When the summoners entered the venue, the speakers and posters on both sides of the ticket gate constantly reminded the summoners who were present.

As for the compensation of 3.2 thousand yuan for damaged glasses, it’s not that Lu Li is stingy, but there are 4,000 pairs of glasses on site, which adds up to a total of 4 million Hua Xia coins. If the summoners really damage it, say no It hurts, it’s really impossible!

The summoners who had obtained the tickets were obviously prepared for this, so they entered the venue in an orderly manner. After entering the scenic area, they walked around the huge stage at the foot of Putuo Mountain and walked towards the mountain.

It was indeed very tiring, but when night fell and the sea breeze blew gently on the faces of the summoners, they suddenly discovered that the League of Legends game conference was held in Putuo Mountain. It was not only extremely romantic and shocking, but also absolutely Will go down in history!

After all, the upcoming game conference will be the first in the world to be held on a mountain!

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