I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

57: Who Is That Long-Legged Woman? ! 【4】

When the cannonball quickly passed through the bottom and fell, Sun Wukong finally emerged from the bubble and pushed Nami next to him to separate her from him. But the next moment, the cannonball hit accurately. Sun Wukong's body!

"No, Sun Wukong is going to die?!"

All the summoners were shocked!

But the next moment, Sun Wukong's appearance was revealed in another direction!

"Sun Wukong is not dead! The one who died just now was his clone!"

And then, all the summoners became extremely excited again!

During the two sections of the cannonball, neither Nami nor Sun Wukong spoke, they just nodded to each other.

The next moment, Nami waved the weapon in her hand, and then, the rolling sea water actually rolled upward directly from the deep sea!

"This should be the mermaid's ultimate move, Howl of the Raging Waves! This is so cool!"

When the summoners on Putuo Mountain have become accustomed to such real holographic projections and feel the sea water rolling over them, the summoners' mood is extremely exciting!

And while Nami and Sun Wukong were speeding towards the pirate ship, a shark was also quickly heading towards the pirate ship from the other side!

As soon as the camera turned, a little fishman holding a trident, with a fierce look in his eyes, stepped on the back of the shark and headed towards the pirate ship!

And when the captain realized all this, it was already too late!

The tsunami overturned his pirate ship, and the sharks ate his crew members. When Sun Wukong's big stick fell on the captain, the captain's body was knocked directly into the air and flew towards the distant shore. Passed by!

"Wow, this should be Sun Wukong's ultimate move. The skill of Havoc in Heaven can knock him away!"

"It's so cool. Although I, Old Sun, don't have much strength, it's still quite easy to beat the captain of a small fish!"

However, what surprised the summoners was that although the little fish man and Sun Wukong Nami killed the captain together, the little fish man still looked at the two of them coldly, and then went towards the shore to kill them!

"Isn't the captain dead?!" the audience wondered.

And sure enough, the next moment, the captain who landed on the beach actually opened his eyes again after struggling to eat an orange!

"This is the captain's W skill, Scurvy Cure"[!"

"No, he's not even dead?!"

"He should be dead, the little fish man is about to rush over!"

But just when everyone was paying attention, a pair of extremely smooth long legs suddenly appeared next to the captain, and then pulled him up!

"Holy crap, who is this long-legged guy? Didn't the League of Legends only announce five new heroes before?"

"Brother, you wipe your nosebleed first and then ask... I'll go, why do I have a nosebleed myself..."

When everyone saw the long legs that were exposed all the way to the inner thighs, most of the male summoners, apart from showing slight respect by erecting, were filled with shock!

Because among the five heroes previously announced by the League of Legends, Sun Wukong, Dragon King, Captain, Nami and Little Fishman have all appeared in this CG animation, but this time, another long leg appeared!

Who is this person? Why can’t I see his face?!

And just when the audience was extremely confused, the camera gave the main perspective of the little fish man, and just when the little fish man was about to dock, there was indeed a sudden burst of arrogant laughter on the shore!


Accompanying the woman's laughter was a series of machine gun-like bullets. They formed a barrage of bullets, instantly blocking all the paths forward for the little fish man, which forced the little fish man to support himself. The trident retreated unwillingly.

The battle seemed to be over. On the sea, Sun Wukong and Nami said goodbye and prepared to go to another place.

But at this moment, in the sky, the face of the Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly appeared behind the clouds!

What's even more surprising is that at this moment, the camera turned and came under the deep sea!

In the extremely frightening deep sea, at this moment, two extremely dangerous yellow lights suddenly emitted, and then, a rusty anchor rushed directly towards the sea!

League of Legends!


Riot Animation-Shimei Animation-jointly produced!

"I'll go and it's over?!"

When this CG animation, which lasted only about five minutes, ended, both the audience at Mount Putuo and the audience in front of the screen felt as if they were in another world, and they still had no idea what to expect.


But just when the audience at the scene wanted to take off their glasses and the audience in front of the screen wanted to take a rest, the camera suddenly lit up again!

And then, in the sky, two light pillars suddenly appeared on one left and one on the right. The next moment, a dark and deep space door slowly opened, and then, three dark black pillars suspended in the air crawled out. insect!

At this point, the first expansion pack of League of Legends has officially ended!

But at this time, all the audience were in shock and could not recover from it for a long time!

Is the first expansion pack of League of Legends shocking?!


Are the new heroes awesome?!


But despite this, all the summoners felt like they had a lump in their throats and felt unhappy all over!

"Who is that woman?!"

"Who is that black shadow?!"

"What was the bug that appeared at the end?"

".々What kind of cool operation is this? There are easter eggs at the end of the main film, and there are still easter eggs after the main film?!"

The summoners asked one after another, but who could answer their questions?!

When the first expansion pack of League of Legends, "The Advent of the Great Sage", was officially played, Guan Bo Niang was also at the scene and officially uploaded the complete video of "The Advent of the Great Sage".

However, what Guan Bo Niang and Lu Li may not realize is that at this time, the keyword "The Great Sage is coming" has already been listed on Weibo's hot search!

At the same time, the great directors sitting at the scene were also shocked by the content of the expansion pack just now!

"It's amazing, it's amazing. I originally thought that the holographic projection I made at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics was already amazing, but compared with Lu Li and the others, it was nothing at all!" Zhang Yimou Said in amazement.

"Yes, yes, if my film "The Wandering Earth" had such technology, it would definitely dominate the annals of history!" Wu Jing also said in shock.

"So, is this Riot Games company really a game company? If Lu Li switches careers and comes to the film industry, I'm afraid we will all be out of food." Feng Xiaogang also laughed (Wang Li said happily.

What is very different from these three is that at this time, the expressions of Ma Huateng, the CEO of Tongxun, and Ding Lei, the CEO of Wangyi, are quite ugly.

Take Ma Huateng as an example. Gaming is the most important industry for pain training. Their slogan is "Create happiness with heart", but now it seems that their intentions are not as good as those of Riot Games?!

Just one expansion pack has already left them hundreds of miles behind!

I heard that Lu Li invested a total of 200 million to make this expansion pack. But for Ma Huateng, it is absolutely impossible for him to invest so much in the early stage for a game!

"Ding Lei, this Lu Li is in danger..." Ma Huateng said to Ding Lei with an ugly face, and Ding Lei immediately nodded in agreement.

But the conversation between the two ended here, because as the lights of Mount Putuo came on, on the stage at the foot of the mountain, a young and handsome man stood there, ready to perform!

"Is it Xu Mengyuan?"

"I'll go, it's really Xu Mengyuan!".

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