I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

05: Hero Original Painting And League Of Legends Theme Song

Lu Li this year is actually only 24 years old. As early as when Lu Li was 16 years old, he had already completed an eight-year undergraduate, master's and doctoral program at the University of London. His major was business administration, so he was very familiar with operating a company. Things like this are actually already familiar to us.

Of course, it was purely an accident that I had forgotten that the Industrial and Commercial Bureau did not work on Sundays...

As for Miss Han Yiying, she also completed an eight-year undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree in human resources management at the University of London with Lu Li. Moreover, this little girl also taught herself some things that Lu Li didn't even know. So if she hadn't followed Lu Li, By her side, Miss will be an all-powerful strong woman even if she returns to China alone.

At the same time, as the former son of Huaxia Capital, Lu Li is well aware of some of the problems in the management of Baida Company. Therefore, in order to stimulate the greatest work enthusiasm of employees, Lu Li also decided to provide the best working environment for employees.

In the morning, after Lu Li recruited four female painters, the six of them went directly to a nearby restaurant to have a sumptuous lunch. Then, Lu Li asked Miss to help the employees in a nearby community. , specially built a large room with four bedrooms and one living room.

"Every morning at nine o'clock, I come to the company to report on the work progress of the previous day. After that, I can work in the company or go home. There are no restrictions. But we are a start-up company, so there are no rest days. But if something really happens, you can Ask for leave."

Lu Li said this to them when saying goodbye to everyone, which shocked all four of them, because they had never seen such a good boss!

In one afternoon, Miss directly purchased ten sets of current top-notch painting equipment to help the painters better complete the tasks required by Lu Li.

The recruitment of painters is naturally still in progress, but the four painters who arrived early need to start work the next day.

"Your first task is to create original paintings for the top twenty heroes in the League of Legends game!"

In the office, Lu Li projected the heroes on the computer onto the screen one after another. Although the models of the heroes have been established and are very exquisite, from a sensory point of view, they are not beautiful enough, so in order to promote the heroes Alliance, the original paintings of each hero are essential.

"The four of you, each of you will draw the original painting of a hero for the time being. Try to maintain the same style and draw a set...understand the character of the hero from the background story?"

"Annie, the daughter of darkness, is a little loli, but she is actually very dangerous. Her partner is a big bear named Tibbers, who has a moody personality."

"Ice Archer Ashe is the war mother of the Avarosa tribe. She holds an ice bow and wants to lead her tribe to regain the lost territory of Freljord."

"Tauren Chief Arista was a Tauren warrior, but all his people were killed by Noxus rebels. For this reason, he also embarked on a path of resistance."

"Card Master Drizzt is a notorious card master and habitual fraudster. His charm and gambling skills can be seen in every inhabited place in the world, making the rich and idiots both envious and jealous."

"The above is a brief introduction to these four heroes. If there is a detailed background, I will write it out in the Quip document. Then you can read it for yourself."

Lu Li said to the four painters, but what surprised Lu Li was that after he described it for only ten minutes, Pang Xinxin had already drawn the appearance of a little girl in his notebook.

When Lu Li looked at the girl, he was almost shocked! Because the little girl that Pang Xinxin sketched out in just ten minutes was not the latest original painting version of Anne in her previous life in Lu Li's mind. What does it look like?!

In the previous League of Legends, each hero actually had multiple versions of the original painting. Everyone liked different versions of the original painting. As for Lu Li, the one he liked was the last version of Annie.

After all, the previous versions of Annie were really optimistic and did not match the tragic experience of Annie's background story at all. In the latest version of Annie's original painting, Annie has become a rather fierce little loli. , although it doesn’t match Annie’s size, Lu Li likes it the most.

What really surprised Lu Li was that Pang Xinxin actually drew the look of her favorite Annie!

Could it be that this Pang Xinxin is the roundworm in my stomach?!

"Mr. Lu... Are you satisfied with this Annie?" Pang Xinxin naturally saw Lu Li's eyes and asked a little flattered.

"Um... I think your lines could be stronger and the eyes more ferocious. However, Tibbs, the bear, needs to be made more cute. After all, we will definitely make peripheral products in the future." Lu Li He said to Pang Xinxin with a strong mouth.

Pang Xinxin actually rolled his eyes!

"Come on, come on, I'll give you the pen and you can draw!"

"Go, go, if I can draw, why would I invite you here?!"

The bickering is suspended.

"That's right, I will only give you a week at most to draw the original painting of each hero. If you don't draw it well, I'm sorry, then I will think that your level is not good enough to stay in Riot Games."

But at the last stage of the morning meeting, Lu Li still said this to the four painters. After all, although he was rich, there was absolutely no way he would let his employees eat here and wait to die!

After the four artists left the company, Lu Li once again urged Miss to recruit artists quickly, because Lu Li had decided to start promoting League of Legends on the Internet in a week.

As for the 20 heroes in the first version of League of Legends, Lu Li had to ask ten artists to draw two of them each, so as to maintain enough popularity in League of Legends.

As for the new heroes, Lu Li does not plan to continue making them, but is planning to start perfecting each hero’s lines, background story, and little easter eggs between heroes.

But apart from this matter, Lu Li still has a more important thing to do in the near future.

That is, making a League of Legends game theme song!

A good piece of music is an excellent promotional channel for a game or a movie. Before 2019, many people were defrauded of going to the cinema because of a movie theme song, but the result was Found it to be a bad movie.

League of Legends is certainly not a bad game, but a good theme song must be produced by Lu Li first!

"Open the music maker!"

Lu Li returned to the office and opened the music maker in the LOL system. Then, Lu Li was pleasantly surprised to find that there were already various unfinished songs in this music maker. Library!

And when Lu Li searched for related music on NetEase Cloud Music in this parallel world, he suddenly discovered that none of these music had ever been released in this world!

"That's great, that's great!" Lu Li said with great excitement. After all, this would save a lot of trouble in the promotion work of League of Legends!

"The first League of Legends theme song, which song should I use?"

"This is the song! "NumB"!"

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