I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

63: A Full 15 Times Return On Investment! 【10】

Yo? Not only did Blizzard suffer a bloody blow, these two companies actually helped Lu Li open up a new way to make money?!

This situation made Lu Li happy, but it made Ghost Crab look ugly on the spot, because before he came here, he didn't expect that he could also apply for the agency rights of Canada and Moses, so he only brought those from the United States. Money comes...

If he had known that this was the case, he would have directly asked the company for one billion U.S. dollars and acquired all the agency rights in North America in one fell swoop!

But now, the ghost crab is regretting it too much!

"So Mr. Ghost Crab, are you still willing to compete for the agency rights of these two countries? I heard that your Blizzard is also spread all over the world." Lu Li turned his head and looked at Ghost Crab with a smile and asked.

"If Mr. Lu is willing to give me some time to apply to the company again..." Ghost Crab's euphemistic Lu Li expressed that he had no money.

However, it encountered strong opposition from Rockstar and EA.

This time, Lu Li did not object to the heads of Rockstar and EA again. After all, although they may not be as rich as Blizzard, if Riot Games can cooperate with the three companies at the same time, then it will also have a certain influence on the development of League of Legends. Quite a lot of benefits!

So, in a "relaxed and happy" atmosphere between the four of them, the agency agreements between Riot Games, Blizzard, R390 Star, and EA were all finalized!

Blizzard obtained the agency rights of League of Legends in the United States at a cost of US$300 million per year, plus 40% of the revenue.

Rockstar Corporation has obtained the agency rights of League of Legends in Canada at a cost of 200 million per year, plus positive income.

EA has obtained the agency rights of League of Legends in Moxigo, and the fee is 200 million per year, plus 40% of the revenue!

If we look at the three countries in North America, which make a total of 4 billion US dollars per year, Lu Li can earn 2.3 billion US dollars a year in North America alone! Converted into Chinese currency, this is about 14 billion US dollars!

"I didn't expect that in just one month, I could make so much money in the next year!" Lu Li said with a smile, feeling very satisfied.

However, the money in the contract, except for the agency fees that need to be paid directly to Riot Games by the three companies, the divided money will be settled on January 1 every year, but despite this, Lu Li also got 700 million US dollars in an instant income!

"I have another request. After you (bdab) start the operation of League of Legends in various places, you need to cooperate with me as soon as possible to launch a professional League of Legends event, because I expect to host our League of Legends at the end of this year. The first world exhibition!”

Lu Li said to the three of them, and the three of them nodded immediately. After all, the income from games may not be much, but the income from e-sports is a lot!

Although the money has to be split with Riot Games, even so, the money they earn will actually be more!

On May 5, Lu Li successfully negotiated agency matters with three companies in the United States. So in subsequent negotiations with other countries, Lu Li used the contracts of the three American countries as a reference. We have signed various agency agreements with game companies in other countries.

On the island country, Sony Games has obtained the final agency rights, and the annual agency fee is 100 million yuan, plus 40% of the revenue.

Very few, but there is nothing you can do about it. After all, the e-sports industry in the island country is not very developed, so the money you can make from video games is actually not much.

On the Bangzi Country side, Nexon, which published "Dungeon and Fighter", obtained the final agency rights. The annual endorsement fee is one billion yuan, a little less than 200 million US dollars, plus 40% of the income. divided into.

For Bangzi Country, although it is a small place, the development of the game industry is still quite powerful. Coupled with Lu Li's personal national sentiments, the asking price for Bangzi Country is a bit higher.

In fact, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' PUBG could bid higher, but it was still rejected by Lu Li. After all, he didn't want PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to become popular again by taking advantage of the popularity of League of Legends.

In Europe, it is not a certain company that has obtained the agency rights, but several countries have jointly obtained the agency rights for League of Legends in Europe. The annual agency fee is 1.5 billion US dollars, plus a 40% revenue share.

As for the specific allocation in Europe, Lu Li doesn't care, but Lu Li also requires each of their companies to have one person to set up a Riot Games branch in Europe [to communicate with Riot Games headquarters on all matters related to League of Legends.

Except for North America, Europe, island countries and Bangzi countries, the e-sports industry in other countries is actually not very prosperous, so in the remaining countries and regions, Lu Li only received a total of about one billion Chinese coins a year. Agency fees, and 40% share.

At this point, the global development layout of League of Legends has been officially determined!

Although this step has not actually been sold, Lu Li has still received about 16 billion Huaxia coins in agency fees from all game companies before this!

When Lu Li signed agreements with various companies, he actually didn't feel anything. But when Lu Li returned to the company and calculated the money with Miss, Lu Li was still shocked!

Two months ago, Lu Li started a business with 500 million Huaxia coins given by his ex-father, but in just one month, he was completely ignored!”

A month ago, because of money problems, Lu Li went to the bank for a loan of 500 million Huaxia coins!

A week ago, Lu Li was a little worried about how long it would take him to repay the one billion!

But today, Lu Li not only repaid all of the one billion yuan, but also directly obtained 15 billion yuan in income!

From investing 1 billion to earning 15 billion, Lu Li’s return rate reached a full 15 times!

"Mr. Lu, you, you are really amazing!"

At this time, Miss couldn't help but take a big sip on Lu Li's face!

"Am I richer than my ex-father now?" Lu Li chuckled and turned around to ask Miss.

But she was met with a blank look by Miss: "With only 15 billion in income, you want to surpass Uncle Lu. You think too much..."

Miss complained to Lu Li, but Lu Li was not angry, but became more confident!

"It's okay. We have made 15 billion in two months. By this time next year, I think I will be a richer man than my ex-father!"

"When the time comes, I will definitely go back and give him 5 billion to tell him to get out of that woman!"

(The tenth update has arrived. Please give me some help. I still have 30 chapters left!)

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