I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

72: Hesitant Yu Shuang, Excited Ren Dong! 【19】

In addition to asking the official commentators to start preparations for the game as soon as possible, Lu Li also talked about another thing with everyone.

In previous lives, the main profession of League of Legends commentators was actually not commentary, but had their own jobs. Whenever there was a commentary task, they would fly to the corresponding venue to commentate on the game. The cost of each commentary It's probably about 3,000 yuan.

But in this life, Lu Li actually doesn’t really want these commentators to continue working. He just hopes that in addition to commentating on games, Lu Li can also become official staff of Riot Games!

During the game, I will commentate on the game. When there is no game, I will do some daily company work, such as publicity, planning, etc.

Before Lu Li told the commentators about this matter, Lu Li actually thought that the commentators would not agree with this matter. After all, in Lu Li's impression, these commentators are actually the type who come and go like the wind. I don't like the constraints of work.

But what Lu Li didn’t expect was that after Lu Li told the commentators about this matter in the conference room, the six commentators “actually all agreed with Lu Li’s statement!

"Of course we are willing, Mr. Lu! Our previous jobs were actually not very stable. Now, since you can provide us with a stable job and allow us to do what we like, we are naturally willing!"

"Yes, yes, why not do it!"

Looking at the smiling faces of the commentators, Lu Li was also very pleased. In this case, he saved a lot of trouble.

At the same time, because of the addition of the commentators, Lu Li suddenly had a new idea.

In the previous life, due to the popularity of League of Legends, many industries have prospered because of League of Legends. For example, League of Legends live broadcasts have supported a large number of anchors, and League of Legends videos have supported a large number of League of Legends video productions. Writers, as well as League of Legends novels, have also supported many authors like "The Mavericks Don't Eat Grass".

However, in the previous life, all these peripheral industry chains related to League of Legends actually had nothing to do with the official. But in this parallel world, if Lu Li personally builds an official platform, then he You can also get quite huge peripheral income!

However, Lu Li did not talk to the six commentators about his thoughts for the time being. Instead, he asked the commentators to go back to rest and wait for the call.

Immediately afterwards, Miss took Yu Shuang and Ren Dong back to the conference room with lingering fears.

"Mr. Lu, it's a good thing you reminded me, otherwise they would have returned to the capital in the afternoon!" Miss said to Lu Li with a smile, while Yu Shuang and Ren Dong were also sweating profusely. It seemed that It was a lot of traveling to get here.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"Hello, Mr. Lu..."

After seeing Lu Li, both Yu Shuang and Ren Dong breathlessly said hello to Lu Li.

"Don't worry, drink water and take a rest." Lu Li said with a smile and asked Miss to pour water for the two of them. After about two minutes, the two of them finally calmed down a little.

At this time, Lu Li finally began to talk about business with the two.

"Miss has told me before that you two are actually quite good, so I would like to invite you two to be the official hosts of our League of Legends. Do you agree?!"

Lu Li said to the two of them with a smile. After the words fell, they were stunned!

Didn't Miss just agree that this time she would have to conduct a final round of interviews? According to Lu Li, it seems that the two of them can be hired directly?!

Miss was also a little surprised, but she immediately understood that having two hosts, one man and one woman, was actually just right.

"Of course I do!" But just when Yu Shuang hesitated, Ren Dong already excitedly agreed!

"I was actually ready to resign from my job in the capital, come to the Magic City to find a job, and work as a commentator part-time... Looking at it now, although I didn't become a commentator, becoming a host is quite good. Not bad!”

"Thank you Mr. Lu!"

Ren Dong said to Lu Li very excitedly, because it is really not easy for a young man like him who has just graduated to get such an opportunity!

Lu Li smiled slightly and added: "But I want to remind you that we are not part-time here, but full-time. When there are competitions, you are the host, but when there are no competitions, you also need to complete the work. Are you willing to do other jobs assigned to you by the company?!"

When Ren Dong heard this, he became even more excited: "Yes! Of course I am willing! In this case, I won't even have to find a job!"

Ren Dong excitedly said to Lu Li, but Lu Li suddenly discovered that Yu Shuang's expression suddenly changed from the previous excitement to a hesitant expression.

".々What's wrong? Are there any difficulties?" Lu Li looked at Yu Shuang and asked.

"Um... Actually, I won't graduate until June this year, and then... I've actually signed a tripartite agreement with a TV station in the capital... I originally came here to apply for a commentary job. I just want to be a part-timer...but if I want to be a full-timer..."

Yu Shuang said in embarrassment. As for the reason, Lu Li actually knew it.

This should not be because Yu Shuang does not want to come to Riot Games full-time, but because Yu Shuang has signed a three-party agreement, if he breaks the contract, he will need to pay a liquidated damages of about 5,000 yuan!

For Lu Li, five thousand yuan is nothing, but for Yu Shuang, a young girl who has not yet graduated, it is quite a lot of money.

But despite this, Lu Li still did not think about helping Yu Shuang pay the liquidated damages directly out of his own pocket. Instead, he asked Yu Shuang (De Nuo Zhao) to think about the matter carefully.

After all, in this parallel world, although many things are basically the same as in the previous life, if Lu Li directly helps Yu Shuang solve this difficulty instead of herself, this may also affect Yu Shuang in this parallel world. The following behaviors of both parties.

But despite this, Lu Li actually wanted to tell Yu Shuang secretly that when looking for a boyfriend in the future, never look for that person named Guan Zeyuan...

However, Lu Li still didn't say this. After all, in fact, Yu Shuang and Guan Zeyuan were both talented and handsome, and when Lu Li already had so many women around him, there was no need to break up the relationship.

After the conversation with the two of them, Ren Dong went back to wait for news, while Yu Shuang went back to school to hesitate about his next choice. However, Lu Li discussed something with Mis immediately after the two left! .

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