I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

88: Official Anime Of League Of Legends! 【35】

When Lu Li finished singing these lyrics, Lu Li felt that his eyes were brighter than before. Then, Lu Li slapped his head fiercely and stood up with a "thump". !

"Beautiful! Why didn't I think of that before!" Lu Li laughed and said, but Lu Li's weird behavior frightened Pang Xinxin who was passing by. She thought the boss had suddenly gone crazy. Otherwise, how could this happen? Suddenly I hit myself!

"What are you looking at? If you look at it again, I will eat you at night!" Lu Li rolled her eyes at Pang Xinxin, then quickly made herself serious, and then ran towards her office!

Lu Li is really happy now, because before this, Lu Li's thinking was actually quite limited. He always felt that in this parallel world, every hero's appearance must be important, so he always I want to solve the problem through CG animation or even a press conference!

But now, Lu Li has figured out that even without using CG animation, Lu Li can use a completely new way to release new heroes!

And this brand new way is animation! And it is the official animation of League of Legends!

After thinking about this matter, Lu Li felt even more regretful. After all, before this, Lu Li had always said to himself that he wanted to build League of Legends into a popular game like World of Warcraft. game. 717 If nothing else, at least the summoners in the League of Legends can call each other "Demacia" when they meet!

However, it has been two months since the open beta of League of Legends. Not to mention ordinary summoners who don’t know what Demacia is, even Lu Li himself has almost forgotten it!

But fortunately, Lu Li remembered at this point that it was not too late to make amends!

"Pang Xinxin, Pang Xinxin! Come on!"

When Lu Li sat on the desk, he immediately thought of something and hurriedly called Pang Xinxin over. However, when she came, she was quite aggrieved. She felt that she would be "given" by Lu Li at any time. It's like eating.

"What are you thinking about? I want to tell you something serious!" Lu Li looked at Pang Xinxin seriously and said, "You have drawn so many original paintings of heroes. You should know which city-state each hero was born in, right? ?”

Although Pang Xinxin was confused as to why Lu Li asked this question, she still nodded and said: "I know, Ice Archer is in Freljord, and Ocean Disaster is in Bilgewater."

"Yeah." Lu Li interrupted Pang Xinxin and asked, "Then do you know where these city-states are located on the continent of Valoran?"

But Pang Xinxin shook her head. After all, Lu Li had never told her about this matter!

This is indeed the problem, and it is also Lu Li's own fault. Even Riot Games employees themselves don't know what Valoran looks like, so how can ordinary summoners know?

"Pang Xinxin, I want to give you a task now... draw a map of Valoran!"

Lu Li excitedly and seriously said to Pang Xinxin: "I will roughly mark the specific locations of each city-state for you. What are the characteristics of each city-state? I will also write it down for you. Then, you can first use this map. Draw it.

"As for the next step, I also need you to draw photo-type paintings for each city-state, so that the summoners can clearly know what each city-state looks like!"

"This matter is not urgent, but the map is. I will write the script now and give it to you first.

Lu Li said to Pang Xinxin excitedly, and waved her hand to let Pang Xinxin leave, making Pang Xinxin look cute.

But Lu Li's mind was already completely boiling at this time. Relying on his understanding of the League of Legends, he took a piece of A4 white paper, and then he drew crazy circles on it!

Well...the top right corner is Ionia.

The snowy mountains in the upper left corner are the Freljord.

To the lower left of the Freljord is Demacia.

To the right of Demacia is Noxus. The two are almost parallel, but the territory of Noxus is much larger than Demacia (bdei)...

Below Noxus is a strait, and on the other side of the strait is Shurima, a huge desert.

The mountain range on the right side of Shurima is called Targon, and the gods living on it...

Piltover and Zaun are in the lower right corner of Noxus. The lower right corner of this place is an ocean. In the middle of the ocean is an island called Bilgewater...

At the farthest end of the Valoran continent is an unknown place called the Shadow Isles... 056510313 Feilu 182183481]

While Lu Li recalled the map of Valoran, he drew several circles on the white paper, and then marked the names of these city-states in the circles.

"Pang Xinxin, these are the specific locations of several city-states in Valoran continent. You can enrich it according to this."

Lu Li looked at his work and showed it to Pang Xinxin with great satisfaction.

But it was the black line on one end that made Pang Xinxin see it.

"Mr. Lu, I can understand these circles... But if you ask me to enrich the map directly... you might as well ask me to draw colorful black circles!"

"Um..." Lu Li pouted, but he didn't quite know what was missing from his painting.

"You should tell me the specific information about each city-state!" Pang Xinxin almost went crazy. She picked up a toy fake knife from her seat and put it on her neck!

There is a tendency to kill oneself if one disagrees...

"Oh oh oh, let me think about it..." Lu Li pouted, but how could Lu Li remember the specific information of each city-state so clearly? He hurried back to the office and opened the LOL system. I spent tens of thousands of reputation points to find relevant information.

Demacia is a powerful, law-abiding country with a glorious military history of outstanding achievements. There is a strong emphasis on the ideologies of justice, honor, and duty [which the people here are strongly proud of].

Noxus is a powerful and prestigious empire. In the eyes of people outside Noxus, it is a self-reliant, bloody and barbaric country with insatiable desires. But for those who see through its warlike appearance, the social atmosphere here is actually unusually tolerant.

Ionia, a land filled with unspoilt natural beauty and native magic.

Freljord is a barren snowy mountain; the Void is the home of void creatures; Shurima is a desert...

When Lu Li gave Pang Xinxin a detailed introduction to all the city-states in the entire Valoran continent, Pang Xinxin looked up at Lu Li and was almost shocked!

"Mr. Lu... you are so awesome, how did you come up with these contents?!" Pang Xinxin asked in shock, her eyes full of admiration!

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