Wano Country, Oni Island!

Brother Ming and Aunt were the first to return.

Everyone was bathed in the spring breeze and returned home with the joy of victory.

Brother Ming put his hands in his pockets, stepping on the steps that the six relatives did not recognize, and after seeing Guigon, he immediately came to Guigon, praising his new technology this time, while showing off the victory of this big war.

“Hahahaha, Lord Catastrophe, you don’t know that the entire face of the red dog was green at that time!”

“Later, they wanted to snatch our [Douyun], it was completely useless, we just had to call, and Douyun would come back immediately.”

Brother Ming said excitedly, dancing and gesturing to Jigeng.

Aunt, the three generals and others also saw Ji Geng, and quickly came up and followed Brother Ming to tell about this battle.


Everyone was impassioned, and Ji Gon laughed and nodded repeatedly.

He is also very happy to hear the shock of these technologies, after all, it is quite interesting.

It’s a sense of accomplishment, after all, these technologies come from his hands.

And just after everyone finished speaking, Aunt and Brother Ming and other high-ranking officials also took out universal capsules to show Ji Geng the harvest this time.

I have to say that this time Aunt and others have gained a lot.

Grabbed a bunch of naval artillery, as well as all sorts of firearms, among which there were quite a few pacifists …

But most of the pacifists were already scrapped, and Guigon didn’t even want to look at them.

Katakuri asked in a deep voice, “Lord Catastrophe, aren’t you going to fix these pacifists?” ”

“In this way, we can also increase our combat power a lot.”

Ji Geng said directly, these are also garbage, and it is better to make more fairy beans or air cannons and somersault clouds when you have this time.

Suddenly, this sentence directly left Katakuri speechless, as if this was the reason…

However, when Guigons heard that these pacifists had explosive rocks in them, he couldn’t help but be interested.

He quickly asked Aunt and Brother Ming and others to take out the explosive rock inside, these are to make some super technological materials, and the explosive rock that Jack snatched before has been used up more than half, and this is another supplement.

Suddenly, Ji Geng just smiled and said: “You guys are doing a good job, this time these pacifists are snatched by you, you can find Ember to record your contribution…”

Hearing that contributions could be recorded, everyone was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Aunt, Brother Ming and the others were even more excited, and thanked Ji Geng one by one.

He even took out the blast rock inside the pacifist himself.

As for those artillery, Guigon’s interest was the [Disposable Universal Capsule], these pirated universal capsules were made into bullets, and a large amount of explosives were stored inside, and the power was terrifying.

If it weren’t for the fact that Aunt and the others had somersault this time, I was afraid that the Navy’s preparation would make the Hundred Beast Alliance deflated.

Ji Geng looked at these things and couldn’t help laughing: “I have to say that Vegapunk is really a genius!” ”

Aunt directly scoffed: “Brother Jigeng, he is an idiot compared to you.” ”

“Exactly! It’s just a replica of some of your technology…” echoed Minggo.

The crowd did not skimp on their exaggerated Quigon’s words.

This made Quiggon a little crying and laughing, and now the Aunt Pirates, the Don Quixote family, everyone in front of them is completely without an image, and they have completely become a joke.

I have to say that the things developed by [Wanjie Technology System] are really cattle!

For the people of this world, it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

I don’t know how the two emperors of Kaido, Auntie, and Mingge will react after he says the new technology that he is about to develop.

Ji Geng couldn’t help but outline the corners of his mouth, and he was a little looking forward to it.

And just when Ji Geng was facing this, a sudden noise sounded, which was very abrupt in this wave full of joy.

Ji Geng couldn’t help but be surprised, what happened?

Who is arguing?

Looking at the source of the sound, I saw Kaido and the golden lion returning from a quarrel.

Looking at the embers behind them, Quinn, Jack and the others all returned with a large amount of loot, and it was clear that this time Kaido and they also returned with a big victory.

This made Ji Geng, and the people who came back first, very puzzled, what happened to Kaido and Golden Lion?

How did you win a war and quarrel?

With surprise, Ji Geng walked over slowly and said with a wry smile: “Captain Kaido, Golden Lion, what are you?” ”

After Kaido saw Ji Geng, he was immediately overjoyed, and he pointed at the golden lion and said to Ji Geng: “Ji Geng, let’s kick the golden lion out of the alliance directly!” ”

After the golden lion saw Ji Geng, he immediately lost his aggressive demeanor just now, pointed at Kaido, and said to Ji Geng: “Ji Geng, Kaido, this bastard is just messing around!” ”

When Ji Geng understood the reason for the quarrel between the two, he was speechless for a while.

It turned out that these two goods would quarrel because Kaido wanted to show off and pretend, but every time they were preempted by the golden lion, directly stealing Kaido’s limelight… This made Kaido furious, and the golden lion, as the former Kaido’s senior, naturally would not admit it in front of Kaido, so the two had a dispute.

Ji Geng reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, only felt a toothache, he is a strong person, can he not be like a child?

This is outrageous!!!

Soon, Ji Geng chose to leave here, after all, Kaido always told him to kick out the golden lion, but he was afraid that if he continued to stay here, the quarrel between the two would be difficult to stop.

After Ji Gon left, soon Yamato came slowly on a small and small one… That is, somersault clouds.

Ever since Yamato got the cloud, she took it with her everywhere she went, just like a real pet.

And now Yamato has also gained freedom on the island of ghosts, and can go anywhere at will.

Yamato came to the banquet hall, ignored the hustle and bustle here, rode Xiaohe directly to the booth, took out the microphone and coughed, wanting to take the opportunity to attract everyone’s attention.

However, Yamato found that the people in the audience did not pay attention to her at all.

Auntie, Brother Ming, and others excitedly pulled the scrapped pacifists, constantly looking for explosive rocks from inside.

And Kaido and Golden Lion are still noisy…

Everyone cheered, venting about the victory of this big war.

The corners of Yamato’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, this is also too faceless, right?

Would this have happened if he had been Guigon?

Yamato couldn’t help but think so.

Soon, she collected her thoughts and said to everyone: “Everyone, listen to me, Jigeng has entrusted me and wants to tell everyone.” ”

As soon as Ji Geng was mentioned, everyone present raised their heads, just a name, but it directly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience, and one by one they stopped what they were doing and looked at Yamato waiting for her to speak.

Even the quarrel between Yamato’s father, Kaido, and the golden lion stopped, and he instantly changed his face, looking at Yamato seriously, waiting for her words.

“Yamato, what did Gigon say?” Kaido asked.

“Yes! Yamato Young Master, what is the commission of Lord Catastrophe? ”


On the stage, the corners of Yamato’s mouth twitched again.

This is simply a distinction, I just coughed here by a big living person, and everyone treated themselves as air.

But now Ji Geng didn’t even show his face, he just said his name, and everyone looked over, and all of them had a positive color on their faces…

This…… It’s outrageous!!

Although he is a little angry, Yamato is inexplicably a little happy in his heart, which also shows the status of Ji Geng in people’s hearts today!

Maybe he’s really better than Ota…!?

Yamato quickly contained his thoughts and slowly exhaled.

Everyone below couldn’t help but sit up, waiting for Yamato’s message.

At this time, everyone’s mood is a little surging, can it be said that the Lord of Natural Calamity has new technology!?

However, everyone thought about it and felt that it was impossible, after all, it was only a few days before the release of [Doudou Cloud], which was too fast if it was really technology.

Everyone was waiting, and they heard Yamato speak, “Everyone! Ji Gon said that he needed to entrust everyone to raise 10 billion Bailey! ”

After hearing 10 billion Bailey, everyone was surprised and suddenly fried.

“10 billion Bailey!?”

“A bounty equivalent to nearly two whitebeards…”

“That’s too much…”

“Lord Catastrophe, what are you going to do?”


There was a lot of talk.

Even the powerhouses such as Aunt, Kaido, and Golden Lion couldn’t help but gasp.

After all, 10 billion Bailey is not a small amount.

You must know that before Kaido and others collected the treasures of the two royal groups of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates, it was also worth it???? 10 billion Bailey.

On the stage, Yamato said slowly: “Ji Gon said that he made new technology!” ”

As soon as they heard about the new technology, even the people who came into contact with Ji Geng first in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were inevitably stunned.

“Are you really going to develop new technology?”

“Haha, this speed is really nobody!”

“Lord Catastrophe is really still Lord Catastrophe…”


After everyone was stunned, they showed ecstasy.

All of them were excited, just like beating chicken blood, after all, the last new technology somersault cloud let them hit the navy hard.

And what will the new technology be this time?

Everyone was both excited and expectant.

The golden lion couldn’t help but say, “What is the new technology this time?” ”

At this time, his heart is about to jump out of his throat, without him, Ji Geng frequently manufactures new technologies, and each piece is still so against the sky, making the golden lion feel that he is following the right person.

Fortunately, there was a gritted tooth and chose to join the Hundred Beast Alliance to follow Ji Geng.

Yamato couldn’t help but pick the corners of his mouth, and this playful look made Kaido in the audience stunned.

Yamato… It’s really changed a lot.

In the past, Yamato would only have a face in the Hundred Beast Pirates, but now he finally has feelings to show…

Yamato on the stage said: “The new technology is: [Time Wrapping Skin]…”


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