Ji Geng let everyone guess what function the newly developed technology has, everyone has different opinions, only Ember opened his mouth that this newly developed technology is loaded with things, everyone feels that this thing is too small to be loaded, but Ji Geng affirmed Ember’s guess, and introduced that this [universal capsule] can accommodate the next 100-meter-long pirate ship, which shocked everyone.

“This gadget can hold a pirate ship of 100 meters?”

“Are you kidding?”

“Mom, I feel like this is amusing us…”


Everyone in the Aunt Pirate Group said that they didn’t believe anything, this capsule is too small in the hand, such a gadget holds a 100-meter pirate ship, when we are fools?

Although everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was surprised, they did not react violently as the people of the Aunt Pirate Group, because from the bottom of their hearts, Ji Geng’s first two discoveries were considered to have conquered them, but Ji Geng, a scientist, had such a means.

In an uproar, Kaido, the leader of a hundred beasts, was shocked, and his eyes immediately lit up, although he had not yet seen the ability of this universal capsule, but Kaido chose to believe in Jigen.

He was very excited in his heart, when he traded artificial devil fruits with Doflamingo before, he still disliked the trouble of manual handling, but he did not expect that in the past few days, Guigons had developed technology to solve this troublesome problem.

“Ji Geng, you really know my heart too well!”

“Hmm, giggle…” Kaido looked back and laughed.

Immediately couldn’t wait to say: “Ji Geng, show it quickly, I can’t wait for it already.” ”

Ember directly pulled out his saber and handed it to Ji Geng: “Brother Ji Geng, if you can’t find something, you can use my knife to experiment.” ”

Ji Geng nodded, put the ember knife on the ground, and then said, “I’m going to start!” ”

Everyone was watching Guigon with bated breath, wanting to see how he put this long knife in, which was simply impossible to achieve at this size.

This capsule is not even one-twentieth the size of Ember’s long knife.

Kaido and Aunt, the two big men of the Four Emperors, also looked at it extra seriously, for fear of missing a trace of details.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw Ji Geng press the button on the capsule, and then threw the long knife of the capsule to the ground ember, and suddenly a puff of smoke appeared, accompanied by a “bang”, the smoke disappeared, and the long knife lying on the ground also disappeared.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but straighten.


“Long knives in it?”

“Dig a groove! I haven’t even figured out how to fit it in, which is amazing, right? ”

“Are you sure you put it in?” How do I feel that the long knife has disappeared? ”


In the puzzled gaze of everyone, Ji Geng picked up the [Universal Capsule] and threw it on the ground again, and the long knife that was ember after a smoke appeared again as before, exactly the same as the long knife just now, there was no difference.

Now everyone present was convinced, this small capsule really packed the long knife of Ember.

And the most outrageous thing is that you need to simply press the button on the capsule, but throw it, you can realize the storage of items, it is simply not too simple, and there is no need for any other complex operation.

Kaido was so excited that he quickly took out his belongings, mace and a huge wine jug, and then took the capsule from Guigon’s hand, wanting to try it himself.

Ji Gon directly handed the [Universal Capsule] to Kaido, and Kaido followed Ji Geng’s operation just now with a look of excitement, and sure enough, soon with a “boom” of smoke rising, Kaido’s items all disappeared.

Kaido quickly picked up the capsule from the ground, pressed the button again, and dropped it on the ground, and the items appeared again.

This made Kaido look happy, and began to “seven in and seven out”, having fun.

While tirelessly trying, he praised Ji Geng, “Good thing! Good stuff! ”

“This can bring great convenience to our Hundred Beast Pirate Group.”

Aunt watched Kaido keep trying this [universal capsule], and she was eager to try: “Kaido, let me try it too, don’t forget that you still owe me a favor.” ”

Ji Geng on the side was speechless, and the aunt really did not blush, and kept talking about things with this favor, with this favor or permanent experience?

Aunt didn’t care if Kaido promised or not, she immediately returned to her hall through any door, and then brought a large number of desserts, and then snatched the [Universal Capsule] in Kaido’s hand.

Kaido knew that if he didn’t want to, Aunt would definitely have to say the previous favor again, so he gave Aunt a try, and he said in a deep voice: “Lingling, don’t fight any crooked clams!” ”

At this time, where does the aunt still care what Kaido says, she directly puts her own snacks into the universal capsule, watching the pastries disappear, the aunt is happy, and then release them again, and the original He Ran pastries appear in front of him.

“Hahaha, Mon, Mon, Mon…” Auntie let out a strange laugh that belonged to her.

“This thing is really amazing!”

When other retainers saw this scene, they all thought that this universal capsule was very useful.

My mother has “food sickness”, if there is no dessert, then she will go crazy, and the madness will not distinguish between enemies and me, everyone may be poisoned, and with [universal capsule], you can bring many desserts anytime and anywhere, so that you are not afraid of your mother’s “food sickness”.

“However, desserts are easy to spoil, and with [universal capsules], they can’t be stored for long.” Katakuri thought of the key.

After hearing this, everyone also thought of this key point, and it was true.

However, only to hear Ji Geng sneer: “You don’t need to worry about this problem at all, the items stored in it are frozen for a long time, even if they are left for 100 years, they will not deteriorate.” ”

At this time, everyone in the Aunt Pirate Group was completely stunned.

“This little universal capsule is so sucked?”

“Can even time freeze?”

“Catastrophe … You’re too scary, aren’t you? ”


At this moment, everyone in the Aunt Pirate Group felt their scalps numb, and they only felt that Ji Geng, the field of natural disaster science, was extremely terrifying.

Ji Geng smiled, in fact, this universal capsule is not so awesome, can freeze time, but there is no oxygen in it, all bacteria can not survive in it, so naturally there will be no deterioration.

In other words, why can’t I help but pretend to be forced?

Could it be that he followed Kaido for too long and was taken down by him?


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