Sengoku, as a naval marshal, will definitely stand up when he sees low morale.

Using the purpose of the Navy, since they chose to become the Navy, in fact, many people are for the idea in their hearts, the belief in protecting the world.

Therefore, this remark of the Warring States can be regarded as inspiring the mood of everyone and reinvigorating their morale.

Soon, the soldier’s hand holding the gun was no longer weak, and his eyes were no longer just fear, becoming firm and full of excitement!


Sengoku gives orders, rush!


A shout of killing sounded, and the navy began to charge.

The roar then filled the entire sixth floor of the undersea prison.

The Warring States incarnation of the “Golden Buddha” opened the way for everyone, and the red dog also immediately began to fight…

On the opposite side, Kaido looked sideways at Guigon, waiting for Guigon’s order, since he said that this time he would be in power, then this big battle would be led by Guigon.

Now Guigon’s achievements, as well as his prestige, are enough to command the army.

Ji Geng looked at the navy that came from the fight, and secretly said in his heart: Taoism is different, and there is no conspiracy.


“Guys, rescue our partners!”

Ji Geng shouted, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group beside him, the Aunt Pirate Group, and the Don Quixote family responded one after another.

As Jigon shouted the order: “Charge! ”

The crowd began to charge, and artillery pieces returned fire.

And Kaido, Aunt, Katakuri, Ember, Mingo … Wait for the air cannon to be raised again and bombard it.

The two sides fought each other, Sengoku, Karp, the three generals, Zefa, Magellan… A strong man fends off the most terrifying air cannons for the soldiers behind him, giving the naval soldiers a chance to charge.

This prison, which has stood in this world for 800 years, began the first large-scale battle, and no matter what the final outcome of the war will be, it is already making history.

This shows that the rule of the world government has begun to be somewhat unstable.

Inside the prison, who still belonged to the strong of this era, Yu Zhixiru couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “In just the past few months, the way of war has changed so much… I always feel like I’m out of touch with the times now. ”

The air cannon is really a bit against the sky, no matter which force armed this thing, the strength will rise to a level.

The world is only being rewritten, and the people who caused all this are natural disasters!

In the aisle, hundreds of cannons were fired, and gunsmoke filled the audience, although it was said that both the height and width of the Dao were very huge, but for a battlefield of this scale, it was too small, and it was difficult to exert its fists and feet, and in just a few minutes, both sides had already been damaged.

And in such a battle, these people with low strength simply did not have time to use the fairy beans, and they were covered by new artillery and blown to pieces.

Warring States, Karp and the two took the lead in entanglement with Kaido, and Aunt is in charge of the three major generals, and the other double disasters and cadres with air cannons are in charge of the strong in the navy, Zefa, Magellan, Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin…

High-end combat power and high-end combat power are entangled, and the big war has become the main theme of heavy artillery.

Under such bombardment from both sides, even the prisoners in the prison also suffered.

The materials of the prison are all made of sea lou stone, and it is difficult to blast the prison out of the exit in a short time, and the explosion of the artillery sounded, the shock wave swept the prison, and some weak prisoners died on the spot, even if the stronger ones, the prisoners with the blessing of the Devil Fruit ability were also blown up with blood, and the broken limbs and arms were all over the battlefield!

In a short period of time, the number of prisoners killed is more than that of the two sides participating in the war, because the navy and the pirate group, as long as they can take the immortal beans in time, then they can be instantly resurrected with full blood, and those who are blown up, only with the help of companions, can also be resurrected under the anti-heavenly effect of the immortal beans.

Barrett, the Red Earl… The powerhouses of these levels are better, able to easily dodge damage, and they also discovered the existence of fairy beans.

“Is this fairy bean? The healing elixir…” Barrett subconsciously looked in Jack’s direction and waited for Jack’s confirmation.

However, at this time, Jack was cheering for his own people, and he didn’t have time to pay attention to Barrett.

“That’s right! That bean thing that looks like an ordinary one is [Immortal Bean], the first super technology of natural disasters. The Red Count said in a deep voice.

He had read Jack’s heart, so he could tell at a glance that these things were fairy beans.

Barrett was also the first time to see the effect of fairy beans against the sky, and he was amazed.

The big prisoners around him wailed continuously…

“Nima!! The navy and the two emperors fought, but it was us who suffered heavy casualties, this is beyond speak! ”

“Bastard! Can you see clearly that the cannon is being fired… Ah——!!! ”

“Let’s see if any fairy beans have fallen, we also have to get some, otherwise it will definitely be us who die…”


The prisoners on the sixth floor of the undersea prison began to have large-scale deaths and injuries, which made them feel extremely aggrieved, they were also watching the play, too wronged!

The war has entered a white-hot stage, and the three major generals who are dealing with their aunt, Zhongqing Pheasant, suddenly discovered the natural disaster behind, and at this time, he had no one to protect him, which was a good opportunity to seize him.

After the three generals combined to resist Auntie’s air cannon again, the green pheasant chose to strike.

I saw that he was shocked by the air cannon and retreated, kneeling on one knee and sliding on the ground for a distance, and then his eyes narrowed slightly. Whispered, “Ice Age!! ”

From the ground where his palm touched, the hissing cold ice began to spread, everything in its path was frozen, the prisoners in the prison were terrified and avoided, and some of the slow ones suddenly turned into ice sculptures, and became fragments after falling on the ground…

The ice quickly spread towards where Ji Geng was.

“Bullet Bow !!!”

At this time, a sound of breaking air swept up, accompanied by a terrible heat wave.

The green pheasant couldn’t help but look, and saw that I don’t know when Ember appeared not far away, at this time, he turned into an orc form, and his arm was slashed out by a double-edged blade with wings, and at the same time, wrapped in flames, he slashed a blade with flames in the air.

The heat wave began to fuse the cold ice of the pheasant, and the slash fell, completely cutting off the spread of the pheasant’s ice age.

The green pheasant couldn’t help frowning: “Yan Calamity…”

He raised his hand, and his ex-husband suddenly appeared three long robberies made of ice illusion, “Three phoenixes!!” ”

The opposite ember laughed, raised his hand and arm, and the air cannon on his finger was aimed at the green pheasant, and suddenly the voice of the green pheasant was tight, solemn to the extreme.

Even if it is just the air cannon of the imperial deputy, it is estimated that he will be difficult to resist, and the air cannon of Brother Ming, the Seven Martial Sea, can traumatize the red dog.

However, just when the green pheasant was about to dodge, he saw that Ember did not intend to attack, which surprised him a little.

“What is the Yan Calamity going to do?”

Just when he felt that it was okay, Ember’s air cannon was launched, and the green pheasant and others heard the sound of breaking the air, only to realize why Ember did not attack immediately.

This air cannon can interfere with the sight, and he waited until he let his guard down before attacking.

Suddenly, the air cannon blasted the pheasant’s body into crushed ice and fell to the ground.

The fragments that fell to the ground began to recombine into the body of the green pheasant, and there were already blood stains at the corners of his mouth, and he took the next immortal bean, and couldn’t stop saying: “Huh! This stuff is really tricky! ”

The pheasant originally planned to attack Ji Geng, but was stopped by Ember, and also used the air cannon to counter the pheasant, which made the pheasant realize that the air cannon was really tricky.

And at this time, a golden flash appeared beside the green pheasant, and I saw the yellow ape crooked his mouth and said: “Green pheasant, you go to help the red dog, here I will come.” ”

The two looked at each other, and the green pheasant did not hesitate and rejoined the battle, and the matter on this side was handed over to the yellow ape.

At this time, the yellow ape couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth crookedly, he planned to let him catch Ji Geng, which was much easier than dealing with the aunt with an air cannon.

No more nonsense, the yellow ape jumped up, and the golden flash on his body burst into brilliant light, and it was like a star descending here on the aisle of the sixth floor of this undersea prison.

The yellow ape said in a deep voice: “Eight-foot qionggou jade!” ”

This “star” began to shoot countless golden flashes, which carried out indiscriminate attacks on the pirates below.

He intends to deal with the pirate group while traumatizing Quigon.

However, many people are staring at Jigen’s side, and among his teammates, there is a domineering powerhouse who can briefly predict the future.

Sensing the purpose of the yellow ape, Katakuri quickly abandoned his opponent and helped Ji Gon resist the yellow ape’s attack.

Under the resistance of his glutinous fruit, he resisted the yellow ape’s eight-foot qionggou jade, although he was said to be harmed, but he was a person with immortal beans, and this damage was nothing at all.

After defusing the crisis, Katakuri raised his hand and fired an air cannon at the yellow ape.

Seeing this, the yellow ape immediately used the advantage of the flashing fruit to escape the range of the air cannon.

The two generals made moves, but they were blocked, and at this moment, a terrible heat wave swept in, and I saw a magma giant dog with the momentum of engulfing everything, frantically rushing towards Jigeng’s side.

The red dog also made a move, using the “dog red lotus” to take Guigen.

For the current navy, it is the same to kill Guigons and take them away, anyway, there are fairy beans that can be resurrected.

“Always hit the attention of our Lord Catastrophe, the navy, you really don’t want to face!”

Seeing this, Ming Ge used the Thread Fruit’s awakening not far in front of Ji Geng, and in the face of the terrible attack of the red dog, he did not back half a step, and directly pulled up the defense to help Ji Geng resist.

“Shield White Line!”

However, simply resisting the attack of the red dog with his own strength, Brother Ming is still difficult to resist, but he gritted his teeth fiercely, even if the white line of the shield was broken, he also used his own flesh to carry this attack of the red dog.

Brother Ming, who was burned all over, looked at the red dog, smiled viciously, and then gave himself a fairy bean…


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