"Asshole! I didn't give the order to fire! Why did you fire without permission!"

Above the royal city, Gaka was horrified to see that the royal army fired without permission.

This is bad, the rebels will think that the royal army has decided to fight them to the death.

These few shells shattered the only possibility of reconciliation!

The soldier in the royal army who fired the first shell knelt on one knee in panic and said:

"Captain Jaka, I'm so sorry! Me, I was nervous for a moment and missed it!"

No one noticed that when he lowered his head to admit his mistake, he showed an imperceptible sinister smile.

Hum hum hum, in this way, we have completed Mr. 0's mission!

The other soldiers also stood alone in fear. Get down on your knees and admit your mistake

"Sorry, we were just as nervous. I heard him fire off the cannon and I followed suit! Sorry, Captain Gaga!"

The enemy is currently facing this situation, and Jaka cannot delve into it, fearing that it will damage the morale of the king's army.

He could only suppress his anger and comforted:

"I don’t blame you, everyone stay calm and follow my orders!"

Jaka gritted his teeth and turned back, staring at the rebels below who were approaching Arupana Royal City faster and faster, and was forced to issue the order with helplessness and difficulty:

"Load the shells and get ready for the bombardment! Follow my orders!"

Kosa, rebels, stop!

Don't force me to give the final attack order!

Jaka is still longing for that slim hope in his heart.

"Go! Capture Arupana! Take back our country!"

In front of the royal city, 200,000 rebels marched all night. Although their faces were a little tired, their expressions were very exciting.

Finally, with the anger that had not been extinguished after a night of running, they arrived at the sinful royal city of Aruba. Take.

Now, they are only one step away from saving the Kingdom of Alabasta. They capture Arupana and kill King Kobra, the culprit who has been harming the country for three years.

The Kingdom of Alabasta will be in drought and despair! , saved from death.

At this time, there was no need for the rebel leader Kosha to mobilize and boost their morale.

The rebels naturally roared:

"Take Arubana! Take back our water!"

"We are for the people! We are righteous! The king is the culprit!"

"Kill the king, for our children!"

"Revenge for the dead relatives!"



Weiwei ignored her buzzing head.

She hurriedly climbed up from the sand and shouted loudly to the rebels surrounded by thick smoke and dust:

"Everyone, listen to me! Don't start a fight!"

"You've all been fooled! The real culprit is Crocodile!"

Unfortunately, her shout was like a drop of water falling into the sea, unable to stir up a ripple in the battlefield filled with roars, fighting, and horse hooves.

Weiwei frantically looked around for the figure of the rebel leader Kosa, but the two had already passed each other in the initial smoke.

This scene was seen by a person high up in the sky.

"Tsk, silly girl. You actually did the stupid act of personal heroism in the original work, where you came alone to stop the resistance."

Under the atmosphere in the air. Qin Lang flapped his six-winged wings gently behind him, looking helplessly at this scene.

And the strange thing is that he didn't carry Luffy and Peru in his hands.

He was the only one. He just came here. Qin Lang's eyes were as sharp as a hawk, clearly watching everything happening below.

Qin Lang shook his head gently and said lightly:

"Weiwei, you disappoint me so much.

I have reminded you again and again that one person cannot play a big role in a war.

But you still try to stop this war with your own strength.

You are obviously a princess, and the whole country stands behind you.

Although this country has begun to fall apart, at least you, the princess, are still orthodox and have authority beyond your own.

Whether it is the undercover Baroque Works at the beginning, or the blocking and persuading of the resistance army today.

All you use is your insignificant personal power.

Haven't you ever thought about finding Jakka, ordering him to open the city gate and give up resistance directly, and then meet with Kosa?

Abandoning the advantage of your own identity and not using it, and engaging in personal heroism.

You really underestimate others and overestimate yourself."

Finally, the king's army on the city wall opened fire.

As their companions fell one after another, the rebels angrily rushed up the steps of the royal city and fought with the royal army who were defending the steps of the city gate.

Below, Weiwei was knocked to the ground by the oncoming rebel mounts.

When she was about to be trampled to death by the camels and horses,


Kalu rushed over desperately and pressed on Weiwei, using his trembling body to block the endless iron hooves of the rebels behind her.


"A naive princess. An incompetent general can tire out thousands of troops.……"

Qin Lang's phantom slowly disappeared into the air.

A faint sigh echoed in the air:

"What the weak need is the cohesion of unity. Only the strong are qualified to play individual heroism.……"


The six wings behind Qin Lang gathered together, and the speed seemed to have exceeded the speed of sound, falling rapidly at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to recognize with the naked eye.

Seconds later, he reached the dusty rebel ranks below.

The moment it fell, the six wings disappeared into thin air.

Qin Lang exploded with a"bang" the moment it touched the ground, turning into black smoke that filled the sky, blending with the sand and dust stirred up by the rebels.

Rumble, rumble, rumble...

Under the trampling of the rebels' iron hooves, the desert land shook with fearful roars.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were constant hooves of camels and horses, pressing chaotically on Karu's body and wings.

The loyal Karu held Weiwei under him and tried hard to resist the trampling of the rebel mounts.


Karu screamed miserably during the stampede.

It felt that its duck life was about to end.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! quack!"(Woo, it hurts so much! My wings are about to be broken! I'm still a virgin! I don't want to die!)

In a daze, Karu suddenly felt that his body felt much lighter. It had been a long time since that heavy hoof fell, and the surrounding area of rebels appear to have bypassed themselves

"Ga?"(Am I already dead?)

Karu opened his big eyes with tears in his eyes.

He looked around in panic and found that there was some black-gray smoke around him, forming an arc-shaped protective shield like a pot lid.

Those The rebels were unable to break through the protective barrier made of smoke and were forced to walk around it.


Kalu blinked his eyes. He felt like he had seen this kind of black and gray smoke somewhere...

Kalu's eyes suddenly widened:

"Huh?" (Brother Qin Lang!)


The black and gray smoke slowly condensed into the shape of a human hand, and he gently touched Karu's head, seeming to praise him for doing a good job.

Kalu's duck eyes suddenly burst into tears:

"Quack quack!"(Uuuuuu, Brother Qin Lang, I love you! I will tell you dirty jokes next time!)

Weiwei doesn't know how long time has passed.

Under Karu's desperate protection, she suffered very little harm, only She was kicked a few times at the beginning.

She lay on the ground, listening to the rumbling sound of the earth trembling in her ears, and she kept blaming herself for screwing up everything again. The chance she had gained through hard work and death was lost in her hands.


The shaking of the earth gradually subsided, the sound of iron hooves became farther and farther away, and the surroundings became quiet.

"Karu! How are you doing! are you OK?"

Weiwei struggled to crawl out from under Karu's wings, looking at Karu's condition with a pale face.


Karoo rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, panting.

It opened its mouth wide, its tongue stuck out, and moaned feebly


Qin Lang, who was using the Sand-Sand Fruit to blend into the sand, was secretly laughing:

"Haha, this guy Karu is really a drama queen."

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