
The companions looked up in surprise at Sanji who had run to the top of the clock tower without knowing when.

Usopp pointed at Sanji on the clock tower in astonishment:

"Why are you there?"

Sanji rolled his eyebrows and grinned while holding a cigarette:

"ah! I saw the message you left on the wall below the signal that bombs were in the bell tower, so I came up."

Weiwei said anxiously:

"Sanji, the bomb is not on your level! It's on the top floor of the clock tower!"

Sanji looked up at the huge clock tower far away above and frowned slightly:

"Where is the clock tower at the top? A little high! I can't get up just by shaving. I haven’t learned the moon steps yet.……"

Suddenly, a familiar green-haired figure appeared two floors above Sanji.

It was Zoro who was lost in the wild before.

Zoro crossed his arms and looked at the people below with a calm face:

"Hey, you are so slow to come, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"


The companions looked at Sauron with joy and said in a flurry of words:

"Zoro, the bomb is hidden in the clock tower above you!"

"Go up quickly! There should be gunners who specialize in firing shells there. Just defeat them and everything will be fine!"

Weiwei shook her head bitterly and said:

"There is a separate staircase to go up to the bell tower, and neither of them can go up from the area they are in. Where did Peru go? Now he is the only one who can fly and take everyone up! Sauron looked at the bell tower above, drew out the sword from its sheath and said with murderous intent:

"Is the enemy up here? Hum, watch me cut this bell tower in pieces!"

"no! no!"

Weiwei waved her hands in panic:

"If the bell tower is cut off, the bomb will definitely be touched when the bell tower falls down, and the bomb will explode directly!"

"The sandstorm has invaded the city wall!"

Sauron suddenly frowned and pointed his sword at the city wall in the distance that was gradually being engulfed by the sandstorm:

"We don't just have to worry about this bomb that's about to go off!

Look outside, a sandstorm is starting to invade the city!"

"The green algae head is right. Sanji also frowned as he looked at the yellow sand in the distance, and could only see the thick black tornado sweeping the sandstorm:

"The threat posed by the bomb may not be as lethal as this sandstorm!"

He turned his head and looked at the sandstorm that submerged the city wall, muttering:

"Qin Lang, please.……"

Weiwei had actually noticed the sandstorm and tornado outside a long time ago.

But she felt that with Qin Lang here, all this would not be a problem.

It was not until this time, when Zoro and Sanji raised this question, that Weiwei began to panic.

Could it be that even a powerful man like Qin Lang had no solution to this destructive sandstorm and tornado?

But Weiwei never dreamed that this deadly sandstorm was summoned by Qin Lang.


Just when everyone was worried, a loud gunshot was heard from the bell tower.


In the high sky filled with yellow sand, a figure was soaring with wings, and then fell down and landed on a house in the distance.

Weiwei recognized the figure and shouted in horror:

"It's Peru! Peru was shot down!"

Under the gaze of the crowd, the clock on the bell tower was pushed open.

As expected, Weiwei was right.

In the cabinet of the bell tower, a huge gun muzzle was exposed.

The direction the muzzle was aimed at was the square in front of the palace where the battle was still going on.

A woman's laughter came from the muzzle.

"Did you see it, Mr. 7? I shot down a big bird. It should be the so-called strongest warrior Peru, right?"

Beside the huge cannon muzzle on the bell tower, two swaying figures appeared in everyone's sight.

A woman in a weird frog costume held up a smoking gun in her right hand and looked at the fighting not far away. The square was in a ball, and said with a strange smile:

"Quack, quack, Mr. 7, this is our final mission! I think this mission is very important!"

Mr. 7, who was short and dressed in purple with the number 7 on his back, held a gun in his left hand and agreed with a strange smile:

"Oh ho ho, that's it, Miss·Father's Day. Hahaha, the time starts counting down to thirty seconds!"

The fuse at the muzzle has been ignited. In less than thirty seconds, the cannon will launch the bomb with a damage range of five kilometers and detonate it.

The situation is very critical.

"It turned out to be the two of them! No wonder, they are gunners who are good at shooting. It is only natural for them to become gunners who launch bombs!"

Weiwei below had a condensed expression and quickly introduced:

"The two of them are executive commanders Mr·7 and Miss·Father's Day, both are gunners who are good at long-range attacks! Nami went crazy:"The enemy has been identified, but how on earth are we going to send people up?""

Usopp's eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea.

"Sanji, get ready to catch Vivi! Chopper! Throw Vivi up! Sanji will then send Vivi to Zoro. Zoro should be able to fly Vivi to the height of the clock tower and throw Vivi over! Let Vivi defeat them!"

""Okay! Let's do it!"

Everyone didn't have time to think about it and immediately followed Usopp's instructions.

Usopp himself quickly ran away.

Nami said angrily:

"Hey, Usopp! What are you going to do? You actually want to run away at this time?"

"I'm going to do something that only I can do!"

While everyone was passing Vivi around, Usopp found a suitable spot.

He pulled the slingshot hard and aimed at the two people on the clock tower with one eye closed.

"Usopp, you are the sniper in the team. It is an important position."

"Many times, the role played by snipers can never be replaced by others."

Qin Lang once said this to the boys during a night chat.���He smiled and said this to Usopp in the hammock.

Usopp looked at Qin Lang with bright eyes:

"Woohoo, Qin Lang!"

The next second, Luffy answered with a smile:

"That's right! Usopp is a big braggart! No one can brag more than Usopp!"

"Luffy! You returned my emotion! Go to hell, Nirvana Pillow Star!"

Usopp's emotion was destroyed by Luffy, he picked up the pillow and threw it at Luffy hard.


Luffy was caught off guard and was knocked over by a spinning pillow, falling from the hammock onto the deck.

"Ha ha ha ha……"


Everyone laughed, but Nami angrily knocked on the wall and yelled:

"How late! Not sleeping yet! Y'all, please be quiet!"


In an instant, the entire Merry became extremely quiet.


Maybe Qin Lang said this unintentionally, but this sentence was deeply imprinted in Usopp's heart.

I am important!

Although I am weak, I am still important!

And now I have to do what only I can do among my partners!

Long-range cover for my partners' actions!

This is my duty as the world's number one sniper king, Usopp!

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