"Asshole! You want a fight?"

"Idiot! I'm afraid of you? Come on!"

The two guys who had joined forces to fight Qin Lang a second ago turned against each other and started fighting.

"Be careful not to damage the Merry."

Qin Lang reminded him and walked towards the bow without caring.

The two guys had long been accustomed to picking up a reason to fight after being abused by Qin Lang and taking revenge on each other.

"Fruit plunderer? This title is interesting!"

Qin Lang took the bounty order, glanced at it casually, and said with a smile:

"So, we already have two bounty-bearing companions on board. You all need to work harder!"

"Qin Lang is also famous all over the world and has become a big shot!"

Usopp looked at the portrait on Qin Lang's reward order with envy, and said with enthusiasm:

"I will definitely work hard!"

"The weather has changed somewhat, and the oncoming sea breeze has become violent."

Qin Lang casually put 'Mu Sheng' aside and looked at the slightly gloomy sea in the distance.

"Coo, coo, coo……"

Several seabirds flew from that direction and passed over the Golden Melly, making a sharp chirping sound.

"Thank you for your information."

Qin Lang listened carefully, waved at them, turned around and said to Nami:

"Nami, the seabirds said there is a strong sea breeze coming from the front of us. We are about to reach our destination, the Red Earth Continent."

Nami looked up from the map at the table in the orange orchard and asked Qin Lang curiously:

"Qin Lang, you can hear the conversation between seabirds, is it because you simulated the ability of Abis's Whisper Fruit?"

Qin Lang nodded:

"Well, although this ability is not very strong and is not very helpful in combat, it is still very practical for navigation. Especially after we lose our way, we can find creatures who know the sea well and find the right path."

"This ability is so powerful."

Nami felt a little bit envious in her heart, but she quickly came to her senses:

"Are we going to reach the Red Earth Continent soon?"

Nami looked at the map in her hand, frowned, and slammed the table!

"Luffy! Qin Lang! We need a meeting!"


Inside the cabin of the Mellie.

Nami pointed to the navigation chart and said seriously:

"The entrance to the Grand Route is on the mountain. According to the instructions on the nautical chart, we may have to climb up the mountain along the canal.……"

Luffy was in a daze:


"The entrance to the Grand Line is on the mountain?"

Zoro asked in doubt:

"How can a boat climb up a mountain?"

Nami would not allow anyone to question her professionalism in sailing:

"But this is indeed how the nautical charts are drawn."

Sanji will never miss any opportunity to support Nami:

"that is! How could Miss Nami’s words be wrong!"

During the discussion between several people, Usopp continued to struggle with the difficult-to-control rudder:

"Help! Someone, please! The current is so strong!"

"Let me do it."

Qin Lang was on the side, reaching out and gently pressing the rudder in Usopp's hand.

""Huh, we're saved!"

Usopp immediately felt the rudder in his hand obeying obediently, not bumping around like before.

Qin Lang smiled and explained to his companions:

"Nami was right, we were indeed going to ride the current and sail to the canal of the Red Earth Continent. If done correctly, we could rush to the top of Upside Down Mountain and ride the current from there toward the Grand Line. Nami said with a heavy tone:

"If the operation fails and the canal is not successfully entered, the Golden Merry will hit the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent, and the hull will be broken and sink into the sea.

Qin Lang waved his hand to call Sanji to take over and help Usopp hold the rudder, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm here, we won't encounter that kind of thing! I have been on guard last night and haven't rested yet. I will take a rest now while I still have some free time. Wake me up after you can see the Red Earth Continent."

"OK, Qin Lang"


It's time to look at the recent harvest.

Qin Lang was alone in the cabin, sitting cross-legged on the hammock with his eyes closed.

"The host has currently mastered the following combat techniques:

Perfect Level [Hero]

Perfect Level [Observation Haki]

Perfect Level [Armament Haki]

Perfect Level [Ten Hand Technique]

Perfect Level [Weapon Mastery]】"

【[Ba Chan] is a skill that Qin Lang realized through the use of [Hao Wang Haki] and [Armament Haki].

This proved to Qin Lang that he could comprehend the infinite possibilities of the nuclear bomb calculation formula from addition.

Qin Lang's perfect [Observation Haki] can sense the source of danger 30 seconds in advance and see through the opponent's intentions and plans.

The perfect [Armament Haki] can compete with the top [Ba Chan] and not fall behind.

"The combat skills that the host has learned so far:

Perfect level [Three Swordsmanship Swordsmanship]

Perfect level [Black Foot Kick Technique]"

The perfect level [Three Swordsman Style Swordsmanship] that Qin Lang has learned.

It was Sauron who fought against Empress Jin in the Kingdom of Wano. The peak level that Qin Lang has just mastered is the kicking skill that Sanji has not yet mastered even when he was in Wano.

"The host has learned the following life skills:

Master Level [Cooking],

Perfect Level [Navigation],

Perfect Level [Cigar Tasting], Perfect

Level [Maintenance],

Perfect Level [Stealing],

Perfect Level [Gambling]】"

"Has realized the special physique:

Perfect level [Heroic Haki]

Qin Lang level [Exoskeleton (modified)】"

Qin Lang's perfect level [Heroic Haki] can already accurately shock a single person in a crowd.

When passing by Qin Lang, even a strong man like Kizaru, if not on guard, will be shocked by Qin Lang in an instant and lose the ability to think for a short time.

【Exoskeleton (modified)】It was because Qin Lang realized some negative effects after using Sanji's exoskeleton in a simulated battle.

Qin Lang made some changes in his epiphany, making the exoskeleton that was not suitable for Qin Lang have an effect that is more suitable for Qin Lang's physical fitness.

Next, it is Qin Lang's most important gain.

Devil Fruit

"The Devil Fruit abilities that the host has currently collected are:

【Renren Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Nika Form] (70%)

【Smoke Fruit] (70%)

【The Split Fruit】(70%)

【Slippery fruit] (70%)

【Whisper Fruit】(70%)

【Sickle Fruit] (70%)"

Qin Lang's practice in the past few days has made the development progress of all devil fruits reach 70%.

However, once it reaches 70%, the development progress of the devil fruit ability will all fall into a bottleneck.

The power of the 70% development progress of [Human-Human Fruit·Phantom Beast·Nika Form] that Qin Lang suddenly realized has surpassed the power of Luffy's fourth gear [Muscle Balloon], but there is no sign of awakening the Nika form.

Obviously, the [Perception Against Heaven System] seems to have some restrictions on the sudden enlightenment of devil fruits.

At present, Qin Lang has not met the conditions for developing the devil fruit ability to 100% and awakening.

Qin Lang has a guess in his mind.

It is probably because the number of devil fruits he has come into contact with is too small. In the world of One Piece, there are probably hundreds of devil fruits.

Perhaps, when Qin Lang can collect more than half of the devil fruits, he can get 100% development progress of the devil fruit ability.

Or, when Qin Lang can see the ability of the devil fruit to the extreme, Qin Lang will also get 100% development progress accordingly.

In the world of One Piece, there are only a handful of people who can develop the power of the Devil Fruit to the extreme.

"The towering mountain in the distance seems to be the Red Earth Continent."

Qin Lang slowly opened his eyes. He had already felt through what he saw and heard. The Red Earth Continent was not far in front of the ship. The surrounding sea currents had become more severe and complex, and Luffy had already begun to close the sails.

Soon Finally, Luffy's exclamation came from the deck:

"Hello! I saw incredible mountains! so big!"

"Qin Lang, come up quickly, we have arrived at the Red Earth Continent!"

Usopp happily ran to the cabin and shouted to Qin Lang:

"Qin Lang! Wow! What a tall mountain! Come and see!"


Qin Lang opened the door with a smile and came to the deck with Usopp.


Amidst the violent sea wind, a mountain towering into the clouds and reaching its top was blocking the front of the Meili like a behemoth blocking the road.

Comparing the two sides, the Meili in the stormy sea was like a small insect, weak and powerless.

At any time, it may be covered in the sound wave caused by the snoring of the giant beast.


"We have finally arrived at the Red Earth Continent."

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