"Qin Lang, Usopp, it's snowing!"

"Let's build a snowman! Qin Lang, Luffy, let's have a snowman-building competition!"

"Wow! Qin Lang, you actually carved such a handsome snow dragon!"


"It's getting foggy"

"Nami, there are multiple small icebergs one kilometer ahead. Be careful to avoid them in advance."

"There is an iceberg! Fortunately, Qin Lang, you can observe them in advance, otherwise we will definitely hit them!

Luffy, Usopp, you two, stop having a snowball fight. Go to the helm and prepare to avoid the iceberg!"


"Nami, the wind direction is changing, the storm area is not far ahead"

"Strong wind! It's so windy, lower the sails!"

"Fortunately, the sail was retracted in advance! Otherwise, the sail would be broken."


"Nami, did you forget to look at the record compass? The direction of the ship has changed"

"The direction of the ship's progress turned out to be really crooked!

Obviously the wind and waves have not changed, but the Meili has deviated from the direction of the recording compass.

Sanji, turn the ship 180°! quick!"

"receive! Miss Nami~"


"Zoro! Wake up, get up and get to work!"



"Hello! You two, go and help us!"

"Miss Wednesday, this woman really knows how to order people around!"

"Mr. 9, let's be patient for a while and wait until we return to our Whiskey Mountain, then we can punish them!"

"Stop whispering here and get to work!"

"Yes! Big sister!"


In just half a day, Nami was taught a hard lesson by the Grand Line.

Finally, everything was calm and the sea returned to a brief peace.

"Phew, come on! Whether it's strong winds, blizzards, or heavy fog, I won't be afraid!"

Nami stood on the bow of the Golden Merry, warily looking at the slightly foggy sea ahead.

"The Grand Route is indeed not simple. The common sense of navigation in the East China Sea completely lost its effect here. It is indeed the most difficult and dangerous sea area!"

While busy, Nami glanced at Qin Lang who was smiling beside her, and felt very happy in her heart:

Fortunately, Qin Lang was here, otherwise she would have been in a hurry when faced with such a complicated sea situation.

The Meili is also the lightest. If hit by an iceberg, the bottom of the ship would inevitably be damaged.

It would just be a near miss. Qin Lang looked at the tense and unpredictable sea area next to him.

Nami smiled and said:

"Nami, relax. Our first journey is over."

Nami's eyes lit up:

"We have reached the first island"

"Well, ahead is Cactus Island."

The friends who learned that they were about to arrive at the first island gathered on the deck.

Everyone stared at the increasingly clear island on the opposite side and made a sound of surprise:

"Wow! Is this the first island we arrive at on the Grand Line?"

"Is this Cactus Island?"

"Hehe, there are so many big cacti! So prickly!"

Weiwei and Mr. 9, who had a nine-shaped beard, jumped onto the ship's guardrail simultaneously.

"Thanks for sending us back, sweethearts."

They faced the crowd, knelt down on one knee and made strange poses, and said with a bad smile:

"Goodbye, baby~"

After they finished speaking, they jumped into the sea at the same time and swam quickly towards the Whiskey Peak.

On the Golden Merry,

Sanji reluctantly said:

"Princess Weiwei's swimming posture is also so graceful!"

Nami let out a long sigh:

"Phew, luckily Weiwei’s acting skills were superb enough and her companion didn’t notice her."


Qin Lang smiled but said nothing.

How could a girl who could hide her identity for a long time in a criminal organization and not be discovered as a princess have bad acting skills?

After everyone decided to help Weiwei, they discussed with Weiwei and planned the next plan.

Weiwei pretended to be caught again by Qin Lang and his gang together with Mr. 9. Mr. 9 found that the compass on his body was missing. After discussing with Weiwei, the two begged Qin Lang and others to take them to Cactus Island.

After Weiwei returned to Whiskey Mountain on Cactus Island, she followed the plan.

Pretending that the mission failed, she contacted the upper echelons of Baroque Commune by deceiving the contact method of Whiskey Mountain, and then continued to look for ironclad evidence that Crocodile Crocodile attempted to plot against the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Weiwei only found clues in the behavior of Baroque Commune. These circumstantial evidences were not enough to overturn Crocodile's heroic identity, eliminate the anger of the people of Alabasta, and their misunderstanding of the king.

More evidence is needed to prove Weiwei's statement.

Once the ironclad evidence is found, Qin Lang, Luffy and others will immediately escort Weiwei back to the Kingdom of Alabasta to expose the atrocities of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile!

"Plans can't keep up with changes. My dear princess, things may change soon.

Qin Lang sighed inwardly.

The Golden Merry sailed to the port of Whiskey Mountain Town, Cactus Island.

"Wow, what great adventurers!"

"Welcome, welcome to your arrival!"

A real cheer came from the port, and the surging crowd welcomed the Straw Hat Pirates.


"Blah blah, blah blah……"

On an island not far from Cactus Island and Whiskey Mountain, a man and a woman who were on a mission stopped their work and answered the Den Den Mushi call from Mr.0, the boss behind the scenes.

"Mr. 5, Miss. Valentine, stop your current mission, there are new missions for you."

The Den Den Mushi in the darkness paused for a moment and said coldly:

"My secret has been discovered, and the culprit is hiding among the executioners.

The two of you go to Whiskey Hill Town on Cactus Island and kill all those who know the inside story, leaving no one alive."

The two looked at each other and smiled cruelly:

"Got it, boss. We will complete this eradication mission seriously."


""Drink! Drink! Drink!"

A group of people gathered around the table, cheering and jumping for joy.

"Wow, this is Mr. Swordsman’s tenth cup!"

"This lady is even more amazing! This is already the twelfth cup!"

A passerby who was drunk and confused looked at Nami and Zoro who were still drinking with fear, then fell limply on the table and admitted defeat:

"I, I can't help it, these two guests are so good at drinking!"


"Humph, the naval captain who could turn into smoke tried to catch me with smoke, but I just blew him away with a gentle blow!"

Usopp was in the crowd, telling his heroic deeds.’

"Mr. Usopp is so handsome!"


"Meat! Another plate!"

Luffy ate himself into a ball under the astonished gaze of everyone, and continued to swallow.

"Wow, Mr. Captain actually ate enough food for dozens of people, even the chef collapsed from exhaustion!"

The chefs of Whiskey Hill Town, three people fainted in the kitchen


"This young man is courting dozens of girls at once. He is so philandering!

People are laughing and crying:

"What's wrong with this group of people! They are so powerful!"

"The more powerful one should be this chef! The food he cooked was so delicious that everyone who tasted it was moved to tears of happiness."

��What surrounded more people was the kitchen.

The residents of Whiskey Hill Town looked expectantly at Qin Lang, who was busy cooking skillfully in the kitchen, with admiration in their eyes.

"Woohoo, I have never eaten such delicious food! I am so happy!"

"tasty! It’s really delicious!! God, how great it would be if I could eat such delicious food every day!"

"Ah, I seemed to see heaven, and my mother in heaven was smiling at me. Mom, here I come!"

"Hey! Someone come quickly! This guy fainted from happiness after taking a bite of food. Quickly stuff a chili in his mouth to wake him up!"

"So handsome!"

A group of beautifully dressed nuns gathered in front of the kitchen door, staring at Qin Lang with naked admiration:

"Chef brother, the food you cook is so delicious! Can you teach us?"

"Chef brother, can you come to my room tonight and teach me how to cook?"

"Brother, can you hold my hand and teach me how to cut vegetables?

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