"Kawawawahaha! Do you have any wine?"

A huge figure split through the jungle and stood next to the Golden Merli, looking down at the three people on the ship.

"Giant, giant, giant!"

Usopp and Nami stared at the grinning giant Broki on the shore, their bodies stiff and unable to move.

"Oh, wine? There are some, and I can give you a taste of our Straw Hat Pirates' specialties, Qinlang's special roasted knives."

Qin Lang stood in front of the two people with a smile, responding to the giant's inquiry.

Although he knew that the giant was very friendly.

But it was in an anime after all.

No one knew whether it would be because he, a butterfly, flapped his wings. This caused the giant's temper to become irritable and unpredictable.

The giant Broki raised his head and laughed:

"Kaaaaaaaah! Do you have wine, Shaodaozi wine? What an interesting name!"

Qin Lang tilted his head slightly and reminded:

"Giant, watch your back"

"Behind you?"

Brocky turned around in confusion and saw a huge Tyrannosaurus rex with its mouth open, about to bite his butt in a sneak attack.


Black light flashed, an ax passed across the side, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head fell from its neck,

The body of the Tyrannosaurus rex fell to the ground with a helpless roar in the air.


The giant Broki turned around, holding the bloody dinosaur head in his hand, looked at Qin Lang and laughed:

"Thank you, little one. Nice to meet you, I am the strongest warrior in Elbaf Village, Broki!"

"Qin Lang, what a giant!"

The two little ones were so frightened that they hid behind Qin Lang, their faces frighteningly pale.

"Nice to meet you. Senior Broki.

Qin Lang smiled and crossed his arms as he introduced:

"My name is Qin Lang, these two are my partners, the one with the long nose is Usopp, and the beautiful lady is Nami, we are all members of the Straw Hat Pirates"

"Seniors? Kawawa, so you are pirates too."

Brocki grinned, raised the dragon head in his hand and stretched it in front of Qin Lang and the other two, inviting them warmly:

"There is meat! You also have wine, come with me and I will entertain you, guests!"

"Giants are so scary……"

Usopp and Nami were frightened by the dragon head that was still dripping blood. They leaned back and pretended to faint.

Broki looked at the two people who fell at Qin Lang's feet and scratched his head in confusion:

"Strange, what happened to them?"

"Hehe, don't worry, they just have a disease that makes them faint when stared at by a giant."

Qin Lang looked down at the two girlfriends who were pretending to be dead, kicked Usopp's butt with his toes, and said with a smile:

"Hey, Usopp, stop pretending to be dead. We were invited to a banquet"

"Do not touch me!"

Usopp closed his eyes and whispered:

"Qin Lang, play dead! Don't move no matter what happens!"

Nami closed her eyes and said in a trembling voice:

"Is it useful? Are giants the same as bears? Won't they eat dead people?"

Qin Lang shook his head and turned back to the kitchen:

"Senior Broki, I'll go get a few barrels of Shaodaozi wine so you can taste our Straw Hat Pirates' specialty."

Broki raised his head and laughed expectantly:

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... I haven't tasted the taste of fine wine for a long time, and I'm really full of expectations!"

The huge laughter resounded through the dense forest, startling a large number of giant jungle birds.

The timid bestie duo lay quietly on the deck, as if they had really passed out.


Luffy and Weiwei Black Duck have also met the giant Tori on another island.

"Hey, hey, hey……"

After the giant Tori raised his head and laughed heartily, he looked at Luffy on the palm of his left hand and praised:

"I've seen it all, you actually dare to fight with the longnecks in this forest, you are such a courageous person! It’s been a long time since I’ve had guests, and I want to treat you well!"


Luffy looked at the giant in front of him in shock and exclaimed:

"Wow, you're so tall! Are you human?"

"Are you asking me if I am human? Ouch ah ah ah ah……"

Dong Li was amused by Luffy's words and laughed strangely again.

After laughing for a long time, he raised the sword with one hand and placed it on the sword, then posed with his chest and abdomen straightened, and said confidently:

"I am the strongest warrior in Elbaf Village, Dongli! It belongs to the giant race, so of course it can be considered a human being.……"

Weiwei, who was hiding behind a tree, stared at the giant with her eyes wide open, her voice trembling:

"Giant, giant clan? Although I had heard of it before, I never expected that I would actually be able to see a living giant!"

Luffy is indeed a big-hearted person. He has adapted to getting along with giants. He introduced himself with a smile:

"I'm Luffy, a pirate. The one below is Vivi and Kuroya Run Fast. Please take care of me!"

"Luffy, why are you so talkative about introducing me!"

Weiwei's face turned pale, and she deeply regretted coming out with this unreliable captain.

The black duck ran so fast that his eyes turned white, and he really fainted.

Luffy looked at the tall Tori up and down, and praised:

"Wow, this is the first time I have seen a real giant. All I have seen before are the smoke giants transformed by Qin Lang. Although they are also very tall, they always give people an unreal feeling."

The giant Tori lifted the sauropod with its neck cut off from the ground with one hand, looked at Luffy, and asked curiously:

"Smoke giant? What kind of giant is that?"

Luffy gestured with his hands and laughed:

"When Qin Lang used the power of the Smoke Fruit, the smoke expanded and condensed into a giant, which was also very big, even taller than you. He could smash the sea surface with one punch, causing such a big splash, and threw out a whale as big as the island of Labu.……"

"Hey, hey, hey……"

Dong Li became interested, raised his head and laughed, saying:

"That���The smoke giant named Qin Lang seems very interesting. Come on, I'll take you to my home!"

Dong Li gently picked up Wei Wei and Heiya who were hiding behind the tree, held them in his hands, and turned to walk towards the home where he had lived for a hundred years.

Dong, Dong, Dong……


The two 'smoking and drinking' duo, who had already hunted their own prey in the jungle, happened to meet each other.



The two looked at each other with a sneer, let go of the prey in their hands, and said confidently:

"I won!"

After hearing each other's words, the two of them frowned at the same time and said impatiently:

"you lose!"

"Huh? You're not convinced?"

"Haha, you are the one who is not convinced, right? Then let’s compete!"

The two of them confronted each other and began to compete to see whose prey was more powerful.


Under the white skeleton of a huge beast.

The aroma of barbecue spread far away. If it weren't for the intimidation of the giant Broki, the creatures in the surrounding dense forest would have rushed over long ago.


A huge roar made the surrounding creatures tremble.

"Ahhhhh...it's killing me."

After Brockie drank a whole bucket of burning knives, he grinned and shouted with a red face.

He kept pressing his neck with both hands and sticking out his tongue.

"What on earth is Qin Lang doing? Don't make the giant angry!……"

After being placed under the skeleton, the two best friends were still pretending to be dead. Their bodies were constantly shaking, for fear that the giant would be displeased and trample them to death.

"Brother Brockie, I've already reminded you not to drink too much at once."

Qin Lang sat opposite Brockie with a smile on his face.

He picked up a cup of Shao Daozi, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. His face was slightly red, and he burped and said:

"Well, this is the original liquor that has not been blended. Although it is not too long, the alcohol content of the fermentation is also very high when I heat and bake it."


Brocki finally recovered, burped a lot, and laughed happily with his head tilted back:

"Kawawawaha, what a strong drink! What a good drink! I have never tasted such a strong drink before, it is so delicious! Brother Qin Lang, come on, let's have a drink!"


Qin Lang smiled and raised the wooden cup in his hand, clinking it with the big wooden barrel in Brockie's hand.

The two of them, one big and one small, raised their cups and drank all the wine in a gulp.


Deep in the dense forest of the small garden, outside a white house made of wax, two people opened the door dejectedly.

"Mr·5, Miss·Valentine's Day, I have learned about your failure from the boss."

In the room, Mr. 3, who was drinking black tea elegantly, raised his head.

He looked at his colleagues who had lost their former confidence and laughed softly:

"You two are really in a mess! Mr.

5 stared at Mr. 3 unconvinced, gritted his teeth and said:

"If it weren't for that monster that suddenly appeared, we would never have failed!"

"This is where your mistake lies. You only know how to use brute force, but not how to move your body."

Mr. 3 raised his teacup, took a sip, and said confidently:

"I have planned everything. As long as you follow my plan, if you don't hold back, the two giants on the island will be used by us to capture the newcomer worth 100 million berries.

In this way, we can get the reward of 330 million berries in one fell swoop."

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