Sanji swayed slightly on his feet, ready to fight.

Zoro slowly stood beside Sanji.

"Hey, can you still move? Sanji glanced at Zoro and frowned:

"Don't hold on if you can't move. Go to the side and watch how I defeat this guy hiding behind the candle armor."

"I will watch the battle for you."

Zoro's recovery ability was amazing.

In this short period of time, the horrific wound on his chest had stopped bleeding.

Although Zoro's face was pale, he still said firmly:

"Don't worry, I won't fall down until I defeat this guy!"

"It's up to you. If you die, I will toast you a glass of wine at your grave."

After Sanji finished speaking, he focused all his attention on Qin Lang, who was hidden behind the candle armor in front of him, and said:

"I attack head on! Sauron held both swords in his hands and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Be careful, his swordsmanship is very restrained against fast attacks"

"Restrain aggro?"

Sanji's curled eyebrows moved and disappeared.

"That's because your speed is not fast enough!"

Under Qin Lang's teaching, Sanji has already learned how to use shaving.

"Sanji is still faster than Zoro."

Qin Lang, who was hiding in the candle armor, didn't even look at it. He subconsciously turned around and raised the candle knight sword from bottom to top, colliding with Sanji's feet in the air.

""Crush it!"

After failing to hit the target, Sanji immediately changed his tactics and kicked Qin Lang in the chest:


The knight's sword in Qin Lang's hand slashed diagonally. Just when Sanji's foot was about to hit the candle armor, he blocked Sanji's foot.

Sanji quickly withdrew his foot and disappeared in front of Qin Lang again, then appeared. By Qin Lang's side:


Fighting with Sanji is like ordering food, the other side keeps calling out the names of dishes.

If they keep fighting like this, I'll get hungry.

Inside the armor, Qin Lang smiled like he was teasing a child, and slowly used the knight's long sword to block the attack when Sanji was about to succeed.

"Sure enough, the green algae-head was right. This guy's swordsmanship is indeed very good at restraining fast attacks."

Sanji stood a few meters away from Qin Lang, with a red light flashing on his feet, and said excitedly:

"Ah, you're out of luck. Come and try the new Lanjiao I learned. I call it: hot pot cooking series!"

Qin Lang in the armor wanted to laugh:

"Hot pot dishes? What dishes? Sauron brand Maoxuewang?"

"Spicy hot noodle soup!"

Sanji spun on one foot and kicked out a fiery vacuum slash towards the area where Qin Lang was.

"Sanji, this guy, hides his clumsiness in ordinary battles!"

Qin Langxiao watched the fast attack with interest.

He did not dodge, but raised the armed and domineering knight's sword in his hand, resisted it in front of his chest, and took the blow forcefully.


Vacuum Slash The strike and the armed domineering knight sword came into contact.

The knight sword in Qin Lang's hand did not change at all, but the strike that collided with it exploded in contact, bursting out with amazing heat.

, Qin Lang's candle armor was burned with several fist-sized holes by the heat wave from Lan's feet, and large swaths of wax liquid were splashed to the surrounding ground.

"A combination of Devil's Wind Kick and Lan Kou? Nice, very creative, now it's mine."

Qin Lang looked down at the recovering candle armor, and the corners of his mouth turned upward.

He felt relieved that his child who always liked to make trouble finally grew up.

However, it is not enough!

Your potential is far from being squeezed. Come out.

Qin Lang's smile becomes even brighter.


"Sure enough, this guy's weakness is fire or the ability to deal heat damage."

Sanji didn't know that Qin Lang was right in front of him.

He also smiled proudly at Sauron who was watching the battle:

"Do you see it! I have secretly learned one of the six postures Qin Lang taught us: Lan Jiao.

I originally planned to use it the next time I fight Qin Lang to catch Qin Lang off guard!

That's fine, I'll give this guy a try. Anyway, he's definitely not as powerful as Qin Lang."


Zoro crossed his arms, snorted coldly, and did not respond.

He just couldn't stand the smug look of this curly-haired monster.

But the next second, Zoro's pupils dilated, and he looked behind Sanji in astonishment, and reminded loudly:

"Sanji, behind you!"

"Behind him?"

Thanks to Zoro's reminder, Sanji realized that there was a guy behind him who looked just like the candle armored knight.

The only difference was that the weapon in his hand was a voluptuous sword.


He raised the voluptuous sword in his hand and chopped towards Sanji's head without hesitation.

Once hit, Sanji would be immediately split in two, turning into two halves of corpse.


Sanji used the shaver urgently and left the place, narrowly avoiding the knife.

"Why is there one here?"

Sanji fell to the ground, but was surprised to find that another candle armor knight appeared in front of him.

This candle armor knight was no different from the two guys. The only difference was that this candle armor knight held a The weapon he wears is a long-handled giant hammer


The knight in candle armor silently swung the giant hammer in his hand and smashed it hard towards the area where Sanji was. boom!

With a loud noise, dust flew everywhere


The long-handled giant hammer was slowly lifted by the candle armored knight and carried on his shoulder.

A huge deep pit was left in the area that was smashed.

It turned out that Sanji had already left there.

"Why does this guy keep hitting more and more?"

Sanji was helpless and used Shao Dodge again.

"It's using its Devil Fruit powers to create clones."

Zoron, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, slowly pulled out the [Sandaime Kitetsu] and prepared to join the battle.

He said hoarsely:

"Just broke the wax on its armor, and a new armored knight is forming"

"Liquid wax?"

Sanji heard and looked, right?

On the ground around the candle armor knight holding the knight's sword at the beginning, the dripping and splashing wax slowly rose up and condensed into shape.

It turned into a Another brand new knight in candle armor



Soon, there were dozens of armored knights.

The only difference was the weapons they held.

Some armored knights held two swords, some held spears, and some held bows and arrows.

There was even an armored knight holding two fans, twisting them to cheer on the other armored knights.


Sanji and Zoro reunited, back to back, alert to the armored knights slowly surrounding them.

"Green algae head."

Sanji looked at the dozens of candle armored knights slowly approaching, calmly lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath:

"Is this guy's ability a little too strong?"

"It's just a clone, its ability can never catch up with the original body."

Zoro crossed his swords and grinned:

"Are you scared?"

Sanji sneered:

"Afraid? How is it possible? Our game is not over yet. How about we compete this time to see who can defeat more knight clones? Sauron

's eyes flashed with fighting spirit:

"OK! Anyway, I must win!"



The two snorted unconvinced at the same time, and rushed towards the candle armor knight in front of them.

"brisket! One, I'm ahead!"

"Two swords, Rhinoceros Return! Two, now I'm ahead!"


"Alas, these two guys still lack some training, and it seems they still can't push out their potential. Sure enough, I kept it on purpose and didn't make them feel threatened by death."

Qin Lang stood under an inconspicuous tree, smiling and looking at the two people fighting the Candle Knight in the distance.

"In this case, you just play with these guys who don't know how to hold back. If you don't get killed by them, Zoro should be able to realize the domineering power of weapons, right?"

"Wow!! Sir, your development of the wax fruit's abilities makes me feel inferior and extremely envious."

Now Mr. 3 is really convinced.

He looked at Qin Lang like an idol, admiring him to the extreme.

Just like Bartolomeo saw Luffy.

Qin Lang gently patted Mr. 3 on the shoulder and said with a smile :

"Want to learn? Let me teach you!"

Mr·3 was flattered and stuttered:

"Me? Me, me, can I?"


"refuses to die?"

Zoro and Sanji turned their backs to each other again.

They looked solemnly at the candle armor knights who were smashed and covered with debris, but then reunited and became intact again. It was a little tricky.

Shan Treating headaches:

"These guys seem to be recovering infinitely?"

Sauron said coldly:

"In your words? I've already seen it"


Dozens of immortal candle helmets���The knights silently surrounded the two men and launched another attack.

【Wax Fruit]·Magic modified fourth-level form: [Immortal Knights]

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