"Qin Lang killed such a huge goldfish with just one blow?"

""Wow! Qin Lang is so awesome!"

Seeing that this huge goldfish was really solved by Qin Lang, the people on the boat were well prepared, but they were still amazed by Qin Lang's skill [Hegemony].

They thought that Qin Lang would at most break a gap that would allow the Merry to get out.

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang evaporated the head of the entire huge island goldfish with just one blow.

Seeing the Merry see the sun again, Luffy clenched his fists and laughed happily:

"Go! Meili, go straight ahead!"

"It's a pity that such a big fish head cannot be steamed and eaten."

Qin Lang jumped down from the sheep's head on the Meili with regret, and threw 'Musheng' to the corner.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Usopp screamed and rushed over, hanging on Qin Lang's left arm.

He looked at Qin Lang in admiration and shouted loudly:

"Qin Lang, you are my idol!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Luffy also rushed forward, hanging on Qin Lang's right arm.���superior.

His eyes were filled with stars:

"Hahahaha, Si Guoyi! Qin Lang, this move is so powerful! Can I learn it? Qin

Lang said with a smile:

"Of course you can, but the learning process may be a little painful."

Others were also extremely surprised that Qin Lang knocked off the head of a goldfish that was slightly smaller than Labu with just one blow.

Nami sat slumped on the deck and slapped her chest. She sighed and said with joy as if she had been reborn:

"Oh my god, I was so scared, I thought I was going to be eaten as fish food. I was so scared that my whole body started to heat up."

"Mr. Pirate's ability is really terrifying."

Weiwei stood beside Nami tremblingly, holding the permanent compass in her hand tightly.

Her trembling voice proved that Weiwei was also very nervous.

Although she believed in Qin Lang very much, she instinctively felt the fear of being eaten, which was still unavoidable.

"Compared to Mr. Pirate, I am just a princess of a small country.……"

Weiwei looked at the smiling Qin Lang with admiration, and a trace of inferiority rose.

I can't think about these things. The most important thing now is to crush the conspiracy of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile.

Save Alabasta, which is about to fall into war and chaos.

She took a deep breath, tried to forget the awkward emotions in her heart, turned around and comforted the black duck who was scared and twitching.


"Overlord? What a powerful attack!"

Zoro crossed his arms and looked at the overlord-colored domineering energy bomb still flying in the sky in the distance, and sighed in despair:

"Qin Lang has become stronger"


Sanji stood aside, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with empathy:

"He is indeed an unfathomable man!"



The domineering energy body condensed by the Tyrant God made a harsh sound.

After evaporating the entire goldfish head, it still flew into the air with undiminished power.

A long and terrifying black crack slid out in the air.

After a long time, a deafening roar was heard in the air, and a ball of pitch-black energy twisted and exploded.


The huge impact force set off countless strong winds, and even the Merry, which was so far away from the explosion area, was not spared.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The huge sea breeze pushed the sails of the Golden Merry fiercely. In the face of this huge wind force, the Merry was almost pushed back to the small garden.

Fortunately, Qin Lang reminded everyone in advance.

The Merry had already retracted its sails.

"Wow! Look up at the sky!"

Everyone on the boat looked up at the sky and their jaws dropped.

"Oh my God! That sky was blown up by Qin Lang?"

In the sky far away, a huge black area was blasted out.

There were no traces of clouds and mists, and there were only dazzling thunderbolts that were constantly crossing each other.


After more than ten minutes, the sky in the distance returned to normal again.

Beep, beep, beep, it started to rain lightly in the sky above the Meili.


Soon, the sky was filled with clouds, and the light rain that started out turned into a violent storm.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates hurriedly set up the sails again, and the speed of the Merry continued to increase under the strong wind.


Inspired by Qin Lang's overlord, everyone's emotions of almost being killed on the island were swept away and they became confident again.


Luffy stood on the deck and imitated the movements Qin Lang had just made.

"ah! The head exploded!"

Usopp pretended that the goldfish made an exaggerated move as if its head exploded, and then fell on the deck and pretended to be dead, twitching from time to time.

Qin Lang, who was acting as an audience, reminded with a smile:

"Luffy, we have left the small garden, do you want to make a statement about going to sea?"

"Oh, right! I forgot about that."

Luffy's eyes lit up, and he turned around, stretched out his legs and jumped onto the sheep's head of the Merry.

"Hee hee hee!"

Luffy held down the straw hat with one hand to prevent it from being blown away, and punched it into the air with the other hand.

Luffy grinned at everyone and said:

"Let's go, guys! Next stop, Vivi's hometown!"

The Straw Hat Pirates waved their arms and responded loudly to the captain:



"The island-eating monster was simply killed?"

On the shore of the small garden, the two giants had not yet recovered from what had just happened.

They stared at the Golden Merlion stepping on the body of the giant goldfish and leaving gracefully.

"Just one blow?"

The two giants turned their heads and looked at the entire fish head that had been evaporated. The blood-red fish blood stained the entire sea area. The giant goldfish of the island-eating monster was gradually sinking.



Dongli and Brockie looked at each other for a long time.���

After a long time, Brockie scratched his head and murmured:

"Hey, Dongli, look at that move just now, does it look like our Baguo?"

Dongli nodded:

"Very similar. But the power is stronger than ours. If I am not mistaken, it should be the energy body condensed by the Conqueror's Haki"

"Overlord color and domineering? Do you have the same qualifications as those interesting pirates we met before?……"

Broki recalled the figures of several people in the Straw Hat Pirates, and had a vague guess in his mind:

"Donli, who do you think in their pirate group has the ability to unleash such powerful force?"

"Hey, I didn’t expect that there would be a guy with such kingly qualifications among them. Could it be……"

Dong Li recalled the brief experience he had just had with the Straw Hat Pirates, and fixed his eyes on one person uncertainly.

The two giants looked at each other and said at the same time:

"That smiling guy"

"Brother Qin Lang?"

…… long, long ago.

There is a group of giants who call themselves the Giant Pirates and are active on the sea.

The two leaders, Red Ghost Broki and Blue Ghost Tori, are the most powerful.

Their power is too great and no one can compete with them on the sea.

What finally brought their adventure to an end was a girl's unintentional words.

After a hunt, they all captured a huge sea king creature, and they were all very proud of it.

The girl lay on the railing and asked curiously:

"Both prey were huge, but who could catch the bigger one?

The two giants looked at each other, and a desire to win a battle arose in their hearts.

In the small garden, they aligned the two huge sea kings, but found that they were almost the same.

"Look! Brockie, my prey seems to be a little bigger, right?"

"Nonsense, mine is three centimeters bigger than yours!"

"Then according to Elbaf's custom, let's fight to determine the outcome!"

The giant crew could not intervene in the duel between the two giant captains, so they had to return to Elbaf Village to wait for them to decide the winner.

It was not until a hundred years later that the Straw Hat Pirates passed by, and the two teamed up to smash their weapons and send out the hegemony. , and the demon disguised as Qin Lang was shot away.

This was the end of this century-old battle.


Onboard the Golden Merli.

Qin Lang, who was at the helm, suddenly turned around and looked at Nami, whose face was slightly rosy, and sighed:

"Nami, go to the house and rest for a while. You are sick."

"I, I don't……"

Nami was dazed and was supported by Weiwei. She left the wheelhouse and went to the bedroom to rest.

Feeling that Nami's body temperature was obviously higher than hers, Weiwei said anxiously:

"Luffy, do you have a doctor on your ship?"

Luffy stuck out his head with a piece of meat in his mouth:

"Ship's doctor? No, is there a chef?"

"ship doctor……"

Qin Lang smiled slightly and turned the helm gently.

The Meili's direction of travel has changed.

"It's time to pick up a shy guy with a reward of 50 Baileys."

Destination: Iron Bucket Kingdom



New book asks for everything, I hope everyone will read more���support

ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )Heart

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