

Qin Lang and Dr. Kuleha looked at each other.

In fact, both of them had already discovered from the sound of breathing that Nami was awake, and now she was just pretending to sleep.

It's just that the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't try to reveal Nami's little thoughts.

"The sniper on our ship is a very timid guy.

He is extremely afraid of anyone who is stronger than him.

In order not to become an enemy, he can even completely abandon his dignity and use it to exchange for his own safety.

But such a timid person would abandon his life in exchange for extraordinary courage when his companions are in danger.

He would rather use his life to win the lives of his companions and use his death to defend the dreams of his companions!"

Dr. Kuleha said thoughtfully:

"The guy with the long nose?"

Dr. Kuleha recalled that when he was operating on the guy with the long nose, he was obviously more seriously injured, but he resolutely proposed to diagnose the guy with the curly eyebrows first.

The guy with the long nose hugged his arms and cried bitterly:

"Wuwuwu, if Sanji hadn't come to save me, he wouldn't have lost to that guy using mushrooms! Sanji got hurt to save me! How could I treat him before him!"

Finally, Dr. Kuleha felt annoyed and knocked the long-nosed guy unconscious with a punch, so he could continue the treatment.

Qin Lang put the cup of milk tea on the table and said with a smile:

"The chef on our ship is a very unique guy. With the superb medical skills of Dr. Gulewa, I believe she has figured out something, right?"

Dr. Kuleha nodded and said uncertainly:

"That guy with the curly eyebrows has some amazing resilience. I'm afraid his body has been modified, right?

Someone once asked me about this knowledge and wanted to invite me to join them, but I refused."

Nami was secretly surprised.

Has Sanji been transformed?

Qin Lang crossed his hands, leaned on the back of the chair, and said calmly:

"The chef on our ship is just a little more lustful than ordinary people, but he has never done anything out of line with any woman.

His original family influenced his childhood life trajectory and dragged him into darkness.

But he was not swallowed by the darkness. Instead, he burned himself into a beam of light in the darkness, trying to illuminate the way back for other people who strayed into the darkness."

Dr. Kuleha looked at Qin Lang and grinned:

"Everyone else on your ship has finished speaking, what about you, Doctor Qin?"

Qin Lang closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then opened his eyes and smiled:

"Compared to them, my life is much more ordinary.

I grew up in an ordinary family, without lofty dreams or strong abilities.

By chance, I met them and witnessed their experiences and adventures as a third party. I wanted to achieve what I wanted but could not.

Until one day, due to some accidents, I really met these partners who originally only existed in my imagination. So I boarded their ship without hesitation and started this extraordinary adventure."

Hearing this, Nami, who had been eavesdropping, couldn't help but complain in her heart:

"Ordinary? Qin Lang's evaluation of himself is actually ordinary! If he is still ordinary, then there may be no outstanding people in the world!"

Qin Lang continued with a smile:

"Although they knew nothing about my origins, they never doubted me since they recognized me.

My companions have always trusted me, even blindly.

To be honest, I am not as friendly as they think."

Dr. Kuleha stood up, took out another bottle of unopened wine from the cabinet beside him, and turned back to his seat:

"Having said so much, what exactly does Dr. Qin want to express?"

Qin Lang spread his hands and said calmly:

"I want to say that Chopper's kindness is not special.

Many of us also have the same innocent heart as Chopper.

If Doctor Gulewa wants Chopper to grow into a qualified doctor, then let him join us without worry!"

Dr. Kulehakuku laughed twice, raised his head and looked at Qin Lang with contempt:

"Are you saying that you want me to hand over Chopper, whom I regard as my son, to your pirate group?

Doctor Qin, will you hand over your son to a thief?"

This hateful old woman!

Nami's eyes trembled slightly, and there was a kind of anger burning in her heart.

Qin Lang should not be scolded by the other party!

Facing Dr. Kuleha's scolding, Qin Lang smiled freely and said:

"We are not good people in a clear sense. We are just partners who got together by various coincidences.

Sincerely invited by Luffy, the incompetent captain, we decided to join this pirate group and go on an adventure at sea.

Pirates are pirates, and thieves can never be heroes.

I never think we are heroes.

We are just a group of adventurers who do adventurous things in the name of thieves.

Luffy never thinks that we should rob others. After all, with our abilities, we will not starve to death no matter where we are.

Of course, if there is a chance, we will never give up robbing, but the target of our robbery will most likely be some other pirates or some unjust organizations."

Qin Lang squatted slightly, and his voice gradually became fanatical:

"I wonder if Doctor Gureva has ever heard a saying?

Those who steal a hook will be put to death, and those who steal a country will be made marquises!

The hurricane of the times is sweeping across the world. This is an era of great navigation that the Pirate King has fought for, even at the cost of his own life!

In such a fanatical era, how many pirates will be buried in the sea, and how many pirates will find the great secret treasure and figure out the great secret treasure left by the Pirate King Roger.‘ONE PIECE’What is it?"

Qin Lang finally said meaningfully:

"In this era, we don’t need ordinary people who just keep to themselves. But we need warriors who are willing to cut themselves off and dare to bring down the emperor.

Chopper may live a safe life on Drum Island, but no one can say for sure. Maybe one day a strange laser will descend on Drum Island and completely destroy the place with one blow.

And the reason that ultimately destroyed the island may be just some trivial things.

For example, some high-ranking nobles felt that the word"Cigu Island" was too unpleasant to hear."

Dr. Kuleha's eyes widened and she looked at Qin Lang in shock:

"What do you want to do?"

Qin Lang looked into Dr. Kuleha's eyes and said frankly:

"I will try my best to gather all the strength I can.

Place them where they won't be noticed. Perhaps one day when we need them, they will become the decisive force to turn the world upside down."

Dr. Kuleharuo pointed out:

"Do you know what kind of guy you will attract once what you decide to do is exposed?"

Qin Lang stood up and walked towards the door. Without looking back, he smiled at Dr. Kuleha behind him and said:

"Don't worry, Doctor Kuleha, in terms of individual combat capability, I don't think I will lose to anyone.

Even those people may be the strongest combat force of the World Government - the Navy Admirals!"

Dr. Kuleha raised his head and took a sip of wine, laughing:

"It seems that Chopper is really on a very interesting pirate ship! The vice-captain's ambition is so amazing! Okay, I agree to let Chopper on board! But you still have to get the child's own consent. I won't force him!"

Admiral? Qin Lang, what are you going to do? How did you attract the attack of the admiral!

Nami couldn't help but tremble under the quilt.

She almost couldn't help sitting up from the bed and exclaimed.

I thought fighting with the Seven Warlords of the Sea was a very exciting thing, but I didn't expect Qin Lang to be ready to fight with the admiral of the navy?

Nami's nose was deflated and she wanted to cry.

Nojigo, I want to go home!

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