
Navy Captain Smoker sat meditatively on the charred stones with a cigar in his mouth, and his huge ten hands were casually inserted on the ground beside him.

The fact that he teamed up with Ace to throw Qin Lang's devastating blow into the sea water was bothering him.

Borrowing the power of pirates to protect ordinary people, is this justice or injustice?

Just because the faith in his heart was shaken, Smoker didn't even notice that Ace was leaving, but didn't stop him. He just watched with confusion as Ace turned into flames and flew away.


There were rapid footsteps behind me

"Lord Colonel Smoker!"

This is to confirm the safety here, and the adjutant Cao Dasqi came to report.

Dasqi clearly noticed the black flame fireball that was just filled with the aura of destruction, and the violent explosion it caused.

When she saw the intact Smoker Finally, he took a breath

"Just be fine."

Dasiqi wore simple half-sleeves and saluted Smoker with one hand, who had his back turned to her. She briefly reported:

"Sorry, because we don’t know the terrain of the town, we didn’t catch up with Straw Hat Boy Luffy, he and his crew all disappeared!"

"Did you escape?……"

Smoker took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Dashiki, what do you think is the difference between pirates and the navy?"

Dashiki put down her saluting hand in surprise and asked puzzledly:

"Isn't it the difference between justice and evil?"

Smog stood up slowly and repeated Dasqi's words:

"Is it the difference between justice and evil?"

Smoker turned around.

The gloomy look on his face startled Tashigi.

"Colonel Smoker!"

Tashigi rarely saw Smoker with such a gloomy expression.

Smoker stared at Tashigi and said slowly:

"Who then defines the difference between justice and evil? Is it Navy Headquarters or World Government? Or ordinary people?"

Dasi Qi was stunned.

She didn't know what Smoker had gone through.

Why did she say such words that were obviously questioning the navy?

"You think I'm questioning Navy Headquarters and the World Government?"

Smog seemed to have seen through Dasqi's thoughts, and sneered twice and said:

"I'm just questioning my own vision! I actually regarded the kind of extremely evil pirate who unscrupulously tried to destroy innocent people in a town as a noble man who was forced to join the pirates."

Dasi Qi tried:

"You mean, the fruit plunderer Qin Lang?"

After being stimulated by Qin Lang, Smoker's daily hard training on the ship was seen by Dashiqi.

When he was in Rogue Town before, Smoker had a lot of training items every day.

But he didn't reach the state of madness at all. After that, Smoker's daily training was at the abnormal level.

Not only did he double the previous training volume, he even often let the warship give up power, and he used the power of the [Smoke Fruit] as the power to propel the entire warship to sail in the sea. In the first few days of training, Smoker was completely helped into the lounge.

In the next few days, Smoker could gradually climb into the lounge by himself, and then he could go in and out with the help of the wall, until recently he could walk into the lounge normally.

The effect of the training is also obvious. Smoker's armed color domineering has become stronger, and the ability of the [Smoke Fruit] has also been developed into many uses that were never thought of before.

All the pirates encountered recently did not use other people to take action, and Smoker alone took them all down.

Among them, there are powerful pirates with a bounty of nearly 100 million.

When hearing Qin Lang's name, Smoker's eyes flashed with murderous intent

"That's right! I actually took Qin Lang, this extremely evil pirate who treated human life as nothing and destroyed it at will, as the target of pursuit! I was wrong! How wrong I was!"

Dasqi thought of the previous fireball of destruction that shone with strange black-red light in the air, and said in shock:

"Could it be that the fireball that almost destroyed the town was created by him?"

Smoker did not answer Dashiqi, but muttered hoarsely to himself:

"Chase? No! To deal with the most vicious pirates, the only way is to kill them completely! Only in this way can we protect innocent people!"

Tashigi didn't know how to comfort Smoker.

On weekdays on the warship, Smoker would often develop his fruit and compare it with Qin Lang.

As a result, Tashigi, who didn't know Qin Lang very well, was also full of curiosity about Qin Lang.

But today, Smoker was stimulated by Qin Lang and obviously turned from a fan to a black.

Tashigi didn't know that there was a word on Earth called idol collapse.

This word explains what Smoker is going through now.

A navy ran over from a distance, panting:

"Sir Colonel Smoker! Mr. 11, who was captured and detained on the warship by you, was killed by someone unknown!"

"It doesn't matter, this deception is pointing the way for us!"


Smoker tightly held the ten hands on the ground beside him, and pointed at the town in front of him with a fierce flick:

"Some pirates have set their sights on the land of Alabasta and are trying to do something shady here!"

Tashigi said in confusion:

"Is it the Straw Hat Boy and the Fruit Snatcher?"

Smoker sneered:

"If a very evil person like the fruit plunderer is targeting this place, I am afraid that only the navy generals can come to protect this country. With my current strength, I can't survive more than ten breaths in front of him. The lieutenant general is no match for him either."

Dasqi heard the negation in Smoker's words and said:

"Is that the Whitebeard Pirates? Their second team captain, Fire Fist Ace, is here. Isn't this a coincidence?"

Recalling Ace's best efforts when cooperating with him just now, Smoker shook his head:

"It won't be the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although they are enemies, I have to admit it.

Whitebeard, the man known as the strongest man in the world, never disdains to use conspiracies and tricks.

What he wants, he will only take it openly."

Tashigi was completely at a loss.

"If it’s not the Straw Hats or the Whitebeard Pirates, who could it be? Smoker said with sharp eyes:

"In the Kingdom of Alabasta, there is a Shichibukai who is stationed here with the ridiculous title of hero. Crocodile, the King of the Desert!"

Tashigi was astonished:


Smoker put his ten hands behind his back and said in a deep voice:

"You should know that I hate the Seven Warlords of the Sea! Especially that disgusting man Crocodile."

Dashiqi said hurriedly:

"But, Colonel, from a standpoint. King Shichibukai belongs to the Navy and the World Government! Smoker walked to a street and said in a deep voice:

"Crocodile is not a pirate who will obey the navy's orders obediently. What he is planning will definitely violate the justice observed by our navy!

Dasqi, you remember! A pirate is a pirate after all! Don't regard the other person as a good person just because he has done one or two good deeds occasionally!"

While speaking, Qin Lang's smiling expression and Ace's firm determination to resist the fireball flashed through Smoker's mind at the same time...

He took a deep breath, as if saying to Dasqi, more like Saying to myself:

"The Navy must uphold its own justice! Protect the safety of the people! Never let any pirate go! This is what we must do!"

Smoker's expression was extremely firm.

Qin Lang, from today on.

I will no longer try to catch up with you!

As a Navy, I will do my best... to kill you!


"Luffy, be serious!"

In a small alley in the rapeseed town.

Ace looked helplessly at his silly brother who was smiling in front of him, and tried to be serious:

"Where did you meet Qin Lang? Do you know how dangerous this guy is?"

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