Amidst the yellow sand in the sky, there is a green and miraculous city standing tall.

"Hahahaha, cheers to the great hero!"

"Thanks to the presence of Lord Crocodile here, the rebels dare not invade here!"

People were drinking happily in the bar.

The whole city was filled with laughter and clear water flowed in every corner of the city.

The scene presented by this city was completely opposite to other cities in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

This was the most dazzling city in the Kingdom of Alabasta - Rainland.

In Rainland, fresh water has never been a scarce resource, and no rebels dared to invade this city.

Because in this city, the most powerful hero in the kingdom is stationed - the King of the Seven Warlords of the Sea [Desert King] Sand Crocodile.

He is also the owner of the largest casino in the kingdom,"Rain Feast", and the behind-the-scenes boss of Baroque Works, Mr. 0.

Under the luxurious and exquisite casino Rain Feast building, there is an underground secret room built underwater.

The secret room is surrounded by huge transparent thick glass, and the outside of the glass is sea water. Dozens of banana crocodiles with a body length of ten meters are wandering in the sea water.

Because this crocodile has a banana-shaped protrusion on its head, it is named banana crocodile.

They are ferocious in habits, live in groups, and can even feed on sea kings.

"Gurgle, Gurgle……"

At this time, a 20-meter-long banana crocodile, the king of banana crocodiles, obediently surrendered to the touch of a man's right hand and made a sound of comfort like a puppy.

This man who caressed the Banana Crocodile King like a pet was wearing a black fur coat, his hair was slicked back, and there was a very obvious transverse scar on his face below the eye.

On his left hand was a golden iron hook that shone fiercely.

The man sat calmly on the boss's chair with a cigar in his mouth. He looked indifferently at Miss.all sunday Robin not far away and said slowly:

"The time to implement the final battle plan is noon two days later. Have everything been arranged? Robin nodded and said calmly:

"Yes, it has been arranged, Boss.

Rapeseed has 150 billion waiters on standby.

Mr. 2 has also been transferred back by me. He can't find Mr. 3 who was killed by your order.

Mr. 3 seems to have left our sight.

All other chief commanders will also gather in the Spider Cafe at 8 o'clock tonight."

Sharokdal nodded with satisfaction, squinted his eyes and looked at Robin who had his back to him, and praised slowly:

"Well, good job"

"It's past five o'clock now, and someone has probably arrived at the Spider Cafe"


Above a desert.

The barren desert wind kept roaring,



A lonely coffee shop stood in the desert sand.

Outside the coffee shop, a pink fish-shaped sign with a spider pattern was constantly being teased and blown by the passing wind, making a groaning sound.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak."

There was a strong wind outside.

Everything was quiet inside.

"Ding ding ding……"

Beautiful music sounded from the elegant record player, floating in the warm and comfortable coffee shop.

Everything in the shop was ordinary and warm.

The tables and chairs in the shop were cleaned very clean, and various tableware and exquisite cups were neatly placed in the transparent cabinets.

On the operating table not far away, hot water was boiling, and the steam slowly filled the whole room.

The coffee shop's proprietress Pola sat at the bar, reading a book leisurely in this quiet environment.

The proprietress Pola wore a pair of purple square-framed glasses, a little crimson lipstick on her mouth, and a headscarf on her head. Her blue curly hair was combed behind her head, with only a strand of hair naturally falling on her cheeks, forming a unique charm.

The proprietress Pola was tall and sexy, and she only wore a camisole on her upper body.

Her chest revealed a deep and eye-catching ravine, which made people unable to help but sneak a peek, and their minds were full of mysterious and beautiful fantasies.

"Wow! Jingle Bell……"

The door of the coffee shop was suddenly pushed open.

The howling wild wind took the opportunity to sneak into the warm coffee shop, waking up the proprietress Pola who was immersed in a book.

At the door, a sharp middle-aged woman's voice sounded:

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!"

The proprietress Paula looked up and saw a short, weird-looking old woman with red wavy hair walking into the store mumbling something.

"It's all your fault, Mr. 4! It's all because you're so fat and walk so slowly that my back and legs ache!"

A fat man in green cross-patterned clothes slowly walked into the doorway, carrying a large, heavy-looking gun on his back.

Facing the old woman's accusations, the man apologized slowly:


The old woman couldn't wait for the man to finish apologizing, so she interrupted impatiently:

""That's enough! That's enough! Come in! Bola, how are you doing? The store is empty. Is business not good?"

The old woman spoke very quickly.

While talking to the boss Bola, she kept looking around.

It was obvious that she was a very anxious character who couldn't calm down.

The boss Bola smiled and said:

"Long time no see, Merry Christmas, Miss."

The slow man walked slowly to the bar.

The proprietress turned around and smiled at the slow man:

"Mr·4 welcomes you too"


The proprietress Paula looked at Miss Merry Christmas and said with a smile:

"There are no outsiders here today, you guys have reserved the place. Someone has already ordered your drinks in advance. Yours is orange black tea, Mr. 4’s is apple tea. Is this acceptable to both of you?"

"I hate drinking hot food! I want something cold! cold! cold! Drink it now! Drink it now!"

Miss·Merry Christmas slapped the table and urged hurriedly.

The boss lady Paula was not angry at being urged by the unreasonable guest. She was busy busy with a smile and praised:

"You are in really good spirits! How is work going?"

"This is a world where the strong prey on the weak! In this job where one mistake can lead to death, I am still alive, of course it is going well! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"

The boss lady Pola apologized with a smile:

"That's true, I'm sorry."

Outside the door, a strange chorus suddenly sounded:

"One, two, aha! One, two, aha!"

A strange voice sang passionately:

"In this world, there are only men and women, but transsexuals are both men and women.~"

"One, two, aha!"

"The way of the shemale ~ the strongest way ~ the way of the shemale ~ long live it!"

The next second, a spinning figure burst in from the door. After spinning in the air several times, he slowly landed and saluted everyone in the coffee shop:

"Everyone is well~"

Paula, the proprietress of the coffee shop, looked at Mr. 2 Von Clay who was saluting at the door and said helplessly:

"You stupid……"

Mr. 2 Von Clay rushed to the bar counter with dissatisfaction and said to Pola with a smile:

"The slaves are not stupid, Pola! The slave is a dancer! Please give me a fish parfait dessert~"

"Octopus parfait dessert?"

"Hahahaha, octopus parfait dessert is common sense! My favorite! By the way, you go back to the ship first! Don't be lazy, don't forget to practice dancing~"

Mr. 2 After von Clay sent the boys back, he turned around and looked at Miss and Merry Christmas who were enjoying Mr. 4's back slap, and said in surprise:

"Hey, fat bear, fat old woman, are you two there too?"

Miss·Merry Christmas, who was lying on the table, glared at him with dissatisfaction and muttered:

"Shut up, you're so annoying! My waist hurts so much! It hurts so much! It hurts so much!"


The door was suddenly pushed open.


Several people in the room turned around in surprise and looked outside the door.

Woo hoo...

In the strong wind, a man with an afro wearing a long windbreaker and sunglasses strode in with his hands in his pockets.

The door. The coffee shop closed with a bang.

Paula, the proprietress of the coffee shop, was a little surprised by the appearance of this person:

"Huh? Mr. 5? Why are you here? I didn't receive any notification that someone ordered a drink for you?"

Mr. 5 looked at the four people in front of him and said calmly:

"It's a short notice, it's normal that you don't know."

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Mr. 5's mind.

"The host observed: the user of the Thorn Fruit. He realized: the ability to grow thorns all over the body."

"The host observed: the user of the Mole Fruit. He realized: the ability to transform into a mole, dig holes and hide underground to wait for attacks."

"The host observed: The user of the dog fruit and dachshund form. Realized: The ability to transform into a dachshund."

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