Ancestor from eight hundred years ago, Nephet·D·What does the D in Queen Lily's name stand for?

This is a question that has always troubled King Cobra.

But he didn't expect that in his hallucination, he would directly ask the Five Elders, the highest leaders of the World Government.

And the attitude of the Five Elders surprised Cobra even more.

Faced with this very common question.

The other side's five top leaders of the Celestial Dragons, who are more than 10,000 people, actually wanted to kill the old man.


Izambaron, the God of Finance among the Five Elders·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng held the ghost sword in his hand and stared at his old self in the wheelchair:

"King Kobra, why...are you asking this question?"

The old self said in a deep voice:

"To be honest, Queen Lili left a brief letter eight hundred years ago, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Wang family.……"


The five elders looked at each other in dismay.


While the Five Elders were in a daze, a slender figure shrouded in darkness appeared on the stairs of the palace.

Da, da, da, da...

In the silent palace, it slowly climbed the high stairs.

Under the gaze of the shocked Five Elders and his old self, the dark shadow sat on the empty throne with confidence!

Someone had already sat on the highest throne in the world?

Why didn't the world know about this?

Cobra couldn't believe his eyes.

How is this possible!

The Five Elders seemed to be very surprised and terrified by the appearance of this person.

The Five Elders knelt down and exclaimed to the man on the throne:

"Lord Im! King Kobra is still here!"

The dark figure sat upright on the throne that no one should be sitting on. His cold eyes passed through the weapons inserted in front of the throne, and he said lightly in a strange tone whose gender could not be distinguished:


Under the high throne, my old self was sweating profusely, looking at the mysterious man sitting on the throne in horror.

"You, who are you?"

The two Kobra kings of different age groups surprisingly reached a consensus in their thinking at this time:

"Does the world always operate under one person's subjective assumptions?

No! In such a world, there will definitely be big problems!"

Cobra was in a confused mood.

Or is there something wrong with the world?

"There are two things I want to ask you, Mu.……"

The figure on the highest throne spoke indifferently.

Cobra's mind was completely confused, and he could no longer concentrate on what was going to happen next.

He vaguely saw his old self sitting in a wheelchair and talking to the shadow on the throne, but he could not hear the content of the conversation clearly.

"Im's name...among the first 20 people……"

"……Mu didn't answer……"

"……D is for those who were once our enemies... They don't know the meaning of their names……"

"Those scholars who have been studying for a hundred years... and the pirates... were all caused by Lily's mistake that day.……"

"……Perhaps, one of the answers will make Mu very angry... Was it a mistake, or did she do it intentionally?"

Cobra's thinking has been in a trance, and he vaguely heard the intermittent conversation.

Until the end of the conversation, the figure sitting on the highest throne in the world looked directly at his old self below indifferently:

"Answer Mu's answer... What was the name of the sender in the letter that Lily passed on to the tribe?"

Cobra subconsciously recalled the ancient letter that was passed down to him.


Signed: Nefit·D·Lily

…… puff!

Kobra saw that his old self had just finished speaking this sentence with difficulty when a black slender arrow tail came from nowhere and pierced his chest.

"Phew, cough cough cough.……"

The old man was thrown out of the wheelchair by the scaly tail. He fell heavily to the ground, blood gushing out of his chest, quickly staining the ground red.


Wulaoxing stared at himself lingering on the ground indifferently, as if he was watching a small insect trying to fight a giant dragon.

""Fire Fist!"

Suddenly, a roar broke the silence.

In the corner behind the pillar, a flame flickered and lit up the darkness. The red and white flames expanded and sprayed towards the Five Elders.


After the swelling and roaring flames covered the five old stars, they sprayed with undiminished power towards the mysterious black shadow of the World Throne on the high platform!

"Phew, I was planning to kill you all if I got lucky!"

The next second, a young man holding a water pipe stick appeared in front of the old man.

He looked at the five elders who had changed into another scene in the flames with an incredible expression, and said in surprise:

"But I didn't expect that there is a hell hidden at the top of the world! You are all this kind of monsters."

Cobra was horrified to find that the five old and gray old men had all turned into monsters with black flames burning on their bodies.

A strange bird with a long tail and sawtooth teeth.

A huge eight-clawed spider. A huge wild boar with huge fangs.

A skeleton horse with a skeleton.

A huge insect with a bloody mouth.

And behind these five monsters, an even larger body surrounded the high platform and was staring coldly at the two ants below.

Surrounded by the monsters, the old man lying on the ground muttered:

"Someone from the Revolutionary Army?"

"I'll take you out!"

The young revolutionary carried the old man on his back and began to run for his life under the cover of the continuous spray of flames.

"What is all this about?���"Is this all really the future?"

Cobra was unable to control his body. He could only be forced to follow the old self in the illusion and move quickly.

He fell on the back of the young revolutionary soldier, grabbed the young revolutionary soldier's shoulders with all his strength, and growled:

"I am dying, run away! Tell Vivi and Luffy that we are also D! I finally know where the Kingdom of Alabasta should go!"

The next second, the scaly tail that pierced the abdomen of the old man before attacked again without anyone noticing.

It pierced the body of the young revolutionary and the old man at the same time.

The young revolutionary and the old man fell to the ground.

"The original historical text is important!"

Facing the six inhuman monsters chasing from behind, the old man climbed up with difficulty, resolutely stood in front of these monsters, and roared:

"You must protect the historical texts!

They will become the banner of dawn raised by this world usurped by darkness!!

This is my ancestor Nefert·D·Lily, the words passed down!"

"I understand!"

The young revolutionary ran away in tears


The old me was pierced through the body again and fell stiffly to the ground.


I am dead?

In the future, will I die in the mysterious palace of Mary Geoa in the Holy Land?

Just because I said Queen Lily's name


So, a person with a name named D will be the enemy of the Lord of the First Throne in the World?


Cobra's sight was drawn higher and higher... until finally, his eyes went dark and he was completely out of the illusion.


It takes a long time in the illusion, but in reality it only lasts for ten breaths.

Qin Lang yawned lazily.

Should I also add a D to my name for fun?

Oh, forget it, boring behavior.

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