"The goddess of death is always one step behind me. I am the man she desires but can never get."

Qin Lang landed lightly on the ground with a bag full of meat on his back, and then flicked his fingers.


The quicksand pit automatically opened, and Luffy's beloved straw hat was lifted up by the sand and handed respectfully to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang put the hat on his head and smiled at Robin.

"Hey, pretty girl, are you happy to see that I'm still alive?"

"Haha, what a man who likes sweet words. Robin chuckled lightly and turned around to leave.

He saw a man staggering up behind him, his hands drooping slightly and holding the sword with difficulty:

"What did you do to Princess Weiwei!"

The person who came here was the adjutant of the Guards of the Kingdom of Alabasta. After eating the [Bird Fruit·Falcon Form], he was known as the strongest warrior of the Kingdom of Alabasta: Peru.

Peru just thought he could rely on the speed of the falcon form. He won and defeated Robin, but was instantly knocked out by Robin's"Six-round Flower Blooming Hook Claw" and passed out.

Robin took Weiwe away in front of his eyes, which was not yet completely unconscious.


Robin looked at Peru, who had not fully recovered, and said with a smile:

"Did you wake up so soon? He is indeed a user with animal devil fruit abilities."

Peru looked at Robin warily and said coldly:

"I already know your ability. You won't be like before.……"

"Well, let me say something!"

Qin Lang, wearing a straw hat, tilted his head to look at Perrou's arm and gave a suggestion as a doctor with top-level medical skills:

"Your arm is severely sprained. If necessary, for Weiwei's sake, I can straighten it for you free of charge."

Peru looked at Qin Lang warily, gritted his teeth and said:

"Could it be that you are also Crocodile's subordinate? bring it on! I will defeat you all together!"

Robin turned around and walked towards the Banana Crocodile mount not far away, and said calmly:

"They are the two pirate knights who escorted your noble princess to this country. You can trust them completely."

"Wait, come back! Give me Princess Weiwei!"

Peru held the sword and tried to ask Robin where Weiwei was.

But he heard Qin Lang open the bag full of meat and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Weiwei is safe. Accompanied by our other partners, she is rushing to the capital Arupana to prevent the outbreak of civil war."

Robin smiled at Qin Lang while riding on the banana crocodile, and gently pulled the reins.

The banana crocodile was like an arrow from the string, raising dust and slipped away.

The long-distance running speed of the banana crocodile is second only to Lu Xing Ducks are very good at long-distance running. The smell of meat awakened Luffy's defense system.



Luffy was instinctively attracted by the meat before his mouth without opening his eyes.

"Ah woo, ah woo, ah woo……"

Luffy closed his eyes and swallowed the big piece of meat that Qin Lang handed to his mouth, and drank three small barrels of water without stopping.

It wasn't until this moment that Luffy's body recovered.


Luffy opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the deputy captain Qin Lang, who was wearing a straw hat and smiling at him.

"Qin Lang……"

After seeing that it was Qin Lang, Luffy's tense nerves relaxed and he smiled foolishly:

"I lost……"

Qin Lang put the straw hat on the idiot captain's head with a smile, and laughed mercilessly:

"Captain, you lost miserably this time! You almost died."

Luffy chewed the meat and smiled foolishly:

"Hee hee, that bastard Crocodile is really awesome! I'm no match for him"

"Then try to defeat him next time!"

Luffy nodded confidently:

"Yes! I will! Aa...……"

Peru sat on the ground with difficulty, the sprain of his arms causing him severe pain.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Lang, who was constantly feeding Luffy meat, and Luffy, who was constantly swallowing meat, and said gratefully:

"Did that woman say that you brought the princess back to the Kingdom of Alabasta? Thank you."

Qin Lang raised his head and glanced at Peru, smiling:

"You're welcome, we are Weiwei's friends."

Peru smiled happily and said:

"A friend of Her Highness the Princess? It's great, I haven't seen Her Royal Highness make new friends for a long time.

Well, did that friend eat too much food? His belly is already very big."

Peru was surprised to find that in just a short while, less than half of the big bag, which was as tall as a person, was left.

All the meat was swallowed by the man lying on the ground..

And the guy's belly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Lang smiled calmly:

"Don't worry, this guy won't be pushed to death."

Qin Lang's hand touched the sand pile, and silver-white mycelium jumped from Qin Lang's fingers into the bottom of the beach.

The next second, a milky white fingertip-sized mushroom quickly grew on the sand pile.

Qin Lang grabbed a handful of mushrooms, He casually threw it into Luffy's mouth:

"Peru, take one. This healing mushroom is rich in vitality and has the effect of treating trauma and relieving pain, allowing you to heal your injuries quickly."

"Can mushrooms heal the body?"

Peru pulled up a mushroom suspiciously and threw it into his mouth.

As soon as the milky white healing mushroom entered Peru's mouth, it turned into a warm current and completely integrated into Peru's body.

Eat the healing mushroom Finally, Peru's body and Luffy's body began to continuously emit a bright white light, and black substances were discharged from their skin, emitting an unpleasant stench.

Luffy suddenly emerged from the sand. He jumped up, waved his hands, raised his head and laughed:

"Ahahahahaha, I'm back to health!"

"Hey, it actually works? This mushroom is so amazing!"

Peru also stood up in surprise, waved his arm slightly, and found that except for a little soreness, his arm had completely recovered to health!

"Your bones are not adjusted yet."

Qin Lang held down Peru's arms and reminded him with a smile:

"Relax and take it easy. Hey, look who that is?"

Peru looked at it in confusion, and then a severe pain hit him from both shoulders.


Peru ducked away from Qin Lang in shock, and looked at Qin Lang and Luffy warily after pulling away.

Qin Lang clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"alright. Already corrected and back."

Peru moved his shoulders belatedly, and the previous soreness completely disappeared.

"Hey, is it really better? Are you the ship's doctor?"

Peru looked at Qin Lang in awe.

This is a miracle doctor with superb medical skills!

"Doctor? Occasionally part-time job."

Qin Lang said with a smile.

Luffy smiled and put his arm around Qin Lang's shoulders, and said to Peru proudly:

"Hehe, Qin Lang can also cook, and the cooking is delicious!

He can also repair ships. He and Usopp repair the Meili. He can also grow flowers and mushrooms. Qin Lang usually takes care of the orangery on the Meili."

"All right! Stop flattering me, you flatterer!"

Qin Lang slapped Luffy in the face in a bad mood, interrupting Luffy's boasting about himself, and reminded him:

"Luffy, have you forgotten what you should do most right now?"


Luffy slammed his hands together, rubbed his fists, and gritted his teeth:

"Of course I won't forget! I'm going to defeat that bastard Crocodile! I'm going to knock him off his feet completely!"

Peru collected the mushrooms on the ground, looked at the two of them and said hesitantly:

"I am Hayato who ate the Bird-Bird Fruit. If I were alone, I could transform into a beast and carry him to Arubana, but if there were two of us, my speed would be much slower."

"Flying? Don't worry, I will too."

Qin Lang disappeared in place

"Hey, where are the people?"

The difference was immediately apparent.

While Peru was still looking around,

Luffy had already noticed Qin Lang in the air.

"In the air!"

The two looked up and saw three pairs of thick black wings flapping behind Qin Lang, hovering in the air like a demon in the night, looking down at the two people below.

【Bird Fruit·Falcon Form]·Magic Change Fourth Form: [Six-Winged Fallen Angel]】



Ask for everything~

ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )Heart

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