I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 197 The Small World Surrounding the Sky

Time moves forward.

Emiya Shirou and Atalanta were chasing in the jungle.

On the other hand, facing the siege of Siegfried and Frankenstein, Achilles, who appeared as the red Rider, seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

Under his invincible speed and invulnerable defense, both Siegfried and Frankenstein fell into a bitter battle.

Facing a tyrannical opponent, Siegfried was thinking while coping.

His attack did not leave any injuries on the opponent's body, so it seemed that the opponent, like him, was also a hero with strong defense power.

Coupled with the spear technique that has entered the realm of the gods, and the speed that can't keep up at all.

Although he was not injured due to the defense of the dragon's blood armor, the situation on the field is obviously not in his own hands, but in the opponent's hands.

Even if they are two-on-one.

"Saber, what are you doing! Hurry up and use the Noble Phantasm!"

Hearing the Master's call that kept coming from his ears, Siegfried couldn't help thinking about the possibility of using the Noble Phantasm.

It is okay to use the treasure, but can your own treasure really destroy the other party?

After all, now I don't even know where the opponent's defense breakthrough is.

Can your own attack break through the opponent's defense?

"What the hell are you doing, Saber! I command you with Command Seals, use the Noble Phantasm for me!"

Following the orders of the exasperated Gord, Siegfried's sword instantly gathered a lot of magical power.

This is the precursor to the release of the treasure.

But Siegfried was very resistant!

If he could defeat the Red Rider in front of him, it might be worth giving it a go.

Siegfried would also agree and would not refuse to use the Noble Phantasm.

But Red Rider is displaying his immortality without hesitation, and it is impossible to imagine a situation where his Noble Phantasm works.

That is not a guardian that should be broken simply by strong force, but something necessary.

Such as flames, lightning strikes and other specific directional attacks. Or conditions, such as being in the forest, or being close to the undead at night, etc.

There are many heroes with such legends.

Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Velidora, who exchanged a contract with Indra, the god of battle, that "wood, stone, steel, dry objects, wet objects, and all weapons cannot inflict damage, and they cannot be captured day or night."

Therefore, at dusk, which was neither day nor night, the God of War defeated Velidora with a pillar of sea foam that was neither dry nor wet, and certainly not wood, stone, or steel.

That's right, there is no such thing as complete immortality in this world.

What's more, although I am a heroic spirit, no matter where I am, I can't escape the category of "human being".

Those who escaped are all extraterrestrial beings who could not be summoned as servants of the Holy Grail War.

The same is true for myself.

Attack methods above B rank, plus the only part not bathed in the blood of the dragon, the back.

As long as he aimed there, even a weak Heroic Spirit could kill him.

What kind of immortality is Red Rider?

It has to be said that it is too stupid to go all out to attack this mystery before it is solved.

Once you use this Noble Phantasm, the moment you call out the name of the Noble Phantasm, your true body will almost always be revealed.

After all, there is only one heroic spirit who wields this imaginary sword.

Once the real name is discovered, one's fatal weakness will be exposed.

In that case, you will suddenly fall into a disadvantageous situation.

Thinking of this, Siegfried resisted even more.

But the command of the Command Seal is absolute, and Siegfried cannot stop it at all.

"Release the Noble Phantasm? Come on, Black Saber! Show me your strength!"

Looking at the confident smile of Red Rider opposite, the only glimmer of hope in Siegfried's heart was completely shattered.

The enemy is not afraid of his attack at all.

His own attacks cannot break through his defenses.

I am going to expose myself!

"I order you with the command spell to stop the release of the treasure!"

Under the restraint of the command spell, Siegfried finally stopped his movements, but because of the continuous orders, he knelt on the ground wearily.

"Hahaha, your master is really stupid!"

"First ordered the release of the Noble Phantasm, and then ordered the termination of the Noble Phantasm, and the two strokes of the Command Seal are gone!"

"But my Master is also very gloomy!"

Just when Achilles laughed at the magical operation of the black master, an arrow pierced through the sky and pierced his shoulder in an instant!


The proud defense was breached, and Achilles immediately became vigilant.

But after vigilance, what ushered in was joy!

Achilles trembled all over, not from shame, but from joy.

He thought from the bottom of his heart, how good it is to have someone who can hurt him in this Holy Grail War.

The black Archer's bow is so clear and resounding.

He once thought that there was no archer who could beat his own Archer Atalanta, and he felt ashamed of himself for that.

Arrows were fired again.

Judging from the faint sound of air cutting and air vibration, five arrows were fired rapidly in succession.

Escaping to the rear is very simple, but there have been two times since just now, I clearly did this, but the escape position was seen through, and I was still pierced by the arrow.

Is the inner activity being read?

Or does the other party have similar predictable skills or Noble Phantasms?

But these are not important, the most important thing is that his arrow penetrated his own guard.

This shows that he and himself are the same existence.

Achilles identified the Black Archer, who has both blood and strength, as his greatest enemy in this Holy Grail War.

The third rapid-fire strike.

This time, Achilles marched forward without fear.

However, even so, his actions were still seen through.

The arrow released pierced his knee at some point.

Achilles couldn't suppress the emotion that surged to his heart because of the severe pain that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Haha, hahahaha! It's wonderful! It's so wonderful, Black Archer! Can you hurt me and kill me! Then, it's my destiny to fight you!! Oh, gods of Olympus. Please Give glory and honor to this battle!"

However, it would be a shame to have a showdown here.

Neither the horse that should have been ridden nor the companion who should have come to see the glory was called out.

It is too violent to fight in this slightly deserted forest.

Just when Achilles was ready to fight, in the jungle in the distance, a magic arrow of blue light suddenly rose into the sky.

Then it turned into a rain of arrows and fell quickly.

"That's Big Sister's treasure!"

Achilles' pupils shrank suddenly, and he knew very well that Atalanta, who had no glory, would never take the initiative to confront the enemy at this time.

"Ambush, even at the height of danger?"

Achilles, who sensed that Atalanta was in crisis, snapped his fingers quickly.

Immediately after that, three horses appeared in the sky, leading the chariot, and knelt down beside him.

Achilles leaped onto the throne, and announced loudly: "Black Archer! Let's have a chance to have a showdown! Next time, let me pay my respects to you!"

After that, he immediately rushed to the place where the Atalanta Noble Phantasm was activated.

In front of the super speed of the chariot, the distance between the two is only between the fingers.

But he seemed to be a moment too late.

Looking at the enemy who swung a terrifying blow under the incomparable charge, Achilles who was still in the air roared loudly: "[The small world that surrounds the sky]!"

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