After Menggert confirmed to join.

Melina gave the other party a task that belonged to him

"Next, don’t be in a hurry. Start cleaning up this ruined dynasty first. Before fighting against foreign aggression, you must first settle the internal affairs....Handle the affairs of the royal city well.

That's the most important thing to you.

As for how to get the soldiers back to their senses~.

We will give you treasures later.

Before that, let’s build a portal first....At present, my lord has told me what to do -.

Just let us communicate with each other.

The portal allows you to go to the Holy Land...Meet the power of true God!"

Facing Melina's words,

Menggert said with enthusiasm:"Then let's stay in the central hall....This is the safest place, no one can come in..."

"But it will be exposed here, don’t you know?"

Melina looked disdainful.

Is this person's brain really normal?

An ordinary soldier.

If he often comes in and out of the hall, there will definitely be problems.

Faced with her doubts,

Menggert suddenly realized, and the attendant next to him said quickly:" grown ups...We also have a side hall..."

"you mean?"

"There is a hidden connection between that abandoned palace and the palace here."

After being reminded by the entourage,

Menggert soon realized.

There is indeed a side hall.

It was originally a place for knights to study.

Now it is abandoned.

Under the leadership of the entourage, everyone quickly arrived here. A side hall.

It is located directly below the main store.

The location is not said to be very hidden.

However, as a place for knights to train, it is very large and has many rooms.

Melina observed it for a while, then stretched out her hand to build the portal.

Blue Colorful light rose slowly in the air.

After a while, a huge portal appeared in front of everyone.

"Come, let me go..."

Hundreds of knights.

Following Lord Menggert, he passed through the gate and came to the Galid area.

Looking at the towering trees.

And the Palace of Wonders.

Everyone looked shocked

"this...What's this?"

People looked shocked.

They never thought that such a change would occur in the Galede area in just a short period of time.

It was originally a corrupt land, but now it has become like this. (To read the novel, go to Flying Lu Novel Network!)

Even not long ago.

Menggert had been here, but at that time.

The Galid area was full of corruption.[] trees. insect.

And the mutated, deformed creation.

It can be said that the former Galid.

This is the nest of the Corrupt Queen.

Although he understood that it was his sister, Marlenia, who caused the disaster.

However, if you want to clean it up, it cannot be changed by human power.

But now, the picture appeared in Menggert's eyes.

But it's like a dream.

The originally barren land has been replaced by countless green grass and flowers.

Of course, this is just a manifestation of life.

What really shocked Mongote.

It is undoubtedly the life force of this area.

It was simply too exuberant.

It didn't occur to him at all.

The land that was once corrupt could turn out to be so charming.

A whole new world.

It makes people yearn for it.

The air is filled with aromatic scent.

That is the rhythm of life.

Only life can bloom with such a refreshing flavor.

Menggert suddenly knelt on the ground.

Looking at the mountains in the distance.

He actually started to cry silently

"So is this the real life?..."

He burst into tears.

My persistence seemed extremely ridiculous..

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