Inside Ziyun Mountain.

A pink snake is burning paper.

Burn on one side.

She sobbed.

A situation like this.

It's been going on for a long time

"Husband...Big revenge cannot be avenged, so I can only burn some paper money for you here...."

The woman's voice was very soft and crisp.

But with an unimaginable sadness.

And then a green bird fell



Looking at the snake demon who was still burning paper in memory of her husband.

The little bird couldn't help but remind.

The other person raised his head.

He looked at her with tearful eyes.

I don’t understand what the other person means by calling me

"What's wrong...Ziling..."

"so...Recently, a group of monsters appeared far away over there, claiming to be the subordinates of the God of Destiny. One of the wolf demons was obviously only a vanguard-level power.

But he sacrificed several monsters.

Directly became a demon all the way...

That terrifying power can cut off even mountains..."

Hear a description of the bird.

The pink-scaled snake demon couldn't help but look shocked

"What did you say...How could such a thing exist?..."

Just a little monster.

In a short time.

Became a fairy. 23

That is a fairy.

Although his own strength is about the same as that of an immortal.

However, the other party only soared from a little goblin.

It's really scary

"it is true...Many brothers have gone to seek refuge. you also know...This Ziyun Mountain...We can't stay any longer.

Since those troubles came.

In fact, our living space has been continuously compressed.... and...

Maoyuexingguan has turned into that look...

We also need to find someone to rely on."

Ziyun Mountain was a scary place in the past. Not only was there a nest of spider spirits nearby, but there were also countless poisonous insects living here. It can be said that any little monster has no room to survive here. Now it's the same if you leave. A choice. In fact, it is not just this monster. The same is true for other monsters. The world is changing now. Evil spirits are everywhere. It stands to reason that they will survive very well. But in fact, there are many problems. Not every monster will eat People. Not every monster will like the days of pollution and killing. More monsters. People just want to live a quiet life. Live and work hard. There are so many thoughts. However , the world is changing. After that, the poisonous insects here in Ziyun Mountain went crazy. They not only attacked the Bodhisattva's Taoist temple, but even polluted the powerful Maoyue Xingguan. As for the other monsters, it was really miserable now. They lost their minds. At the same time, he is confused and confused. There is simply no peace of mind. In fact, the little bird does not ask for much, to live in peace of mind, no matter who it is attached to. Or to be a low-end existence. It is okay. But there is only one thing, you have to let it be good. Live. If even the most basic surge cannot be completed, the bird is also very scared. Because of this, when I heard that the wolf instructor became an immortal, the area thousands of miles away was occupied. Even order was restored. Can it not be moved? ? It’s not like I’m pursuing any strength. Just getting protection is enough. At the same time, it also has another idea. That is to find a way out for this good sister. The other party’s husband was killed by the poisonous enemy king. Is it true or false? We Don't know, but

...The little bird understands that the Poison Enemy King is a really terrible and terrifying existence.

Because the other party once gave Maoyue Xingguan a move.

That means hitting the opponent.

Let the other party be poisoned.

People are there to maintain order.

The poisonous enemy king uses this method.

Ordinary monsters are naturally scared to death

"let me see...Maybe you can go and have a look...."

The snake demon stood up.

She followed the bird flying into the distance.

The earth beneath your feet. a mess.

Beacon smoke was burning everywhere.

Some are ten thousand people's caves.

It is an abyss of the undead made up of dead bones. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In short, they are not good places.

All the way forward.

The snake demon also asked many things.

For example, what are the constraints on the other party’s power?

"This is it...There must be some, my friend got the invitation letter and it clearly stated"[]

"There are three religious restrictions"

"One: Don’t kill at will!"

"Second: Don’t destroy the world at will!"

"Third: Don’t act recklessly!"

"Look...This kind of restraint is simply better than Buddhism, and people have also said...This is ours...You cannot interfere with the world environment at will.

At the same time, you must protect your home...

You cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately because...All things have animism, if you believe in gods...

Let’s change the world together.

Then, it's a partner...

You cannot kill at will..."

Listen to the little bird.

The snake demon kept nodding.

I can tell.

The person who founded the sect is really quite good.

This ambition.

To be honest, it is visible to the naked eye.

Not like Ksitigarbha.

What, if I don’t go to hell, who will?

If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha.

First of all, hell is absolutely impossible to be empty.

This is simply empty talk.

Want hell to be empty.

There must be no soul.

Is this possible?

Every creature has good and evil qualities.

If there is no hell.

Naturally, the world is unified.

All are good people.

To be honest, unless everyone is a brainless creature, someone will definitely go to hell.

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

How did this come about?

Everyone understands.

Buddhist nonsense.


Promised to go out.

It's all false.

There's no end in sight.

But this newly born sect can give you real hope.

You believe.

You can get powerful.

Anything that stands in the way of making the world a better place.

That is the enemy 133.

No matter who you are.

You are preventing the world from getting better.

You are not the enemy.

Who is the enemy?

Secondly, the world continues to get better.

It’s good for everyone.

Fly all the way.

The snake demon thought a lot.

I do not know how long it has been.

A beautiful scenery.

Appeared in front of the two of them.

The mountains are green.

The water is green.

The scent of flowers wafts in the sky.

The earth smells like earth

"this is..."

"The original place of the religion, I heard...They call this place, the birthplace of gods....Meaning: the place where miracles are born...

Come on down, sister, flying is not allowed here.

Even if you want to fly.

Can't move forward either.

Temple forbidden space..."

It is said that.

There is an existence with immortal level strength.

I want to explore the information here.

As a result, a piece of grass flew out of the temple.

Just a green grass.

But the great demon was killed and his soul was completely destroyed.

Such a horrific image.

I wonder who would come here to touch the bad luck?

Of course, now the body of the big demon.

He was also hung on the mountain.

For people who insult the religion of God.

There is only one sentence for him.

Don't come here to cause trouble.

Otherwise, you will never be reincarnated.

The soul of the other person.

At this moment, he was being nailed to the mountain.

There is no way to break free.

Only the whispers and cries of the soul remain..

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