Daigu: “Indeed, Lucia’s one was the one that made me very angry!” ”

Dagu: “@Group Lord Su Yu, Lord Group Lord, please, let me save her!” ”

As for how the group leader knew about Lucia, Dagu was not surprised at all.

Isn’t this a normal thing?

And the group leader, as the god of time and space, can let him go back to that time and save Lucia!

Seeing Dagu’s news, Su Yu smiled slightly, there was no surprise.

He remembered that when Lucia was killed, Daigu was furious and transformed into Digga to fight.

And he also punched and killed Lucia’s Jupiter with a punch.

That time, it was the first time that Daigu was truly angry.

Both anger over the Jupiter killing Lucia and anger at his own failure to protect Lucia properly.

Not to mention Daigu, even when he saw Lucia being killed, he was angry with the Jupiter people.

Because Lucia was completely hunted down as prey.

For Jupiters, this is a game of hunting, and Lucia is the prey.

But even after being hunted down, Lucia helped a little girl retrieve the balloon after escaping to Earth.

It can be seen that her heart is very kind.

But such a kind-hearted, beautiful-looking alien sister was killed just like that.

How can people not be angry!

But at that time, this was just something that happened on TV.

But now, it’s a fact that happened.

Therefore, Su Yu reminded Dagu of this matter.

Hopefully, Daigu can save Lucia.

Luffy: “In this way, that Dagu, or do you want the group leader to help first?” ”

Naruto: “I don’t have an opinion either, Daiko, since the group leader has reminded you, why don’t you come first?” ”

Dagu: “No, no need, anyway, there is a group of masters, you can go back to the past at any time to save people, so you should come first.” ”

Luffy: “You’re right, there are group masters who can go back at any time, so I can wait, you guys come first.” ”

Naruto: “I think the same way, or do you guys come first?” ”

Peter: “Well, you guys come first. ”

Although they all hope to be able to go back in time and save the people they want to save.

But since other people are the same, in order to build a good relationship with other people, it is better to give this opportunity to others first.

Anyway, there are group masters, and they can go back at any time.

So it’s okay to let the others come first.

But they didn’t expect that they weren’t the only ones who had such thoughts.

Su Yu: “Didn’t you always want to save people before, why have you become so humble now.” ”

Su Yu: “Otherwise, you don’t have to be humble to each other, I have a way here to decide the order, how about it?” ”

Luffy: “Okay, okay, group leader, I don’t know what your method is?” ”

Naruto: “Could it be that the group leader wants us to fight?” ”

Peter: “Then if that’s the case, I think Daigu is most likely to win.” ”

Peter: “He transformed into Diga, who of us here can beat him except the lord of the group?” ”

Naruto: “Indeed, @Group Lord Su Yu, Group Lord, if you really want us to fight, then I think it’s better to forget it, we definitely can’t win Daigu, so you better let him go to save people first.” ”

Su Yu: “Of course I won’t let you fight.” ”

Su Yu: “The method I said is to let you use the method of check-in, whoever signs in has the best things, then whoever comes first, and then the others will be lined up in order, how about it.” ”

Naruto: “That’s how it is!” Group leader, I think your method is very good! Whoever checks in has the best thing, then the first one comes, and then sort by the quality of the check-in thing, so that there is no controversy. ”

Luffy: “That’s the case, but my check-in for today has already been used, so can I wait for tomorrow?” ”

Daiko: “My check-in has also been used, so I can only wait for tomorrow.” ”

Peter: “Okay, then we’ll sort by check-in tomorrow.” ”

Su Yu’s method was unanimously approved by other group members.

Because it’s really a good idea.

The order is determined by the quality of the rewards of check-in, which is fair and open, and does not require them to be humble and humble.

In fact, originally, Su Yu wanted to sort by the quality of the things drawn by the way of a lottery.

However, the lottery requires the use of points, and it is estimated that others should not be very happy.

Anyway, the effect of checking in is similar to that of a lottery, and there is no need to use points.

Use check-ins to decide, exactly.

Su Yu: “Well, a new day has arrived, and your check-in today will determine the order of who goes to save people first.” ”

Su Yu: “Although I don’t know what you think in your hearts, anyway, I wish you to sign in with good things.” ”

Luffy: “Are we coming to check in one by one, or are we checking in together?” ”

Naruto: “How about we check in one by one?” There’s also a sense of tension, and it’s a little more interesting. ”

Daiko: “Okay, I’m okay. ”

Peter: “I’m okay with that. ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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