However, young Peter did not expect that he had met his future self in that corridor.

There was a chance to see you again.

But soon, young Peter thought that his future self had said before leaving, that he still had someone to rescue.

Could it be, Harry?

“Let’s talk about it later, let’s solve the venom first.”

“You should already know what to do with him by now.”

Peter Crossing saved his young self and said to him.

“Well, I already know.”

Young Peter nodded.

Through some of the things just now, he already knew how to deal with Venom.

The weak point of Venom is some metallic sounds!

“This, what the hell is going on here? Can you explain. ”

Harry on the side looked at the two Peters talking there, expressing great doubts and urgent need for someone to explain to him.

“Venom will be handed over to you, I’ll explain the situation to Harry.”


Young Peter nodded and went to deal with Venom.

Peter came to the side with Harry and told him what had happened.

When Harry knew that the Peter in front of him was actually from the future, and he had come to save him on purpose, he was surprised at first.

Then came a flurry of emotion.

In order to save Peter, he subconsciously blocked in front of Peter and put his life and death on the line.

And in order to save him, Peter also used an unknown way to go back in time to save him.

To be honest, he always thought that his father died at the hands of Peter, so he could only bear the pain of treating Peter as his enemy.

After all, the revenge of killing the father cannot be left unpaid.

But later he learned that his father had not been killed by Peter, but by his own weapon.

That’s why he came here to save Peter.

In fact, in his heart, he has always regarded Peter as a true friend.

The kind that is willing to give his life for him!

“Harry, I can’t stay in this time and space for long.”

“But I saved you now, and when I return to the future, I believe you will definitely be alive, and we will see you in the future.”

“Will my future me remember you going back in time to save me?”

“I should remember, I still remember me in this time and space, then you will definitely remember it.”

“Will you feel strange in the future? Will there be a memory about the future of you. ”

“No, my memories in the past should not affect me now.”

“But your memories will change.”

“So it is.”

“Peter, then we’ll see you in the future.”


Looking at himself who was still dealing with Venom, Crossing Peter smiled slightly and disappeared in place.

The surroundings were distorted, and by the time it was restored to its original state, Peter had returned to the place where he had disappeared before.

“So, did I really get Uncle Ben and Harry back?”

In order to confirm this matter, Peter quickly made a phone call home.

“Peter, is there something going on?”

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Peter’s eyes suddenly moistened.

Although the voice on the other side became very old, he still heard it for the first time, that is, his uncle’s voice.

“It’s nothing Uncle Ben, I just missed you.”

For Uncle Ben, it was probably not so long ago that he last saw him.

But for him, many years had passed since he heard Uncle Ben’s voice again.

“If you think of me, just go home and take a look.”


Ending the call with Uncle Ben, Peter made another call to Harry.

Thankfully, Harry’s number hasn’t changed.


“Peter, how is your memory, are you confused?”

“No, I told you when I saved you before, my memory in the past will not affect me now.”

“That’s good.”

After chatting with Harry for a while, Peter ended the call.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

He did it!

With the help of the group leader, he really went back in time and saved his uncle Ben and his good brother Harry.

It’s really great!

Such good news, naturally to share it!

Peter: “Guys, I’ve done my job, I’ve got my Uncle Ben and my good friend Harry back.” ”

“Ding! Congratulations to Peter for completing the mission! ”

“Get reward: three thousand points!”

“Ding! Thanks to the help of the group leader Su Yu, the group leader Su Yu also received a reward: three thousand points! ”

Luffy: “@Peter, congratulations, saved your uncle and friends, and completed the mission.” ”

Naruto: “Three thousand points, Peter, if you save more, you can buy conversion cards, and you can cultivate the power system of the group master world.” ”

Dagu: “Peter, you may be the first among us to cultivate the power system of the group master world. ”

Peter: “Thank you. In fact, you are also likely to trigger the task. ”

Peter: “At that time, like me, save the people you want to save, and you can also complete the task and get rewards.” ”

Daiko: “I hope so.” ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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