Chapter 0114 – The Global Box Office Soars, Alex Man Makes a Faint!!

“How, how? Is Silent Hill’s box office out? ”

In the early hours of the morning, Alex Man went directly to his company headquarters and couldn’t wait for the news.

This is not the first time he has asked about Silent Hill’s box office.

“Director Xman, wait a little longer…”

Alexman found that the company’s employees still respected him.

But it seemed that there was a slight strange look in their eyes.

“Damn, do they even think I’m going to lose?”

He was immediately furious.

Before the end comes out, do you know that the winner will definitely be Lin Shi, it’s just abominable!

In the next half hour, as time slowly passed, Alex Man was even more anxious.

At the same time, there are tensions, regrets, expectations, anger, and so on.

He regretted that he shouldn’t have made that bet with Lin Shi in a hurry, and he also looked forward to what if Lin Shi’s box office might perform extremely poorly…

Finally, an employee shouted from not far away: “Come out!” Director Xman, the first day of Silent Hill’s box office statistics are all out! ”


Alex Man suddenly stirred, but at this time there was an indescribable panic in his heart!

It’s out, it’s finally out!

“Yes… How much is it? ”

His throat twitched, and his voice asked dryly.

The employee’s eyes were complicated and seemed to have pity: “This… Director Chris, see for yourself. ”

Alexman’s heart clicked, and a bad premonition swept through his heart in an instant.

He slowly took the report from the employee’s hand.

This table records the same-day box office of every movie in Hollywood.

The first thing that catches your eye is the name of Silent Hill.

Silent Hill, Beautiful Country Box Office: $8.47 million.

Just by seeing this string of numbers, Alex Man only felt blood rushing up for a moment, and his head was dizzy.

$8.47 million! It’s actually so high!

This is already nearly two million higher than the box office of his Deep Lake Monster!


Alex Man forced his complicated feelings and looked at the following two lines of numbers.

Silent Hill, total overseas box office excluding Huaxia: $7.2 million.

Silent Hill, total box office in China: $6.24 million.

Alex Man was completely dumbfounded.

Huaxia total box office, $6.24 million?

FUCK! The total box office of his beautiful country is only 6.3 million US dollars!

You know, the price of movie tickets for Silent Hill in Huaxia is not even half that of Beautiful Country!

In other words, the number of moviegoers in Huaxia far exceeds the number of moviegoers in beautiful countries, which is simply outrageous!

Alex Man felt like his perception was about to go wrong.

Isn’t it recognized that the spending power of the Chinese film market is much lower than that of the beautiful country?

How popular is Lin Shi, who can actually let so many Chinese people watch his movies?

“8.47 million, plus 7.2 million plus 6.24 million…”

Alex Man dullly calculated that on the first day of release, Silent Hill’s global box office had reached $21.91 million.

If this trend continues, he may not take half a month to surpass himself…

Despair slowly spread in Alexman’s heart.

Doesn’t this mean that his gamble is lost?

Himself, about to quit Hollywood, say goodbye to the film industry…

Suddenly, Alexman only felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole world was dark.

“Director Xman, are you all right?”

In my ears, anxious shouts suddenly came from far and near…

Early the next morning, everyone learned about Silent Hill’s first-day box office.

Those directors sighed.

At this point, in fact, Alex Man and Lin Shi’s bet has already been divided.

Silent Hill has a global box office of more than 20 million US dollars, and the evaluation of the whole network is also very high.

More than the 240 million box office of “Deep Lake Monster”, it is only a matter of time

Even, if Lin Shi wants to learn Alex Man and extend the release time of the movie by half a month or even a month, the box office of this Silent Hill may exceed $750 million in chainsaw.

“Sure enough, the person who wishes is Lin Shi.”

“Alas, Xman lost, he shouldn’t have gambled with Lin Shi.”

“Alexman, it’s over.”

At the moment, there are many directors of monster movies who are extremely happy.

Among them, including Jaber and Hansen and others who posted yesterday to support Silent Hill, the old guy Alexman, is finally gone!

As the leader of monster film directors, Alex Man not only does not support other monster film directors, but has been suppressing in various ways.

Even encouraged his fans to brush those movies with malicious bad reviews.

What’s more, he also appropriated other people’s inspirations and directly claimed that he created them.

It can be said that the first person in his monster film is simply sucked the blood of other directors!

Now, this mountain has finally been knocked down by others.

So what are you waiting for?

Champagne fast!……

Fans of the Pretty Country did not react much to the box office.

In their opinion, this is an excellent movie, so of course it deserves such a high box office.

And Alexman’s defeat, this is something they have confirmed yesterday, but the box office came out, and this matter was confirmed.

For them, at most, a word of emotion about Alexman’s end.

But at this moment, after seeing the box office statistics, many domestic netizens are very dissatisfied.

What’s the situation? The total box office of our Huaxia is actually not as high as that of the beautiful country? Just kidding, we’re Lin Shi’s base camp here!

If you can’t beat a beautiful country, you won’t even fight overseas! Isn’t it a shame to throw people abroad?

“No, this is definitely not okay! I will never accept that the box office of Huaxia will be lower than that of other regions! ”

“What’s the situation? I thought that Huaxia’s single-day box office could break ten million dollars! ”

“It’s too exaggerated to break ten million, but we can’t be lower than the beautiful national box office!”

“I’ll buy two more tickets to see it today! It has to pull up the total box office of Huaxia. ”

“Me too! Don’t steam steamed buns to fight for breath! ”

In fact, Silent Hill’s $6.24 million first-day box office in China was already high.

The equivalent of RMB has exceeded 40 million, far exceeding Lin Shi’s highest gross evil at the first day of China.

But netizens are still not satisfied.

We must take action, and we must not let foreigners look flat!

Even, many people have launched the ‘box office anti-overtake plan’, committed to surpassing the box office of beautiful countries.

This series of operations has given many domestic directors a stupid look.

No, you’re crazy, right?

That’s more than six million dollars! You guys aren’t enough?

The ticket price of Silent Hill in the beautiful country is 10 US dollars, but the domestic ticket price is equivalent to less than 5 US dollars.

Is this more necessary?

But to everyone’s surprise, by the next day, the total box office of Silent Ridge in China actually began to approach the total box office of the beautiful country!

According to the results of box office statistics.

The next day, Silent Hill’s Beautiful Country grossed $8.91 million.

The total overseas box office was $7.36 million.

The total box office of Huaxia has reached 7 million US dollars.

The increase was much larger than the first two.

The film practitioners really couldn’t hold back this time.

No, you guys play really?

Are you really going to hit the Hollywood movie market?

On the third day, the gap in Huaxia’s total box office was only 1.5 million US dollars.

By the fourth day, Chinese fans were even more cheerful, pulling the box office gap in the beautiful country to only one million US dollars!

Countless people were excited.

Following this trend, surpassing the beautiful country and becoming the first box office in the global market of Silent Hill is not a big problem!

“Director Xman, maybe it won’t take half a month… On current trends, Silent Hill’s global box office could surpass your $240 million in just ten days. ”

In Alexman’s office, the assistant put Silent Hill’s box office data on his desk with a heavy expression.

Alex Man turned a deaf ear, staring at the video on his computer.

In the video, it is Silent Hill that is played.

This is a video of the pirate shooting of Silent Hill obtained by the assistant.

Alex Man has been staring at the screen for more than a dozen hours.

Since last night, he has been watching various film reviews of Silent Hill, and today he began to watch the feature film of Silent Hill, and his eyes were almost bloodshot.

The assistant was a little helpless, Alex Man was already stunned.

He turned around and planned to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard Alexman’s loud laughter: “Haha, it turns out that this is Silent Hill!” I finally understood why several critics gave Silent Hill bad reviews! ”

The assistant was inexplicable: “Director Xman, what do you understand?” ”

Alexman’s expression was maniac, and he smiled mysteriously: “Hehe, I found a good thing that is enough to destroy Silent Hill, and also enough to ruin Lin Shi!” ”

The assistant is a little speechless, did you lose the gamble, and the person is crazy?

He said helplessly: “Director, do you want me to help you make an appointment with a psychiatrist?” ”

“Get out of here! I don’t need a psychiatrist, what I need now is a film critic and a troll! You hurry up and contact me, the more the better! ”

On the fifth day of Silent Hill’s release, the box office trend was still good.

The total box office of Beautiful Country has reached 9.31 million US dollars, while the total box office of Huaxia has exceeded the overseas box office of 7.65 million US dollars, reaching 8.42 million US dollars.

At the same time, on major film websites at home and abroad, the popularity of Silent Hill is almost cliff-like, ranking first.

The number of people rating on rotten tomatoes directly exceeded 100,000.

Unlike the lot of hype in Chainsaw.

Before the release of Silent Hill, it really relied on Lin Shi’s fame and the popularity of the gambling contract with Alexman.

But after its release, it really relied on its own excellent quality and counted all the way up!

For example, in China, if the movie is not good, then no matter how much you call for the box office, it is impossible to rise so fast.

At the same time, the heat of Silent Hill skyrocketed at the same time as those monsters in Silent Hill.

The domestic audience is a little better, the focus is on those from abroad.

The image of these monsters simply poked into their hearts! And the most popular monster is undoubtedly the triangular head 0. Many people love it to death.

Its tall body, naked muscles, mysterious triangular hood, and forty-meter-long machete all highlight the aesthetics of violence.

In just five days, I don’t know how many people have replaced their avatars with triangle heads on major social platforms.

I have even heard that there is a common tattoo option in the major tattoo shops.

And it was on the fifth day that the famous science fiction magazine “Amazing Story” in Beautiful Country published a science fiction knowledge popular science article based on the three-layer world in Silent Hill.

At this moment, many people were even more shocked.

Only then did they suddenly discover that there were not only mysterious and treacherous monsters in the Silent Hill.

It actually has such pure sci-fi elements! The heat of Silent Hill has skyrocketed again!

Many sci-fi fans who are not interested in monster movies and horror movies plan to buy a ticket to see it.

But at this moment, an even more unimaginable reversal came!

More than a dozen well-known film critics, publicly published articles, declaring that Silent Hill discredits faith and smears churches!

And, they also spoke out the evidence:

In Silent Hill, the churches are all ignorant, and the bishop is even more evil.

It can be seen that Lin Shi made this movie with bad intentions!

He simply wants to use this method to discredit everyone’s faith!

At the same time, countless trolls also immediately dispatched to spread these articles! Soon, both those who have seen Silent Hill and those who have not seen Silent Hill have read these articles.

Almost in just half a day’s effort, the entire beautiful country’s Internet exploded many people who have seen the movie, think carefully, it is really like this!

The movie Silent Hill is really smearing our faith! So, anger followed!

For many people, anything can be smeared, but faith cannot be denigrated by half a point!

Lin Shi has completely broken through their bottom line!

“God! Silent Hill is really denigrating the church as they say! Didn’t he know that churches are sacrosanct! ”

“Damn, damn it! Lin Shi must give us an explanation, and Silent Hill must also be taken off the shelves! ”

“This Huaxia director, really didn’t have a good heart! I was so supportive of him before! ”

“Lin Shi must not be allowed to do whatever he wants in our beautiful country! Ban, you must ban him! ”

But in addition to these people, there are also many smart people who can see the misleading language in these critics’ articles at a glance.

Silent Hill satirizes the church, but the entire movie doesn’t say which church.

You know, when the beautiful country was first formed, there were countless churches of all kinds.

Can’t people be satirizing the evil churches? These sober viewers defended Silent Hill online.

But there are too many radical people to listen to the explanation.

I don’t care if I don’t care, as long as you mention the church, it must be alluding to us!

Coupled with the stirring of the water army, soon the evaluation of Silent Hill on the Internet changed from the original unanimous praise to polarization.

Countless beautiful national netizens who were extremely angry shouted slogans to remove Silent Hill and boycott Lin Shi!

“It’s not good, Lin, something has happened!”

Li Pu found Lin in a panic: “It should be Alexman’s side that shot!” They forcibly say that you insinuate their faith and resist Silent Hill! ”


Lin Shi was also a little confused.

He never expected that a silent mountain could actually lead to such a ridiculous thing.

Are these people loaded with in their heads, which can also be instigated?

“The people of beautiful countries are like this, and they can easily be instigated. And more people, either instigated, they simply want to make a scene. ”

Li Pu smiled bitterly and said, “According to my experience, this kind of attack starting from faith cannot be washed. You have to be mentally prepared that the box office of beautiful countries and overseas may plummet. ”


But after a brief surprise, Lin Shi suddenly smiled: “That’s not necessarily, right?” Why don’t we take a look at today’s box office direction? ”

Li Pu was also suddenly stunned, and immediately reacted.

That’s right!

For a movie, not afraid of controversy, afraid of no controversy.

Silent Hill has caused such a big controversy for no reason, and it is really not necessarily a bad thing for its box office!

He was frightened by the big hat of ‘satirizing faith’ just now, so he panicked.

But actually, it’s not a big deal, is it?

“Director Xman, Silent Hill’s rating has been crazy lowered!”

At the same time, the assistant happily reported to Alexman: “In just half a day, Silent Hill’s score has dropped from 9.1 to 8.3, and it continues to decline!” ”

“Haha, good, great!”

Alex Man laughed.

He also did not expect that the game that was originally bound to be lost was actually found a way to crack it by himself!

Himself is a genius!

Sure enough, in the storm, there will be a rainbow!

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