The foreign embassy is gone.

When they came, they were in high spirits, looking forward to taking away the advanced knowledge and culture from Datang, but when they left, they were extremely embarrassed.

Li Shimin's iron stubbornness and the power of the Tang Dynasty made all their plans completely shattered and let them all leave in despair.

But after this trip, they also determined a point.

The current Datang is really different from the former Datang. Today's Datang has the protection of immortals, and the most feared thing is fighting. They are like giant dragons, staring at every surrounding country. If they show a little bit of wrongdoing The only way to meet them is a dead end.

Datang, must not be provoked in the future.

This is the common understanding of all diplomatic missions.

Standing on the top of the city, looking at the figures of Ashina Dieluo and the others fleeing in embarrassment, Li Shimin said indifferently, "Duke Wei, do you think Tuli will surrender to us?"

"No!" Wei Zheng's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "If this matter has nothing to do with him, according to Tuli's character, there may be a possibility of surrender, but this Tuli is also one of the war criminals, he will definitely Impossible to kill by the neck!

"Also, the aliens have always been wildly ambitious, dressed in human skins like beasts, they will never surrender to me, the Great Tang, the biggest possibility is to lead the remaining tribes into the Northern Desert, evading my Great Tang's pursuit.

"Well..." Li Shimin nodded, with a deep meaning in his eyes: "If this is the case, then send troops to kill them directly, and completely eradicate them before the Turks react!


Wei Zheng nodded excitedly.

The so-called soldier never tires of deceit, Li Shimin gave the Turks half a month to respond, but who said they would have to wait for half a month?

The army of one million directly pressed over and surrounded the city of Dingxiang, the capital of the Turkic king.

If Tully chooses to surrender, then they will honestly lead to the death. If they want to resist desperately, then there is only one way for them to be destroyed.

Li Shimin beckoned to Li Jing who was beside him: "Master Yaoshi, immediately go to Mobei with 200,000 troops. After half a month, I will see if Tuli dares to resist!"5


Li Jing nodded excitedly, Qin Shubao and the others were all happy.

As military generals, they certainly did not want the Turks to surrender.

War is the best way for them to build their careers. If the Turks are completely wiped out this time, their merits will leave an indelible mark.

These generals can't wait.

Li Shimin waved his hand, motioned for Wei Zheng to come up, and smiled lightly: "Let's go, let's go see Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji."

"...Yes!" Wei Zheng's heart tightened.

Since Li Jiancheng's defeat, he has been imprisoned by Li Shimin and has not been released until today.

At first everyone thought that Li Shimin would definitely kill Li Jiancheng to vent his anger, but until now, Li Shimin has not done anything, as if he has forgotten the two.

Moreover, Li Shimin is now more and more unpredictable, and no one can figure out his thoughts.

I suddenly proposed to meet Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji today. Could it be that they wanted to kill someone?

Li Jing and Qin Shubao, Dunn Mianbu, you want to go, and their faces are a little dignified.

After half an hour.

Li Shimin and Wei Zheng went to the Heavenly Prison.

There are two exceptions in the low, damp sky prison.

At the bottom of the Heavenly Prison, there are two elegantly decorated cells, with bookshelves, desks, carpeted beds, and a huge incense burner outside the cells. get rid of.

In the two adjacent cells, a chubby young man was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the top of the cell, not knowing what he was thinking.

In another room, a middle-aged man in a prison uniform was sitting in front of the desk, holding a military book in his hand and watching with relish.

Seeing Li Shimin come in, Li Yuanji jumped up from the bed, grabbed the cell door and stared at Li Shimin and shouted, "Li Shimin, let me go!

"Li Shimin, hurry up and let this king go out, I am the king of Qi in the Tang Dynasty, please let me out!"

"Be quiet!"

Li Jiancheng put down the book, gave a light drink to Li Yuanji next door, then turned to look at Li Shimin and smiled: "Shimin, you are here!"

"Long time no see, big brother, third brother.

Li Shimin also smiled slightly.

After being detained for two months, Li Jiancheng's hostility seemed to have been washed away, and the two former enemies of life and death stood face to face, and only now did they look like real brothers.

Li Shimin looked around in the cell, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother has had a good time this time. 35

Li Jiancheng nodded, turned and sat down before returning to the desk: "After staying in the cell for two ten days, reading books all day to cultivate one's self-cultivation, eldest brother understands a lot of truth."

He looked at Wei Zheng behind Li Shimin again and said with a smile, "Duke Wei, long time no see!"

With a stern face, Duke Wei bowed slightly to Li Jiancheng and said, "Wei Zheng, I have seen Your Highness."

Wei Zheng weighed it very clearly. Although he used to be Li Jiancheng's subordinate, but now he has surrendered to Li Shimin, that is to stand on Li Shimin's position.

One emperor and one courtier, and now Li Shimin's methods are obviously more powerful than Li Jiancheng, and he pays more attention to him. Although Wei Zheng does not want Li Jiancheng to die in front of him, if Li Shimin insists on this, he will only hand the knife instead of stopping him. .

Li Jiancheng nodded slightly, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking, and the air in the cell suddenly became quiet.

Li Yuanji endured for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, but at this time he finally remembered that the second brother Li Shimin who was standing in front of him was no longer the second brother Li Shimin who had been bullied by him, but His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so Attitude is also much better.

He grabbed the cell door, looked at Li Shimin expectantly and shouted, "Second brother, are you here to let us go?"

"I know it's wrong, second brother, I really know it's wrong, just let us go. After we go out, we will immediately stay away from the courtroom, and we will never step into the courtroom again. You let us go quickly. ""

"Royal father is already old, you don't want him to see siblings kill each other with your own eyes, so you should let us go.

Li Jiancheng also smiled and said, "Shimin, you didn't come here on a special trip to visit us, right?"

Li Shimin nodded, waved his hand and said, "Open. 35


Wei Zheng hurriedly stepped forward and opened the cell door, Li Shimin walked in slowly, wandered around Li Jiancheng's cell, his eyes stopped for a moment on the "Analects" and "Spring and Autumn" on the bookshelf, and he opened his lips and smiled.

"It seems that my eldest brother has indeed grown a lot in the prison during this period. 99

"Brother, have you heard that there are immortals in my Tang Dynasty now, and with the help of immortals, I not only eliminated the Turks, but also pacified the smallpox in one fell swoop! 39

Li Jiancheng was taken aback by Li Shimin's sudden change of style, and then he responded with a wry smile and said: "Immortal, of course I know.

"If it wasn't for the protection of immortals that day, neither of us would have fallen to this point.

"Big brother, you are wrong!" Li Shimin took a step forward, staring at Li Jiancheng and said solemnly: "Even without the protection of the Immortal Master, I will definitely be able to defeat you and ascend to the throne!

"You should thank the Immortal Master, it was he who helped me reverse history, so that you both saved your lives, and even had the opportunity to continue to serve my Tang Dynasty!"

"Huh?" Li Jiancheng raised his head and looked at Li Shimin in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

With a slight smile, Li Shimin explained the original history of the Tang Dynasty that Ye Yu told him, from the tragic change of Xuanwu Gate, to Wu Zetian's ascension to the throne, and then to the Anshi Rebellion.

The expressions of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji also changed from surprise at the beginning, to solemnity, to disbelief at the end.

Wei Zheng, who was listening to the history of the Tang Dynasty for the first time, was also stunned. He didn't expect such a big change in the Tang Dynasty in a place he didn't know!

"How is it possible, in the original history we will die, how is this possible!"

Li Shimin's remarks were obviously beyond Li Yuanji's acceptance range. He clutched his hair and leaned against the cell door, his face full of disbelief.

Li Jiancheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: ""In this way, we should thank the Immortal Master.

He is a smart man, and he knows very well that Li Shimin does not need to deceive himself with this kind of lie.

Sometimes, the more absurd things sound, the closer they are to the truth, and what Li Shimin said must be true.

The self who should have died in Xuanwumen is now alive and well in the world, this is because of the guidance of the Immortal Master.

Li Shimin stood at the door of the prison with his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "Brother, under the guidance of the immortal master, my Tang Dynasty will become stronger and stronger, we will step down Gaoli, eradicate the Eastern Ying, and take the land of the Western Regions into our pockets, the world will become stronger and stronger. Every corner of the city will flutter the flag of my Tang Dynasty.

"I need talents, and I need countless talents to contribute to my Tang Dynasty. If you are willing, then go to the palace to find me, and I will make arrangements for you.

"Build Your Highness

After all, Li Shimin turned around and walked out of the cell door.

Wei Zheng bowed slightly to Li Jiancheng, and followed quickly.

Both a brother and an opponent, Li Shimin knows Li Jiancheng's character very well.

Although the two of them almost fought for the throne before, but apart from the factor of the throne, it is undeniable that Li Jiancheng's ability is sufficient. Although he is not as powerful as his Li Shimin on the battlefield, it is internal affairs. Talents.

And he also sincerely hopes that Datang will become stronger and stronger.

Now that the throne has fallen into his hands, Li Shimin, even if Li Jiancheng still thinks about the throne, he can only take it from him.

But can he do it?

Li Shimin is very confident that even without Ye Yu's golden thigh, Li Jiancheng is not his (Wang Nuo's) opponent.

Holding on to the idea that Li Jiancheng wants to contribute to Datang, Li Shimin is sure to let him continue to shine for Datang.

He also believed that Li Jiancheng would make the right choice.

"Shimin, wait!

Sure enough, Li Jiancheng's voice sounded behind him just as he walked to the gate of the Tianjing.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Shimin's mouth, and he turned to look at Li Jiancheng quietly.

Li Jiancheng stared at Li Shimin and said word by word: "Li Shimin, I am willing to help you, but I will watch you! 39

"The throne, I will not give up! If I see that the Tang Dynasty has not improved under your leadership, then I will take the throne from your hands!

it is good!"


Li Shimin looked at Li Jiancheng's serious face, a smile suddenly appeared on his majestic face, and he waved his hand: "Come with me, I will show you the changes in my Tang Dynasty these days."

"I want to go to the Weishui River first to see the battlefield with the Turks.

"it is good!

The three of Li Shimin slowly walked out of the prison, and Li Yuanji in the cell was stunned.

It was not until the voices of the three of Li Shimin were about to disappear from his sight that he suddenly reacted. Shouted anxiously.

"Hey, I'm still here!"

"Big brother, big brother help! Second brother, I am your compatriot, dear brother, you let me out too!

"Li Shimin, you bastard, let me out, I know I'm wrong, don't hold grudges, let me out quickly, I'm afraid...

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