When the sky was dawning, Ying Zheng and the others slowly returned to their respective worlds.

At this time, it was already the second day in Daqin, and it was noon.

As soon as he returned to the Daqin world, Ying Zheng urgently summoned a large group of henchmen in the court.

A quarter of an hour later, several people gathered in the imperial study.

Meng Tian went to other places to preside over many matters of building the school, Li Xin guarded the spiritual energy seeds for Ye Yu, and several other people were scattered around Daqin to take charge of various matters, and the imperial study room was much quieter than before.

Feng Quji and Fu Su communicated in a low voice, Wang Ben and Tu Ju stood on the side, blowing each other a cigarette, Zhang Liang stood alone in the corner and didn't get close to anyone.

Strictly speaking, he should belong to the lowering army, and he had been in charge of matters related to Datang News before and had little contact with other people. He was also surprised to be called by Ying Zheng to the imperial study today.

A moment later, Ying Zheng slowly walked into the imperial study room. He didn't sleep all night, but he didn't seem sleepy at all, instead he was in good spirits.

"We see your Majesty!"

Wang Ben and the others stepped back again and bowed respectfully towards Ying Zheng.

"Yeah." Ying Zheng ordered a root scholar, sat down after the imperial case, and said in a deep voice, "I called you here today because the immortal master has again formulated two things for us to benefit the country and the people. plan, the widow wants to discuss it with Er et al."

"Before that, let's talk about your achievements during this period of time.

Feng Quji looked around and stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the size of the academy that Wei Chen is in charge of has nearly doubled again, and the number of young teachers recruited has also doubled.

However, what the Immortal Master gave was too obscure and difficult to understand. What the teachers mastered was only at the primary stage, and only a few people mastered the advanced knowledge. "

"It doesn't matter, it will take half a year before the establishment of the colleges across the country. They have time to continue their studies." Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at Fusu.

Fusu stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to the emperor, the planting of potatoes, sorghum, cotton and other vegetation that you asked me to be responsible for has now been fully handed over to the Zhu family. The farmers are now scattered all over our country and go to the fields in person. Instructing the common people how to plant new seeds, I believe that there will be more delicious food on the dining table of the common people in Qin Dynasty in the near future.35

"Okay, Fu Su did a good job! Ying Zheng turned to look at Zhang Liang again, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang, how is the publishing house now?"

Zhang Liang smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the publishing house has now opened branches in various places in Daqin, and many people from Confucianism, Mohism, and Legalism have joined the publishing house, which greatly enriches the content of the newspaper. Zibaijia culture blooms with a hundred flowers.

Wei Chen has changed the newspaper to be published every seven days to every three days, and every time he can make a lot of money for the court.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Liang is really talented!" Ying Zheng was overjoyed when he heard that even the newspapers were making money.

Up to now, one of the purposes of starting the newspaper has been completed, and people from various schools and hundreds of schools have come to vote, not only spreading their cultural ideas quickly, greatly enriching the cognition of the people of Daqin, but also taking the opportunity to provoke others. The intimacy of Zibai's family, from now on, they are little cats tied up by Da Qin with a rope, and they can no longer cause any difficulties to Da Qin culturally.

Ying Zheng rubbed his hands on his knees, obviously in a good mood.

Now that the construction of various infrastructures in Daqin is in full swing, and in the near future, when all constructions are completely completed, there will be an explosive progress in Daqin.

Everyone in the country has food to eat, clothes to wear, and children to go to school. When they are sick, they can only get proper medical treatment. This is the scene that the saints and sages were all pursuing, and it will be completed in the hands of Ying Zheng. , how he is not excited.

Ying Zheng thought for a while and suddenly said, "How's this kid Xiang Yu doing recently?"

Tu Ju grinned and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this kid Xiang Yu is the most under the commander of the last commander and received special training with those kids, and he is as tired as a dog every day."

"However, this kid is really durable, his training volume is three times that of an ordinary soldier, but he can complete it perfectly every day, and even sometimes adds a little extra to himself, he is a natural warrior!

Tu Ju sighed with emotion. He had been a general all his life, and he had seen all kinds of soldiers, but this was the first time he had seen a monster with natural power and inhuman physique.

If this kind of person sets foot on the battlefield, it is simply the existence of people blocking the killing Buddha and blocking the killing Buddha!

"That's right!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, he knew even better than Xiang Yu how terrifying power was in his body.

There is no two in the ages, the overlord Xiang Yu, this is what Ye Yu said.

The Qin Dynasty in history eventually perished, and this Xiang Yu was definitely the first.

However, now Xiang Yu's fate has also changed, Daqin's goal is no longer his goal, and he will show his bravery in the future when Daqin attacks other countries.

Ying Zheng told Tu Ju, "Xiang Yu is very stubborn, don't care if he can stand it or not, as long as he doesn't die, he will practice to death. Soon, there will be times when he will show his performance."

When Tu Ju heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, do you mean that my Daqin is going to prepare for war again?"

"Yeah." Ying Zheng nodded and smiled: "Mr. said that war is the best and most powerful means of my Daqin. You and Wang Ben discussed and discussed whether my Daqin's next target should be the Peacock Dynasty or the Roman Empire. A more convenient way to send troops to fight directly!

What Ying Zheng said was rather bland, a war that would soon be thousands of miles in his mouth was like going out for a hunt.

However, he said that it is not unreasonable. Daqin now needs people, equipment, and bugs like hot air balloons. Attacking other countries is really similar to dimensionality reduction (Wang Nuo's).

Tu Ju was very excited, he knelt down in front of Ying Zheng and said loudly: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this war will be well planned at the end of the war, and the glory of my Great Qin will be spread all over the world!"

"Hey, Lao Tu, you're going too far!" Wang Ben said dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty clearly wants me to be the commander this time, so don't rob me!"

"Wang Tiaozi, didn't you hear that His Majesty asked us to cooperate, and even if we were to go on an expedition, I should be the main commander and you should be the one who is the only one to be mad! 35

"Hey, old guy, who do you look down on, do you want us to go out and show off, I have a frying pan given by the Immortal Master at this time, and this time I won't be named Wang if I don't knock your Tu Ju's head bag!

"tui, don't use a frying pan if you can!

"Don't go if you're afraid, and just live at home honestly."

"I am too angry, General Wang Tanzi Ben will take care of you today instead of General Wang Lao!

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