Luoyang City.

Palace Square.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the city gathered in the square, looking up at Yuan Shao on the high platform in front of them.

All sixteen princes are here, and all of them have solemn expressions on their faces.

Among the crowd, there were whispers of discussion from time to time,

Some soldiers were wounded and their faces were full of fear. It was obvious that the fierce fighting power of Cao Cao's army had frightened them a lot.

Yuan Shao glanced at the crowd and nodded secretly. This time, he not only had to practice for Lu Bu, but also to strengthen the courage of these soldiers, otherwise, once the panic continued, Luoyang City would definitely be in chaos. Not possible.

Yuan Shao stepped forward slowly and shouted loudly: "Soldier, today the world is in chaos, and the rulers of the society are about to fall. Cao Cao is a daring thief who dares to declare himself emperor openly. This move is a big injustice in the world, and we will exterminate Cao Cao for heaven. The thief helped the Han room.

"At this time, Cao thieves are rampant, and General Lu Bu is ready to lead an attack on Cao Cao's hometown of Chang'an, to open up a chance for us. The leader of the alliance needs all officers and soldiers to work together to hold back Cao Cao's main force."

"As long as Lu Bu is about to break through Chang'an City, and we won't win without fighting, you are the great heroes who help the Han family. Please cooperate!"

As soon as these words came out, the voices of discussion in the crowd became more enthusiastic, but it was obvious that the panic on the faces of the warriors had eased a lot.

Some excited warriors also raised their fists and shouted.

"The general is brave, destroying Cao's thieves, and helping the Han family!"

"The general is brave, destroying Cao's thieves, and helping the Han family!"

"The general is brave, destroying Cao's thieves, and helping the Han family!"

It has to be said that the people at this time are still quite easy to deceive. Yuan Shao said it and they believed it. If it were put in modern times, it would be good that Yuan Shao was not sprayed to death by the people under his command.

Cao Cao is not a good thing, are you Yuan Shao a good person, and how to help the Han Dynasty is simply a joke.

On the other hand, the faces of the soldiers under Lu Bu showed confusion.

Nearly what is this play out of?

Attacking Chang'an City, isn't this attacking their own lair? Could it be that the general was bewildered by this Yuan Shao thief?

Yuan Shao had a smile on his face when he saw the reaction of the people below, he turned to look at Lu Bu, his face was full of seriousness.

"Fengxian, the next will be handed over to you"!

"Okay." With a strange smile on Lu Bu's face, he slowly stepped forward and raised the Tianhua halberd in his hand.

"Brothers, do it!"


Before these coalition forces could react to what was going on, the soldiers of the Bingzhou Army beside them brazenly acted and killed them by surprise.

Most of the soldiers of the Bingzhou army have been blessed by Ye Yu. In addition, Lü Bu had been using a dragging word to avoid the battle, and the Bingzhou army had hardly suffered any losses. After this wave, they immediately killed all the coalition soldiers. Silly.

Yuan Shao and the others were also dumbfounded.

"Lu Bu, what are you doing?"

"Why did you attack your colleagues, do you want to die, Lu Bu?

"Brother Feng, did you give the wrong order?"

"Colleague? Haha."

Lu Bu turned around in an illusion, Fang Tian drew his halberd slanting finger, "I am Lu Bu, the general of the Great Wei Shenji Army, and you still want me to attack Chang'an City, it's ridiculous!

"You wait for the traitor to dare to openly rebel against the rule of our Great Wei, and he will kill you if you don't hurry up! Otherwise, this general will make you die without a whole corpse!"

"Shenzhen Army?" Yuan Shao's face changed wildly, looking at Lu Bu in disbelief, "You, are you from Cao Cao? 35

"How is it possible that you and Cao Cao have a life-and-death feud?"

"This, this has always been Cao Cao's game for us?"

Seeing this scene, many people present were overwhelmed in their hearts, and their hearts were relieved.

Liu Biao and others were even more heartbroken.

Only now did they understand why Lu Bu was able to join the coalition so simply, why he had been unable to avoid the battle before, and why Cao Cao could so easily seize Chang'an City from Lu Bu's hands.

It turns out that Lu Bu has always been Cao Cao's man!

What a ruthless plan!

What a strong forbearance!

The people present couldn't help feeling a little horrified by Cao Cao's methods. If they got a peerless general like Lu Bu, they would definitely publicize it, but instead of publicizing, Cao Cao kept pretending that Lu Bu was an enemy. The purpose was to trick them at this critical moment. Bundle.

This is too cruel!

Yuan Shao couldn't help but took two steps back, and said in a frightened manner: "Lü Bu, Cao Cao is a big rebel, you have no future if you follow them, or you should submit to us."

"As long as you are willing to lead an army to attack Chang'an City, today's events will be turned over! When the Han court re-establishes this alliance leader, you will definitely ask the emperor to give you a position as a general of the country! 35

"General Zhenguo, I tui! Yuan Shao, you are even more stupid than Dong Zhuo!" Lu Bu sneered: "66**" "Your Majesty has the protection of an immortal master, and you are courting death if you oppose Your Majesty!

"After taking your life, the Immortal Master will surely bless us again, Yuan Shao, die!"

Before Yuan Shao and the others could react, Lu Bu held Fang Tianhua's halberd and danced in a circle, rushing towards them with a shrill sound of breaking the air.

On the road, both the human body and the solid wood were easily divided into two by the sharp halberd blade.

Yuan Shao's pupils shrank, and he screamed just now, and then a head flew out.

The sixteen princes, in front of Lu Bu, who was like a demon, had no room to resist, and they turned into corpses with ease.

At the same time, outside Luoyang City.

The sunset is approaching, the sunset falls into the star field, and a great battle is over.

All the civil fortresses outside Luoyang City were breached by Cao's army, leaving only the wreckage everywhere.

There were not many corpses on the ground, and as far as the eye could see, they were all coalition troops, and there were not many soldiers of Cao Jun.

Almost all of the coalition soldiers who went out of the city to fight were captured by Cao Jun, and now (Zhao Lehao) are being suppressed by Xiahou Dun and others outside the barracks, waiting for them to become Ye Yu's followers before they are absorbed into Cao Jun's camp.

"I said the wife Cao, what kind of surprise are you talking about? 35 Li Shimin looked at Luoyang City in confusion.

"Yes, it's been almost an hour, Lao Cao, aren't you fooling us?"

"Old Cao, we are still in a hurry. If you don't tell me, we will all leave!"

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen also frowned, and some did not understand what kind of wishful thinking Cao Cao was playing.

"The three brothers wait a moment, it's almost time, it should be ready soon!" Cao Cao hurriedly smiled, he turned his head to look slightly around Luoyang City, and murmured: "Why hasn't it started yet...

"This fellow Lu Bu, is there something wrong..."

As soon as the words fell, Luoyang City remembered a loud battle.

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