After hanging up the phone, Ye Yu fell into deep thought.

Now that the overall situation of Dawei has been balanced, the rest is to calm down and develop steadily for a period of time.

When the Great Wei developed and the quality of life of the Tianxia people stabilized, it was time to expedition the Hu people.

Thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in Ye Yu's eyes.

These Hu people, from the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, were the biggest enemies of the Tianxia nation, and they could not be killed. If they were driven away, they would come back again.

After the Great Wei's form is stable, he is ready to let Lao Cao send his troops north to exterminate his race and his ethnicity!

After the Great Wei eliminated Yuan Shao and others, and after seeing the strength of Great Wei, all of these small princes were in danger, some simply surrendered to Great Wei, and some people still wanted to stand on the sidelines, but Lu Bu Dianwei led the army. After the past, these people naturally surrendered before they started fighting.

And Sun Jian, this guy didn't hesitate after seeing Yuan Shao and the others being destroyed, and he simply surrendered to Cao Cao.

Even Yuan Shao's army of one million had been taken care of by Cao Cao, and the 100,000 or so in his hands were unlikely to be Cao Cao's opponents. Surrender was the best choice for him.

In the face of Sun Jian, who brought troops to join him, Cao Cao was naturally very happy. Not only did he personally greet him, but he also named Sun Jian a general, giving him full power.

At this point, Sun Jian's subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking about Sun Jian's shrewdness.

Fortunately, the lord was very careful. If he had really wanted to join the coalition against Cao Cao, they would have been killed in Luoyang City by now.

As the Great Wei completely ruled the world, fluctuations in time and space followed, and certain changes occurred in the modern world.

The modern world, Chang'an City.

Since the relics of the Tang Dynasty were discovered during the previous subway construction, the construction team stopped for a month.

In the depths of dozens of meters underground in Chang'an City, the construction team fell into contemplation while looking at the boulders in front of them.

Although it is common for them to find ancient tombs during the construction of Chang'an City, is the chance of this time too great?

The construction has not been one kilometer, and two ancient tombs have been discovered in a row, which is too coincidental.

Could it be that this subway line happens to be built on a certain Feng Shui context?

The construction team looked at each other in dismay, and the captain sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, call the archaeological team!"

More than half an hour later, the archaeological team arrived at the construction site.

Captain Wang Zhichao got up slowly, looked at the boulder blocking the road in front of him, and said:

"Yes, complete granite, there is no way for the construction team to help copy the guy!"


With the addition of the construction team, the sturdy granite was still so fragile in front of modern tools, and the granite in front of it was taken out in less than half an hour, leaving a channel for everyone to pass through.

After waiting for a while, captain Wang Zhichao was the first to step into this ancient tomb that had been sealed for thousands of years with a flashlight.

This is a huge tomb with an area of ​​200 square meters. When the torches in the tomb are charged, the whole picture of the tomb is immediately displayed in front of everyone.

The layout is a bit similar to a modern room, with a huge 'living room' on the left, a study on the right, and a kitchen on the right, and even in the corner next to it, the archaeological team found something like a toilet.

After searching the surrounding rooms carefully, Wang Zhichao twitched the corner of his mouth and looked up at the closed door in front of him.

I don't know who is buried in this tomb, and there is such a bad taste.

It was the first time he had seen a tomb of this size, it was as if he had entered a modern house. If he had never experienced such a scene, he might have been scared and doubted his life.

However, the members of the archaeological team are very calm. They have not seen anything in the past two years. What is the modernization pattern? They even found a car in the tomb. These are all small things.

Wang Zhichao slowly stepped forward and pushed the door of the central room. Unsurprisingly, this should be the 'bedroom' of the owner of the tomb.

After opening the door, a large bed made of bronze appeared in front of them, and there were many broken swords hanging on the wall. Although they were buried dozens of meters underground, under the power of time, these swords had already decayed. deformed.

And the most conspicuous is a corpse on a bronze bed!

Without the coffin, the corpse was placed brightly on the bronze bed. Although the skeleton was stained with some traces left by the decay of the bronze, under the light of the flashlight, the skeleton still faintly exuded the brilliance of jade, as if it had just been killed. The flesh is stripped and placed on top.

This bizarre situation finally made the archaeologists who were used to seeing all kinds of big scenes feel inexplicably a little scary.

"Start the search!""

A strange color flashed in Wang Zhichao's eyes, and he was the first to walk in.

"Strange, why is this skeleton so heavy?"

One of the team members carefully picked up the big leg bone of the corpse, feeling the weight in his hands, and a strange color suddenly appeared on his face.

...... Ask for Flowers

He didn't know how many skeletons he had seen, but this big leg bone was heavier than all the bones he had ever seen, and at least twice as heavy!

And the material is just like steel!

For some unknown reason, the team members took their thigh bones and touched the flashlights.


Like the sound of metal collision echoing in the tomb, it will endure for a long time!

"Hey... this, is this really a human bone?"

"Oh my God, this is not made of iron, how can human bones be made of this material? 35

"Could it be that this is the bone of the legendary fairy?"

As soon as these words came out, the tomb became quiet for a while, and the members of the archaeological team looked at each other and looked at the skeletons on the bed with fiery eyes.

Since the first emperor's appearance, the existence of immortals has been put on the table, and as archaeologists, they know a little more than the average person.

Everyone was a little surprised.

Could it be that they really found the corpse of the cultivator?

"I found it, I found the record!"

Suddenly, an archaeological team exclaimed and ran in from another room holding a bronze book.

Wang Zhichao hurriedly took the book, felt the cold metal touch in his hand, and vaguely felt as if he was holding a secret that had been buried for thousands of years.


Wang Zhichao swallowed his saliva and opened the book with a trembling palm. On the first page, a few large characters came into view.

"Sun Jian, the general of the Great Wei Zhennan, was written here in 265!

"Sun Jian???"

One of the team members suddenly exclaimed, and after taking a closer look, his eyes widened.

"Sun Jian, isn't this the father of Sun Quan and Sun Ce during the Three Kingdoms period?

"Is this Sun Jian's skeleton?"

"It shouldn't be. Wei State is a state founded by Cao Cao, and Sun Jian is the founder of Wu State. Shouldn't these two countries be hostile forces? How could Sun Jian become the general of Wu State?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

The archaeological team members are a little messy, this is another discovery that does not match the epic.

As for Wang Zhichao, at this time, he was reading through the classics recorded by Sun Jian, and looking at the word 'immortal master' that frequently appeared in it, the more he read it, the more terrifying he became.

"Quick, inform the relevant departments, we have made a big discovery!

Wang Zhichao exclaimed, his eyes glowing with fire.

Finally, after so long, I finally found the record about the immortal master! Door.

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