"Alas! melancholy!" came a slight melancholy sigh from the Moby-Dick.

Roy leaned half against the railing next to the boat.

There is a sense of self-sorrow.

He just wants to lie flat in a low profile, why test him so much?

I'm acting so wasteful....

Whitebeard actually had the patience to leave himself on the ship, which he didn't expect.

Are you really going to sail to sea?

It's nerve-wracking to think about!

"Headache!" Roy simply didn't think about these miscellaneous things, and the salted fish lying flat for many years had made his personality become casual and lazy.

Don't think about the nerve-wracking things, how comfortable it is to sleep!

Unfortunately, there are no game consoles in Pirate World, nor do they have computers or mobile phones that can play games.

Otherwise, fishing will become fun.

He half-leaned against the railing, closed his eyes and took a nap.

Then, I fell asleep!

"This little ghost..."Whitebeard, who was not far away, noticed the movement on Roy's side, and several black lines slipped down his forehead, speechless: "Is he pretending, or is he really so lazy?!".

Whitebeard can conclude that Roy belongs to that kind of person, who has great talents!

Although it is not known for sure how Roy's eyesight is.

But I'm afraid that compared to the captain of the team, it may only be a little weaker.

Maybe even the same as the captain of some teams!

The kind of confidence in the heart of this little ghost...

It's not pretending!

"The people's faith?" Whitebeard began to think about Roy's previous words.

Let the Whitebeard Pirates become a belief in the hearts of the people of the New World.

The Whitebeard Pirates who live in people's hearts.

It will be an indelible presence!

Unless someone can kill all the people in the new world!

In such a way....

It made him think....


Although the Roger Pirates have been disbanded, because Roger's will still exists in the sea, the spirit of the Roger Pirates has never disappeared on this sea.

If the Whitebeard Pirates can do this, even if he has a mistake one day.

The Whitebeard Pirates are still legends of the sea!

"And, Roy Imp was right at first, I was too lenient with those sons and too protective of them. So much so that their combat power is not even comparable to that of a navy of the same age. "

It stands to reason that it would be outrageous to compare the sons of the ship with the admirals!

After all, there are three admirals in the Navy Headquarters....

Which is not a monster-level genius?

But Whitebeard still compares him, which shows that he thinks that his sons are not bad compared to admirals!

But the gap in combat power is so big...

Maybe it's really your own pot.

Lao Tzu has lived for so many years, and he has not seen through Roy Imp. This little ghost is obviously not weak and talented, but he is full of nonsense!

"A guy who wants to lie down and touch the fish, what kind of bullshit yellow ape to learn, the kind of guy who touches the fish every day, can't he learn to waste it?".

"What is there to learn from that kind of guy? Maybe all his talent and talent will be wasted!"

A certain general far in the first half of the Great Voyage.

Inexplicably lying down and getting shot.


Two hours later, it was late afternoon.

The sun sets, and the sun sets, with a red glow, illuminating the magnificent sea.

It's spectacular and pleasing to the eye.

A bonfire had been lit on the Moby-Dick, and the underside of the bonfire was paved with stone slabs.

lest you burn the wooden deck below.

A huge barbecue grill, already set up, with skewers of meat on it.

The meat skewers are coated with a variety of condiments.

The smell is tangy!



Truth be told, Roy woke up hungry. Rubbing his stomach, he yawned lazily, wiped the corners of his eyes, looked up at the sky, and whispered: "Is it time for dinner?!".

As soon as he finished speaking, Marco's shout came: "Roy, come over when you wake up, and have a banquet together!"

I saw that the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were all gathered on the deck.

There was a lot of food piled up on the deck.





Lots of dazzling!

Everything you need!

The most exaggerated thing is that there is a huge sea king, which is as huge as a small house, and it is being set up on a huge barbecue grill at the moment, and it is roasted by the fire.

"Roy Imp! Wake up?".

The white beard holding a bowl of fine wine, but a bunch of infusion tubes are inserted in his body, which looks slightly unharmonious.

He raised the bowl and laughed, "Sons of Lao Tzu, a toast to our interns!!".

He was bold enough to bring wine....

Drink it all!

The atmosphere of the banquet.

Ignited instantly.

"Hahaha! Roy, Daddy told me that you have learned a little bit of this basic swordsmanship, I drank this bowl of wine, do you want to join my fifth team, let me teach you swordsmanship myself!"

Bista, the captain of the fifth team, also smiled heartily and drank the wine in his hand.

"Hey, hey, hey, how can Bista pull people like this? I think Roy is very handsome, why don't you join my sixteenth team? My name is Izo, and I'm from Wano Country!".

"Nuha! Newcomers leave these two guys alone, come and drink! Eat meat! This is a banquet!".

"The newcomer is Daddy's nephew, is it our cousin?".

"Marco, a Binks wine!".

"Bastards, they all say I can't sing, you nasty guys, you just want me to make a fool of myself in front of Roy, right?



In a daze, Roy was stuffed with a bottle of rum in his hand.

And then there are the pirates, who want to pull him to dance around the campfire.

This scene made Whitebeard laugh heartily.

Once again, booze on a big bowl of wine.

Whitebeard's bowl of wine is so exaggerated, I can take a bath in such a big bowl, right? And he is drinking with an infusion tube, is it really okay?].

[Isn't this a long life, aren't you afraid of sudden death on the spot?].

Whitebeard's face stiffened.

This Roy little imp is in his mouth....

Can't spit out ivory!



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