After Marco's emotional dark description, Mansherry was almost about to cry.

She didn't expect that Roy's senior, who seemed to be lazy and lazy, would have such a past.

It's so distressing...

That's just a seventeen-year-old boy!

Why would fate torture a teenager so much?

Marco sighed softly, a sigh of regret and embarrassment.

"If Roy didn't have that kind of defect, maybe he wouldn't be so lazy, maybe he would be able to practice hard here like the rest of us. "

He paused, then sighed again.

"Because he has been tortured by fate, he is like a wounded little beast, licking his own wounds. His laziness may just be his disguise. "

By the time he got to this, Marco couldn't go on.

Because he also felt a sour emotion.

Just imagine, think about the position between yourself and Luo Yi.

If he were Roy...

I can still be like Roy...

Do you maintain such an optimistic attitude?

Marco asked himself...

He felt like he couldn't.

If you have been tossed by fate so many times, if you have swung the knife at fate so many times, you will be ruthlessly crushed by fate when you take the lead.

Then it is very likely that you will have a nervous breakdown, and the whole person may be depressed.

If it is more extreme, it may even choose to end your life.

This is not a joke.

Nor is it an exaggeration.

It's that this is not some psychologically fragile person...

Able to bear it.

Even if it's someone with a strong psychology...

I can't necessarily afford it.

"I see..."Man Shirley took a deep breath, and she said weakly in a low voice, "I don't know if my Devil Fruit ability can have an effect on Roy's predecessors, who were born with physical defects." "

There was a little, uncertain look in her tone.

After all, she has never been cured for people who were born with physical defects.

Man Shirley said with a serious face: "But I'll give it a try!"

She clenched her little fists: "Even if you can only make up for the physical defects of Roy's seniors, you can make up for a little bit, and you can also make Roy's seniors get rid of their laziness and cheer up!"

Seeing such a serious Mansherry, Marco couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This intern's heart is not ordinary, kind!

And Mansherley also seems to be very fond of being helpful.

Although such a character, in the new world, may be prone to danger.

It's also easy to meet that kind of person who wants to take advantage of her.

But fortunately, Mansherry, a kind-hearted and innocent Lilliputian princess...

Now it's on the Whitebeard Pirates' Mobey Dick.

And she's still Daddy's daughter.

On the Moby Dick...

Adequate protection is still available.

After all, after joining the Whitebeard Pirates...

Everyone is a family.


It's his sister.

"Brother Marco, I... I want to practice too!" Man Shirley bit her lower lip at this time, she raised her head and met Marco's surprised gaze, a pair of lovely eyes were very rare firmness: "I also want to have the ability to protect myself!"

"I don't want anyone else to protect me anymore, if I meet bad guys, I want to fly them myself!"

Mansherry's tone was more serious than ever, she had made a huge decision.

Because when it was above the kingdom of Dressrosa.

She really felt the helplessness and despair of the weak every day.

If you have enough strength...

That abominable Doflamingo...

How can you imprison yourself?

But he didn't have enough strength to be imprisoned not only by the Don Quixote family.

He was even used by that hateful Doflamingo to deceive the other Lilliputians of the people.

So much so that it harmed the entire villain!

This has made Sherry Man over the years...

Every day is very ashamed...

I also blame myself very much.

She felt that all this was her responsibility, and it was all because she was too weak, which led to the occurrence of this series of events.

Marco noticed her determination and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, see the guy with two long knives over there? That's the fifth captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, you can go to him to help you make a training plan that is more suitable for you, I'm not particularly good at that. "

Marco pointed to Bista not far away, and said to Mansherry in front of him.

"That's... Big Big-Brother Bista?" asked Mansherry, looking at her gaze, confused.

Marco was surprised, "Do you remember the name of Bista?"

He knew that Mansherry had greeted everyone at the banquet last night.

But there are more than a thousand Whitebeard Pirates!

In a short time, I can remember dozens of names...

Maybe it's already the limit!

Man Shirley stuck out her little tongue, she scratched her head embarrassedly, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have a good memory since I was a child, and I remember all the names of my big brother predecessors on the entire Moby Dick, and I can recognize them all." "

In fact, she had a better memory, but other than that, she felt like she was worthless.

Although she is a small human race, she can also carry hundreds of pounds of things.

But compared to those warriors in the Lilliputies.

Her physical strength was still a little too weak.

"If I can become stronger, maybe the healing power of the Devil Fruit will also become stronger, and maybe it will help Roy's predecessor's body at that time. "

Mansherry said with a serious face at the moment.

Marco couldn't help but sigh: "In the new world, there are not many kind people like you. "

"Didn't Big Brother Mark say that everyone is family, shouldn't family help each other?" said Mansherry.

Marco was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Yes! I was negligent. "


The conversation between the two was clearly heard by the whitebeard not far away.

The whitebeard was quite melancholy.

At the same time, he was a little speechless.

He looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and finally could only sigh softly.

He had a little sigh in his heart, as well as all kinds of helplessness and sorrow.

Who would have thought...

A lie from Roy Imp...

How long can it last!

No one found out that it was wrong!

Good guys!

And the entire Whitebeard Pirates, everyone except themselves, believed Roy's nonsense.

Even the intern Man Shirley, who had just joined the Whitebeard Pirates, actually believed it.

The most outrageous thing is that little imp of Fire Fist Ace...

It seems that he also believes in Roy's this, the so-called knife raising technique.

What could be more outrageous?

That's what it says...

Whitebeard feels a little ashamed!

"Luo Yi, this stinky little ghost, is obviously the author of all these incidents, but this kid is still sleeping in the cabin, and he can't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon!"

"All day long, I know that I sleep, sleep, sleep, and in addition to sleeping is eating, in addition to eating is sleeping, can anyone be more lazy than this little ghost?"

"While others were practicing hard, this stinky little ghost was still in the cabin, sleeping soundly. "

"While others are practicing swordsmanship, this stinky little imp is reading his villain book. "

"While others are exercising, this stinky little imp is basking in the sun. "

"All in all, it's two words, outrageous!!"

The mention of Whitebeard makes me angry.

This stinky little imp is here...

It's just to him off!

But no matter how much Whitebeard complains, he has to admit that Roy's stinky little ghost is more genius and clever than any of his sons!

Just talking about Roy's mysterious strength, Whitebeard felt that he was a little incomprehensible.

This stinky little devil is hiding his strength all day long.

It's as if the sky is falling if it is exposed.

From some of Roy's heartfelt content, Whitebeard can analyze Roy's strength, which should not be much weaker than Marko.

It is even very likely to be able to reach the point of being on par with Marko, the captain of the first team!

This whitebeard is not only a little secretly staggering.

What is the concept of parity with Marco?

You know, although Marco is not the top group of people in the New World.

But it's definitely very close.

It may be just one step away from Marco being able to step into the top ranks.

If Roy is that strong...

Then their Whitebeard Pirates...

than they themselves imagined...

It's even more powerful!

Unconsciously, Whitebeard thought of it, the Whitebeard Pirates, the former captain of the second team, Mitsuki Mita.

Because he thinks that Roy and Ota are more similar in some aspects.

Like when they first joined the Whitebeard Pirates...

It has a very strong strength in itself!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is only one thing in common!

Compare the two to each other...

Mita's kind of hard work...

Ruyi's laziness and depravity...

There's no comparison!

"But in this case, doesn't it mean that Roy's stinky little ghost's talent is even more terrifying than that of Mita? I haven't seen him, when have I ever worked hard to cultivate. With this ordinary person, it is difficult to match the power, goo-la-la!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly and whispered, "This is a bit like that crazy woman." "

The crazy woman in Whitebeard's mouth is obviously one of the sea emperors of the New World.


Charlotte Lingling!

Whitebeard once stayed with Bigmom on the same pirate group, although the relationship between the two was not particularly good, but after all, they were on the same ship, and after staying for so long, they must know each other better.

He remembered that crazy woman in Bigmom, who had terrifying strength when she was five years old.

At the age of five, he killed through a giant village, and even killed the giant hero at that time.

Which of the giants will be weaker than the average vice admiral of the Navy?

Bigmom, which is equivalent to a five-year-old man, has single-handedly killed dozens or hundreds of lieutenant generals!

That giant hero can be called a hero...

To say the least, it's comparable to an elite lieutenant general, right?

The result is the same, but she was killed in seconds!

"Goo-la-la-la! It's all monsters! This one or two, it's very scary to say!" Whitebeard's sigh was obviously not forced.

He was not very old when he first went to sea, and the first enemy he killed was a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million.

More than 50 years ago, the bounty was over 100 million...

You can imagine how high the gold content is!

"Also, Mita..." Whitebeard's gaze looked at the sea in the distance, and there was a sense of immediacy that he wanted to pierce it.

He still remembered that Roy had said in his heart that Ota had died at Kaido's hands.

And has been dead for more than ten years.

At first, Whitebeard didn't believe it, but in order to determine the truth, he decided to go to Wano Country himself.

But after all these days...

Those contents of Roy's heart...

After all of them have been fulfilled.

Whitebeard began to be uncertain.

"Are you really dead in the hands of that guy Kaido?" Whitebeard's expression turned gloomy, no matter how well he said it, Guangyue Yutian is also his family, even if the two of them are not related by blood.

Even Mitsuki Mita, who had only been in the Whitebeard Pirates for a few years, went to the Roger Pirates.

But Whitebeard still thinks that Ota is his family member.

Now, if someone kills a family member...

His white beard is still indifferent ...

So is he still whitebeard?

Under Whitebeard's calm gaze, what was hidden was a surging killing intent, only she knew by herself, and he slowly took a deep breath: "At this speed of sailing, it may take another half a month to reach the country of Wano, right?"

"Kaido... Ota ..."Whitebeard slowly closed his eyes, forcing himself not to think about these things.

Because the more you think about this kind of thing, the more chaotic your mind will become.

Maybe the Whitebeard Pirates...

and the Beast Pirates.

There will be a war!


Time, it's afternoon.

Once again, Roy's biological clock made him very punctual and get up at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Obviously he had slept for more than ten hours, but he still couldn't help but yawn.

I stretched lazily and went to wash up listlessly.

Then just walk over to the kitchen and get something to eat.

He was on deck again.

Roy took a sip of bread and milk, sniffed the rich smell of sweat in the air, and shook his head helplessly: "If it goes on like this, sooner or later my sense of smell will have problems." Fortunately, they were all cultivating on the deck, and today's wind was quite strong, and the sour smell of sweat could be blown away quickly. "

If these pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were cultivating in the cabin, it would be a nightmare.

For example, in a dormitory, seven out of eight people have smelly feet.

Thinking about it, I can't help but shudder.

It makes goosebumps rise.

"Luo... Roy senior, are you awake?" At this moment, a weak voice came from under his feet, and then the voice suddenly became anxious: "Don't don't, stop, stop! Roy senior, it's going to step on it!"

Roy paused as he walked forward, looking down at the little one in front of him, who was only twenty centimeters tall.

With a straw in his mouth, he took a sip of milk and said in surprise, "Mansherry?"

For this Lilliputian princess, he is still very impressed.

After all, this is the shortest of the Whitebeard Pirates...

It's also the only Lilliputian on the Moby Dick...

is the only sister of the Moby Dick...

"It's... That's it!Roy senior!" Mansherry plucked up her courage and said to Roy, "Brother Marco has already told me everything about you, so... So I thought..."

Man Shirley sorted out her words and said seriously: "So I want to try to heal Roy Senpai!"

Roy: "???????"

[What's the situation with this Lilliputian princess? Why do you want to heal yourself inexplicably? Good guy, could it be that Marco took all the things I made up and took them seriously, and then Amway gave these stories to Mansherry, right?]

[It seems that this is the only possibility, and as a villain, Mansherry is the most easily deceived. So much so that Ace, who was stupid at the time, would be suspicious at first. And now this Man Shirley, who doubts it, doesn't doubt it. 】

I heard that he had a bad stomach yesterday and kept squatting in the toilet, and I don't know if he collapsed. 】

[Or is that guy planning again, how to assassinate Whitebeard?]

[Wait!Is it time to wonder where Ace is?]

If I let Mansherry heal me, wouldn't I be exposed?]

[After all, I don't have the slightest injury on my body!]

[She, a person with the ability to heal fruits, doesn't she know everything when she touches my body?]

[As soon as she touches my body, she may even know what level my physical fitness is. 】

[Good guy!Don't let her touch it!]

Between Royds...

It's not good!

He found that he was now facing the biggest crisis in his life.

He felt a huge red danger hanging over his head.





PS: I got up a little late today, so today's update is a little late. However, the amount of updates today will not be less, the same is 22,000 words, this book has been published for nine days, and it has been 200,000 words!

More than 10,000 words will be updated in the afternoon, and it is estimated that it will be 220,000 words after today.

Ask for support!

Love you guys!

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