Far away from the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the samurai of Wano Country, a group of naval soldiers from the Navy Headquarters looked at the battlefield through binoculars.

A second lieutenant couldn't help but swallow his spittle, and a little cold sweat overflowed from his forehead.

The hand holding the telescope couldn't help but tremble a little.

The whole person gasped, and his face was full of shock.

"Is this the Whitebeard Pirates?" he muttered to himself in shock, "It's terrifying to defeat the 10,000 warriors of Wano Country in less than twenty minutes!"

"Is this the Four Emperors of the New World? No wonder it is difficult for the Navy Headquarters to develop its power in the New World. "

"There are such powerful pirates in the New World, no wonder it will be called the holy land of pirates!"

The second lieutenant had apparently never seen the world.

Indeed, he was transferred from the East China Sea to the Navy Headquarters because of his good talent.

Then, it seems, it was for a bit of luck.

He became one of Karp's new subordinates...

However, he became Karp's new subordinate...

And it didn't last long.

At most, follow Lieutenant General Karp and hunt down pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage.

At most, it's a fight with some of the pirates in the first half of the Great Passage.

He was coming to the New World for the first time.

Although Karp had pursued the Red-Haired Pirates before, when chasing the Red-Haired Pirates, the only people who shot were Karp and the Red-Haired Shanks.

Such a character is powerful ...

And rightfully so.

And now that the Whitebeard Pirates are fighting against the samurai of Wano Country, everyone except Whitebeard has made a move, and this second lieutenant can clearly feel that everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is probably not weaker than him!

The one with the worst strength...

are on par with him!


Is this the Four Emperors?

It's terrifying!

The reaction of most of the other Navy soldiers was not much worse than his.

"Hey! The Whitebeard Pirates are so powerful, are our navy sure that they are the opponents of these pirates? That's tens of thousands of samurai from Wano Country, these samurai of Wano Country, they are good at a glance, but they are defeated in less than twenty minutes?"

"It really deserves to be the emperor of the sea in the new world, and to be called the emperor of the sea is definitely because of its great strength. The Whitebeard Pirates are not only strong in captain, but also in crew!"

"That's Marko, the first captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and I saw him crush dozens of people with one blow just now!"

"The one with the twin knives is Bista, right? "

"They won't notice us if we're so close, right?"

"What are you worried about, what are you afraid of? We also have Lieutenant General Karp here!"

"We're the Navy!

“...... Then why are your legs trembling?"

"I'm in a !! urgency"


Compared to these, the soldiers who had never seen the world, those old subordinates who followed Karp, faced with the situation in front of them, and the extremely powerful Whitebeard Pirates, reacted a little more calmly.

Most of these old subordinates who have followed Karp have experienced very terrifying battles.

Not only did they not have any worries, but they also commented with great interest.

"I didn't expect that Whitebeard, who was the captain, didn't make a move, did he want to exercise, his own crew? I thought I could see the strongest man in the world make a move, but I didn't expect him to make a move at all, just watching. "

"The captain of the fifth team, Bista, is so superb in the double-sword flow swordsmanship, he is definitely a figure at the level of a great swordsman, right? "

"Tsk, is this the ability of the immortal bird fruit? The legendary phantom beast species, a fruit similar to that of the marshal!"

"Wait a minute! Look at that guy, is that Fire Fist Ace?!"

"Fire Fist Ace, is that the strongest newcomer?"

"Shhh When you say that, it looks really like it, and when he fought just now, he was able to control the flames!"

"Is the Fire Fist Ace, who has a bounty of 400 million Bailey, joined the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"That's a bit of a bad look!"

"The strength of the pirates has grown again!"


Ace's identity was quickly recognized, as the trait was all too obvious.

The Burnt Fruit is a natural Devil Fruit that stands out in battle.

It is a very eye-catching existence in the crowd.

Karp, who is Ace's godfather, must have recognized Ace at first sight.

However, it was precisely because he recognized Ace...

Karp's expression is so exaggerated.

Karp's face wasn't in disbelief, his eyes were so wide that they almost protruded.

A mouth is also open, and his chin looks like it's almost dragging to the ground.

A drop of snot dripped involuntarily.

The whole person was dumbfounded!

That's a jaw-dropping!


Although he has already received some information from the Sengoku side about the great possibility that Ace will join the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when I saw Ace with my own eyes, he was really inside the Whitebeard Pirates...

Karp's face was still full of shock, and in his heart, he was greatly shocked!

He didn't think of Ace's stinky little ghost...

If you want to go to sea, don't say what kind of pirates...

actually joined the Whitebeard Pirates, what does this guy think?

His father was the son of Gore Brown. D. Roger, and Ace joins Whitebeard...

Didn't you recognize Whitebeard as your father?

So what kind of generation is Roger?


Then he Karp, this grandfather...

What kind of generation?

I don't know why, but suddenly, such a thought flashed through my mind, which made Karp, who was in shock, suddenly come back to his senses, and his expression began to become strange.

Strictly speaking, if you are Ace's grandfather...

If the current Whitebeard has become Ace's father.

So now he's Monchi. D. Karp, what has become Whitebeard again?



Thinking of the complicated relationship, Karp couldn't help but laugh out loud, and even tears of laughter flowed out, laughing so hard that he covered his stomach, obviously his stomach hurt.

His wild laughter made the surrounding naval soldiers stunned, and their faces were full of doubt.

One Navy soldier after another, looking at each other ...

can see the kind of doubt in the other party's eyes.

Lieutenant General Karp, what's going on ...

Isn't there anything funny about that?

The Navy soldiers looked confused.

It's not clear at all what the situation is.



The capital of flowers.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are in Kuri in Wano Country! They're about to head to Nozomi! Once they're in Nozomi's barren land, they're going to enter the Flower Capital. Once they enter the Flower City, my life will be at risk!"

At this moment, the Black Charcoal Snake was roaring at a phone bug: "The tens of thousands of samurai I sent out are not the opponents of the Whitebeard Pirates at all, and some of them called me and said that they were defeated in less than twenty minutes. "

"The Whitebeard Pirates are all monsters, they must go straight to the Flower Capital, since this is the case, their purpose is already self-evident, they are going to avenge Guangyue Yutian!"

The Black Carbon Snake was already in a cold sweat, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Isn't my Black Carbon Family a close cooperative relationship with the Hundred Beast Pirates?"

"If I'm killed by the Whitebeard Pirates, the Beast Pirates will lose me as an ally!"

"Why don't you Beast Pirates take action?"


At this time, on the other side of the phone bug, the voice of the plague Quinn came: "Well, don't worry, big snake, let your people go to test the Whitebeard Pirates, just to test the determination of the Whitebeard Pirates." "

"The current results have proved that the Whitebeard Pirates are ready to go to war with the Hundred Beast Pirates, and the purpose of the Whitebeard One Piece is the country of Wano..."

"In this case, our Hundred Beast Pirates will definitely not sit still. "

"But the biggest problem right now is..."

Plague Quinn smiled evilly, and his voice continued to ring from the phone bug: "In a merciless word, now that you are dead, what about it?"

When this sentence fell, the black charcoal snake's pupils shrank, and he yelled at the phone bug in disbelief: "Quinn! What do you mean by this?!"

The black charcoal snake, which is greedy for life and afraid of death by nature, sensed that something was wrong.

"Damn, you Beast Pirates, you don't want to give up on me, do you?"

The black charcoal snake gritted its teeth and said, "If it weren't for me!"

"How do you one of the pirates control Wano Country?!"

Obviously, the black charcoal snake is already in a hurry.

"Big snake, big snake, don't be angry!" Quinn's playful and teasing voice rang from the other side of the phone bug: "You know Brother Kaido, in fact, he wanted to kill you from the very beginning. Why didn't Big Brother Kaido kill you in the end and keep you until now?"

"That's because your identity is more special, you are the general of Wano Country, no matter how despicable you are, in the final analysis, you are still a member of Wano Country, and the people of Wano Country recognize your rule more. "

"But as time goes by, your prestige in Wano Country has dropped to a freezing point. "

"Do you think that as the general of Wano Country, under your raised arms, there will be people who will respond to you?"


"No one will respond to you at all, in fact, Brother Kaido wants you to live for another five years, but I didn't expect the Whitebeard Pirates to come and disrupt Big Brother Kaido's plan. "

"In this case, we can only solve you in advance, lest you, a sinister and cunning fellow, cause any trouble. "

"Of course I don't need my Hundred Beast Pirates to make a move..."

"Just let Whitebeard or Tuan shoot..."

"That's it!!"

The eyes of the black charcoal snake widened, he didn't expect that he had been flattering the Hundred Beasts Kaido for so many years, and in the end he would end up with such a fate, he would actually be given up by the Hundred Beast Pirates, and he would become an outcast!

No, no, he can't be the opponent of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Without the protection of the Hundred Beast Pirates...

His black charcoal snake is nothing at all!

No way!

You must not be an outcast!



The black charcoal snake gritted his teeth and roared: "I don't believe Kaido will give up on me, you must be doing ghosts, right? I know you have always looked at me unpleasantly! Quinn! I have shed blood for the Hundred Beast Pirates, and I have contributed to the Hundred Beast Pirates!"

"I want to see Kaido!Quinn!Did you hear that?I want to see Kaido!You wait!I'm going to Oni Island, I want to see Kaido!You bastard must be messing with me!"

"My use value is more than that, Kaido can't give up mine so easily!"

"Did you hear that? I'm going to see Kaido!!

"You... Hey, hey, hey, hey?!!"

"Bastard !!!"


Another brand new phone bug was smashed by the annoyed black carbon snake, and the poor phone bug once again suffered an unwarranted disaster and became the punching bag of the black carbon snake.

The black charcoal snake's pupils were trembling now, and fear had enveloped his body and mind.

"Crazy Deathman, come with me to Oni Island!"

"I'm going to see Kaido!!"

The mad dead man who was standing next to him raised his eyelids and asked the black charcoal serpent: "General Orochi, if the Hundred Beast Pirates really give up on you, if you go to the Ghost Island like this, it is very likely that you will be killed by the Hundred Beasts Kaido." "

The reminder of the mad death man made the black charcoal snake tremble, and the cold sweat involuntarily overflowed a lot again.

The clothes on his back were already wet with cold sweat.

The black charcoal snake burst out in his heart and swallowed his spit...

If I go to Oni Island now...

Will you really be killed by Kaido?


This possibility...

It's really big!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" the black charcoal snake gritted its teeth and pulled out the knife on its waist and slashed at all kinds of things, as if to vent the anger in his heart.

An endless sense of crisis rose in his heart, and he definitely didn't want to die in this place.

But what can be done to stop the Whitebeard Pirates?


But where can you hide?

Now the Hundred Beast Pirates have a showdown with him, which means that the people who want to kill him, in addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, now there is one more Hundred Beast Pirates.

And those rebels in Wano Country who don't know where to hide...

and the curse of the Light Moon family.

All of a sudden...

The black charcoal snake actually has a sense of immediacy that is enemy on all sides.

He began to become suspicious.

However, he didn't doubt the mad death man in front of him, because the crazy death man was already the only powerful guard he could trust.

This feeling of being on all sides...

Let the black charcoal serpent...


Fall into despair!


Do you want to leave Wano Country?

No way......

Absolutely not!

It was not easy for him to lay such a big foundation in the country of Wano, if he left the country of Wano, wouldn't the efforts of so many of his people be in vain?

The most important thing is that the country of Wano is the new world, which is a more dangerous place than the country of Wano!

From an already dangerous place, step into an even more dangerous place...

Isn't this just escaping from the wolf's den and running into the tiger's den?

The Black Carbon Snake is a little resentful of the country of Wano, why is it in the new world?

If it's in the East China Sea...

He left without hesitation!

Now, it's the opposite...

It's a dilemma!


Wano Country.

Ghost Island.

"How's it going? What is the reaction of that big snake?" Kaido of the Hundred Beasts glanced at Quinn in front of him, and asked in a sullen voice, "That guy, is he extremely afraid of death?"

Quinn nodded and responded, "The big snake is already afraid, his voice is trembling, and he also said that he wants to come to see you, big brother." "

"Oh, huh, gluck, see me, he doesn't have the guts yet!"

Hundred Beast Kaido smiled disdainfully at this, after knowing the black charcoal snake for so many years, don't you still know each other?

That guy is downright ...

It's just a villain!

If it weren't for the help of the Hundred Beast Pirates, that kind of guy would also want to become a general in Wano Country?

Are you kidding!

For the Hundred Beasts Kaido, the black charcoal snake is just a dispensable chess piece.

Twenty years ago, the Hundred Beast Pirates were not very strong...

Perhaps the power of the Black Carbon Snake is also needed.

But not anymore.

The current Hundred Beast Pirates are already one of the Four Emperors of the New World.

It's not what it used to be!

A dispensable pawn like the black charcoal snake.

It can be discarded at any time.

Even if it is abandoned...

There are no losses either!

How angry the Black Carbon Snake is, the Hundred Beasts Kaido doesn't care at all, what he cares about the most is the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Whoa, Whitebeard, it seems that the one is really not good!" Kaido looked at Quinn and said, "Ember and Jack, as well as the six sons, have they all returned?"

Quinn replied, "Jack and the six sons are back, and Ember is still in the country of Wano, and it will take a while to come back." "

Kaido frowned.

Ember is the strongest member of the Hundred Beast Pirates besides him.

If Ember doesn't come back...

So what's next...

When facing the Whitebeard Pirates, you may have to fall into a disadvantage at the beginning!


Think of your own army of Devil Fruits.

The corners of the Beast Kaido's mouth raised.


To go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates in the City of Flowers?

That's the most prosperous place in the motherland!

Quinn was a little puzzled.

The actual ruler of Wano Country is the Hundred Beast Pirates, and if the Flower Capital is seriously damaged...

Isn't it the Beast Pirates who suffered?

Kaido seemed to see his doubts, and said with a smile: "It is precisely for this reason that he chose to be in the capital of flowers! With the character of the guy with the white beard, would he like to see so many people die in the hometown of Mitsuki Mita!!?"

Quinn was dumbfounded.

Brother Kaido, this...

It's so insidious!



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