I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 105 New Mission: Quit Internet Addiction! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Guo family.

Guo Xuancheng and his wife watched the news on TV.

I couldn’t help crying!


My daughter finally has her whereabouts!


But heaven and man are separated forever!

Such a lively and lovely daughter, such a young and beautiful girl.

But he died in the hands of a demon in human skin like Hu Wenming!

The pain in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

Tears welled up in my eyes!

The couple hugged each other.

Although Hu Wenming has been brought to justice, his daughter will never come back!

Rather than having the bad guys punished, they would rather it never happened.

But now.

It's too late to say anything!

The deceased has passed away, and they can only comfort themselves with the news that Hu Wenming was finally brought to justice!

And their lives go on.

Life is still very long and we cannot stay here forever.



Ning Hua leaned on the window sill and looked at the busy traffic outside.

He smoked cigarette after cigarette.

During the day, people from the Sheriff's Department asked him to claim the body.

It never occurred to him.

Only a few days passed.

His wife Yin Yueru turned into a cold corpse!

How could Ning Hua accept this?

He didn't have a funeral.

He sent his wife's body directly to the crematorium for cremation.

Later, I bought another cemetery for burial.

Do it all.

The sky has also darkened.

Ning Hua returned home.

He originally wanted to get something to eat, but he seemed to be a walking zombie, completely listless.

Can't get the slightest bit of interest out of it!

He just leaned against the window and kept smoking.


It was already midnight.

In the past, his wife didn't like him smoking at home.

Every time he smoked in the room, he was inevitably scolded by Yin Yueru.

Over time.

That's why Ning Hua developed the habit of smoking on the balcony.

But later.

No one in this family smokes anymore!

Thinking of this, Ning Hua couldn't help but burst into tears.

Except for the two of them.

Many other families learned what happened.

And those families, without exception, are trapped in endless pain.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen looked at the reactions of the victims' families.

In my heart, I also had mixed feelings.

He silently used Wei Zheng's ability to protect the families of these victims.

So that they can survive in the future.

No more bad luck!

Have a smooth life!

Done all this.

Zhou Chen once again opened the book of sins!

He wants to continue his mission.

Try to fully activate the Wei Zheng template as soon as possible!


The new mission is displayed in the Book of Sin!

[Task code: Quit Internet addiction]

[Target: Yang Xin]

[Reward: 50,000 merit points (merit points can be exchanged for items in the mall, and can be exchanged for money at 1:100)]

[Death limit: within one week. 】

[Target introduction: Yang Xin, who runs a training institution, claims to be able to cure Internet addiction and achieve isolation. 】

[A large number of parents who do not know the situation send their children to this training institution. 】

[But the management of the training institution opened by Yang Xin is very strict, and students are often punished corporally and detained. 】

[Not only did a large group of social workers be invited to perform corporal punishment on the students, but they also used electric shock therapy, but the equipment used did not pass safety monitoring. 】

[Several children have been killed while recovering from Internet addiction, and some even fell on the electric shock table due to electric shocks that exceeded the threshold. 】

[There are also many children who have serious psychological shadows and thoughts of committing suicide because of the harsh environment. 】


Along with the task description.

A picture also appeared in Zhou Chen's mind.

"Qian Ziqiang! How many times have I told you, why did you come here secretly again?"

A loud shout.

The originally noisy Internet cafe instantly became quiet.

A middle-aged woman in plain clothes, with a red face, angrily grabbed a young man's ears.

Drag him out of the Internet cafe!

The young man's ears were red from being pulled, and his face showed a bit of pain.

But he didn't speak.

On the contrary, there was a bit of anger in his eyes!

"Your dad and I work outside all day long to earn some money for you to go to school. Why do you surf the Internet all day long? It really pisses me off!"

The middle-aged woman even had tears in her eyes.

Her name is Ji Wenqin.

Just a very ordinary middle-aged rural woman.

He has little education and works in the south with his husband Qian Haiguo.

This time, I took advantage of the holiday to go home.


I originally wanted to take a good look at the situation at home and ask my son how his study and life were during this period.

But I didn't expect it.

I just happened to catch my son surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe!

And, after several inquiries.

I learned that my son was not a first offender.

Because only grandparents are at home.

Therefore, the old couple can't control him at all!

He usually uses various excuses to ask his grandparents for money, saying he wants to buy tutoring books, but in fact he just wants to go online!

This made Ji Wenqin feel that the pillars in his heart were about to collapse!

My son has always been very obedient and well-behaved, right?

How did it become like this?

They live outside and save money just so that their children can be more promising in the future.

However, it resulted in such a result?

The more Ji Wenqin thinks about it, the more aggrieved she feels!

The emotions in her heart suddenly burst out like a spring dam.

He directly reached out his hand and slapped his son hard in the face!


"Do you know how hard it is to make money? Do you know how difficult it is for your dad and I to raise tuition for you?"

"You don't study hard and are surfing the Internet? You really let down all our hard work!"

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be your mother!"

Ji Wenqin burst into tears.

At the same time, she was ready to continue pumping money for self-improvement.

And what about Qian Ziqiang?

I was stunned by my mother’s slap!

He was strictly disciplined by his family since he was a child.

Because the family background is not good, parents place expectations on themselves.

When he was in elementary school, his grades were pretty good.

But after he unexpectedly failed in an exam in junior high school, his father scolded him severely in front of the entire class.

This deeply impacted Qian Ziqiang’s heart!

From now on.

He was utterly depraved.

Start hanging out with those bad students.

We surf the Internet together and sleep in class together.

And his grades also plummeted!

From being at the top of the class, I suddenly fell to the bottom.

However, Qian Ziqiang is not panicking.

Because those bad students even taught him how to correct his transcript.

Anyway, his parents are working in other places, and only his elderly grandparents are at home, so he is very easy to fool!

Those students also handled it this way!

that's all.

The days passed.

Unexpectedly, not only was my mother caught me surfing the Internet today.

She actually slapped herself!

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