I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 108 Electric Shock! Life In The Institution (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


"You little bastard, how dare you hit me!"

Yang Xin spat.

At the same time, several big men around him rushed over immediately.

They punched Qian Ziqiang hard in the face.

In an instant, I was blinded by my money!


Several people were busy again.

He held Qian Ziqiang and brought him to a small dark room.

There is a complete set of equipment in this small dark room, which is used for electric shock.

While rubbing his sore face, Yang Xin said to the people around him: "Damn it, you dare to hit me. Give me the electric shock to the maximum!'


Those sturdy men nodded one after another.

"Let me go, you dare to shock me!"

"Do you know that it is illegal to do this?"

Qian Ziqiang was still struggling.

Unfortunately, it is of no use at all.

Under the force of those people.

Qian Ziqiang was put on an electric shock device.

Then, open it directly to the maximum!


A strong electric current surged into Qian Ziqiang's head instantly!


He grimaced in pain.

This is really painful!

He wanted to get rid of it, but it was of no use at all!

Under the other party's control, Qian Ziqiang could only endure it silently.

not to mention.

After a while.

He no longer has the strength to resist!

Because those electric shocks were so stimulating, Qian Ziqiang soon became exhausted.

A long time passed.

The electric shock finally stopped!

At this time, Qian Ziqiang had completely lost his temper.

He slumped in his seat.

Yang Xin walked up with a sneer on his face.

The look in his eyes was full of pride: "How's it going? How do you feel now?"

Qian Ziqiang raised his head with difficulty and looked at Yang Xin with a look of resentment.

He really wanted to cut Yang Xin into pieces.

But it’s a pity…………

Of no use at all!

Because now, he only feels like Yang Xin is a terrifying demon.

Standing condescendingly in front of yourself.

And in front of him, she was like fish on the chopping board.

The only option is to let him slaughter you!

"That's it for today's treatment, let's continue tomorrow!"

Yang Xin ordered.


Under the escort of those big men.

Qian Ziqiang was taken away.

They also have dormitories here.

But the conditions of the dormitory are very poor!

It's just a worn-out iron bed with a thin quilt.

In the dormitory where Qian Ziqiang lives, there are two other people besides him.

After seeing Qian Ziqiang entering the dormitory, the two people also looked this way.

After leaving him behind, the big man just said harshly: "From today on, he will be your roommate. You should take him to get familiar with the environment here and tell him what he should and shouldn't do!"


The other two roommates immediately stood up straight and answered very seriously.


They dare not show any disobedience in front of these big men!

Afterwards, Yinhan left satisfied.

The two roommates waited until the big man disappeared completely, and then hurriedly came to Qian Ziqiang.

"Brother, brother, are you okay?"

they asked with concern.

At this time, Qian Ziqiang also struggled to support himself.

He looked at the two people and asked with some confusion: "Are you sent here by your family like me?"


The two replied.

"Brother, just stay here honestly!"

"Now that we are here, there is no chance of leaving! If you behave better, maybe we can get out earlier!"

The two men kept persuading.

And what about Qian Ziqiang?

Even if there are thousands of reluctances in my heart, I can only bear it silently.


He has no way of leaving here!

he thinks.

As long as you follow what these two people said, you can leave as soon as possible.

But what I didn't expect was.

Things seem to be different from what I imagined!

Here I get up at five o'clock every morning.

After getting up, it is completely a matter of management.

Such as folding quilts, washing clothes, washing up, etc.

All must be completed within the specified time.

And when carrying out these projects, the organization still has many perverted requirements and proposals!

For example, cups must be stacked like tofu cubes.

In fact, this is understandable, because the army also requires this.

But when washing, you can only use a certain amount of water, and you are not allowed to splash a drop of water outside the basin.

This is a bit harsh!

after all. (De Nuo Zhao) No one can guarantee it.

I can completely spill the water outside.

Once you violate it, you will face punishment!

Fortunately, Qian Ziqiang was careful and was not punished!

Others have become accustomed to it.

After washing up, it’s time for morning jogging.

And during the morning running exercise.

One person collapsed on the playground because of exhaustion.

However, the big man in charge of surveillance ignored the man's physical discomfort and asked him to continue running the rest of the distance.

That person can't do it.

Naturally, the big man punched and kicked him!

Immediately afterwards, he was dragged away directly.

Seeing this scene, the two roommates couldn't help but trembled all over. .

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