I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 199 Another Strange Case Happened (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Ah, Dad, help!"

"Husband, what on earth is going on?"

The pitiful voices of his wife and daughter rang in his ears, and Wang Kecheng looked at such a scene and actually didn't know what to say at all.

After all, his eyes were full of shock and fear.

A dead person appeared in front of him at this moment. The kind of fear that bursts out from the bottom of my heart is indeed something that not everyone can understand.

But even so, Wang Kecheng still tried his best to protect his wife and daughter behind him, preventing the other party from getting even close.

But after seeing the ghost, it let out a burst of jeering laughter.

He didn't seem to care what these people thought.

Because in his eyes, these people are just ants. Therefore, the light in his eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly came closer.

Moreover, the light in his eyes was very strange.

When this family of three met, they all felt threatened by 583 from hell.

They stepped back step by step, trying to distance themselves from him. But they discovered that they had absolutely no way out now, and there was no way to retreat at all!

As for the demon, he approached everyone step by step.

Moreover, they all felt a very terrible threat.


Finally, a shrill sound came out.

This family of three died at home.

And similar things are happening in every corner of Xiangjiang. This night is like a nightmare for many people.

Early the next morning, those horrific deaths were completely exposed online.

Because the deaths of these people were so miserable, their relatives and friends notified the Public Security Department after discovering the deaths, and Pan An's people rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

And the death of these people made people feel a little bit more.

That is very similar to what the judge does!

They all died inexplicably without any warning or precondition. Moreover, no clues could be found at the scene.

Scenes like this make people wonder, are those dead people all heinous people?

As a result, netizens speculated one after another.

The people from the Public Security Department also followed this clue to investigate.

But what they didn't expect was that not all of the people who died at this time were heinous people.

Some people are indeed bad people.

They themselves are all small gangsters who hang out at the bottom.

But there are still some people, such as Wang Kecheng's family, who are just ordinary people.

These people also died under very miserable and terrible means, which made people feel incredible and incomprehensible.

Soon, a guess that had been almost forgotten by everyone surfaced again.

That means the judge may not only kill evil people!

He is essentially a murderer!

After killing so many evil people, this man finally exposed his true nature, so he committed (bgah) all kinds of sins.

This speculation appeared on the Internet, and it fermented over and over again in an instant, spreading throughout the entire Internet.

At first, many people didn't believe it.

But whether they believe it or not, the facts before them are unquestionable.

After all, many innocent people did die.

This also puts the Public Security Department in trouble!

If they don't continue to investigate this case, they don't know if more people will continue to die innocently and tragically.

This made them all feel a huge pressure.

There is no other way. The Xiangjiang Public Security Bureau can only communicate with the higher-ups, hoping that the higher-ups can send people to help solve the case.

After the senior officials heard the news, they of course arranged for an expert to come to Xiangjiang to investigate without hesitation.

This expert is none other than Ouyang Meng!

Even the Public Security Department of Xiangjiang is very aware of Ouyang Meng's ability.

Therefore, they are certainly looking forward to the arrival of such an expert.

Ouyang Meng boarded the train to Xiangjiang.

In fact, it has been a while since she followed the judge's case.

Because in her opinion, the judge is a hero who punishes evil and promotes good, specializing in punishing those evildoers who escape the law.

Moreover, among the evildoers he eliminated, many were powerful beings that even the Public Security Department could not defeat.

This made Ouyang Meng think that the existence of the judge was very necessary.

But what about now?

The current situation was beyond her knowledge.

There are rumors all over the Internet that the judge has killed ordinary people.

This is undoubtedly a very unexpected thing for everyone!

After hearing the news, the Public Security Department was undoubtedly divided into two factions. There is a group of people who believe that the judge is actually a demon, and they have the same attitude as many people on the Internet.

But there are still some people like Ouyang Meng who firmly believe in the judge and believe that the judge can never be a murderous demon.

Therefore, she must find a way to find out the truth. .

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