Another extremely vicious villain!

Finished reading the mission description.

Zhou Chen slowly closed his eyes.

Thoughts flashed back between countless scenes.

old Town.

A very ordinary residential building.

"Honey, look, what is this?"

Li Guangzong ran home happily.

In the kitchen, his wife Zhou Qin is making dinner.

Seeing Li Guangzong running in, she poked her head out of the kitchen.

Then, he asked in confusion: "What is this?"

she noticed.

Li Guangzong held three pieces of paper in his hand.

It is densely covered with words, and there is a red stamp at the bottom!

"This is accident insurance. You have one share, I have one share, and our mother also has one share!"

"We are a family. With this accident insurance, if any of us encounters an accident in the future, the other will be able to receive compensation!"

Li Guangzong smiled and handed the policy to Zhou Qin.

Zhou Qin took the insurance policy and her heart was filled with indescribable happiness.

she felt.

Li Guangzong really loves himself.

Otherwise, why should everyone buy accident insurance for the whole family?


If someone has an accident.

Then other people can survive on the insurance compensation!

It seems.

Li Guangzong has indeed changed!

But she didn't know.

Under this surface of love, there is actually a shocking and unknown conspiracy!

The corner of Li Guangzong's mouth.

There was also a hint of evil sneer!

A few days later.

Li Guangzong returned home again.

Because Li Guangzong was addicted to gambling, his family was very poor.

Basically, I can only eat pickles, radish porridge and the like for daily meals.

The entire family's finances depended solely on Li Guangzong's wife.


Zhou Qin paid the bonus.

She bought a chicken and made soup.

It can be regarded as asking Li Guangzong to eat meat and beat the teeth as a sacrifice!

"Cough, cough, cough..."

But I don't know why.

Zhou Qin has been coughing non-stop during this time.

Moreover, her face became increasingly haggard and she was often absent-minded while working.

He even fainted on the job once.

This made her think that she must be sick.

But Zhou Qin didn’t dare to go to the doctor!

She knew her family was poor.

Her impression of the hospital is that it eats people without spitting out their bones.

Medical expenses are very high!

And since I don’t have that much money, of course I don’t want to go to the hospital for treatment.

So, she just bought some of the cheapest pills to deal with it.

Regardless of whether it works or not, taking the medicine will make you feel a little better anyway.

Although recently.

It was obvious that his physical condition was much more serious than before.

Even the pills are of no use anymore!

For example, now.

She already felt top-heavy.

It seems that even walking is difficult!

After returning home.

Li Guangzong sat down on the sofa.

"Guangzong, are you back? Come, have some chicken soup!"

Zhou Qin walked towards Li Guangzong with a bowl of chicken soup.

But suddenly.

She felt her vision go dark and she fell to the ground.


The bowl in his hand was also broken.

The chicken soup inside was spread all over the floor.

It flowed to Li Guangzong's feet.

"Guangzong, I..."

Zhou Qin fell to the ground.

She tried desperately to catch Li Guangzong with both hands.


Although the distance between the two is not even one meter.

But it seems like they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers!

No matter how hard Zhou Qin tried, she couldn't reach Li Guangzong's trouser legs.

And next.

Li Guangzong stood up slowly.

He came to Zhou Qin's side and pulled out the wires he had prepared.


Wrapped around Zhou Qin’s neck!

He gritted his teeth and exerted force with his hands.

"Guangzong, Guangzong, I..."

Zhou Qin felt a sense of suffocation coming over him.

This made her feel like she might die at any time!

"Guang Zong..."


Her hands softened.

Completely collapsed.

Died in front of Li Guangzong!

"Xiaoqin, don't blame me. It must be very painful for you to be sick and reluctant to get treatment."

"So, I'll help you end your pain early..."

Li Guangzong's eyes were as cold as frost as he looked at his wife.

No sympathy at all!


He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, the matter is settled, we can start in the evening!"

It's quiet at night.

Li Guangzong sat on the sofa.

Zhou Qin's body had been put into a large black suitcase.

At this time, it was placed beside the sofa.

"Guangzong, Guangzong!"

Soon, a voice came from outside the house.

Whispering, it's a woman.

Li Guangzong stood up and opened the door. Standing outside the door was his lover Chen Lian.

The two didn't say much.

Because everything is understood by heart.

After working together to lift the body into the car, Li Guangzong drove with Chen Lian to a remote place in the suburbs.

There is a fast flowing river here!

They plan to dispose of the body here to make it look like an accidental death!

"Guangzong, there won't be any problem with this, right?"

Chen Lian is a woman after all.

At this moment, I was still somewhat worried.

"Don't worry! This river goes straight down into the mountains and wilderness. Even if she is discovered, it will be at least ten days and a half months later!"

"By then the corpse will have been soaked, and there will be no traces left!"

Li Guangzong answered very definitely.

He has been planning this plan for a long time.

Everything is carefully calculated!

I think I can't go wrong!

at this time.

Everything was silent.

The only sounds around are the chirping of insects, the chirping of birds and the rushing of water.

They pulled the body out of the suitcase.

Under the moonlight.

Zhou Qin still maintained the same appearance as before his death.

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open.

Especially in such an environment, it seems quite intimidating!

Especially Chen Lian.

She was even more frightened.

"Everyone is dead, what's there to be afraid of? Come on, help me!"

Li Guangzong muttered angrily.

Later, two people carried the body to the river.

Li Guangzong first stood by the river and took a look.

The river is very wide, and the water flows with a roar, and the east current flows straight into the river.

Very fast!

Just throw her down and everything will be over!


at this time.

Behind them, a voice came.


In such a silent night.

This sound seems very abrupt!

All of a sudden, it attracted the attention of the two people.

Especially for Chen Lian, this voice couldn't be more familiar!

She quickly looked behind her.

I found that there was indeed a person standing behind me.

And that person.

It was his own son.

Liu Hao!

"Mom, why are you with this person again?"

"Also, what are you doing?"

Liu Hao didn't seem to know what they were doing.

At this time, he walked slowly towards the two of them.

Chen Lian didn't expect her son to appear here!

She froze on the spot, as if she was at a loss for a moment.

"You are... killing people!"

Coming closer.

Liu Hao finally saw the body on the ground.

He was startled and immediately exclaimed!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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