I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 32 The First Battle Of Secrets, Zhong Kui Appears!

Night falls.


Li Guangzong was on pins and needles at home.

Although Xuanjizi was by his side, he didn't know who was stronger, the judge or Xuanjizi.

"Stop shaking, you are disturbing me!"

Xuanjizi glanced at him angrily.

"Yes, Immortal Chief, I understand..."

Li Guangzong did not dare to disobey Xuan Jizi's wishes.

Soon, he became quiet.

However, he was still uneasy in his heart.


at this time.

A gust of cold wind blows!

Li Guangzong shivered, and Xuan Jizi also frowned.

Because he can feel it.

The wind here is really strong!

Much more powerful than I imagined!

Soon, Zhou Chen and Li Qian appeared one after another.

In the eyes of Li Guangzong and Xuan Jizi, two phantoms appeared out of thin air in the room.

One red and one white.

The red one is Li Qian, and the white one is Zhou Chen who is the incarnation of impermanence.

"Come and die!"

The first one to take action was Li Qian.

She blew up gusts of sinister wind and headed towards Li Guangzong with a sinister aura!

Zhou Chen also saw Xuan Jizi.

Moreover, he can tell that Xuanjizi is a person with real abilities!

But he didn't take action rashly.

Instead, let Li Qian explore the opponent's strength first!

"Sir, help me!"

Li Guangzong was obviously frightened when he saw Li Qian attacking him.

He turned pale and exclaimed.

At the same time, he ducked out of the way.

He hid behind Xuanjizi!

"A little ghost dares to cause trouble in front of your Taoist master? Damn it!"

He pointed his hand into a sword and struck out a yellow talisman.


This yellow talisman is extremely fast.

He ejaculated in front of Li Qian in an instant!

It is still very restrained from femininity and poses a certain threat to Li Qian!

But Li Qian's strength is indeed much stronger than before.

If it was her before, she would definitely not be a match for this Huang Fu.

But now it's different!

Although the yellow talisman has a restraining effect on evil objects, Li Qian can still easily avoid it!


Her figure suddenly disappeared.

Xuanjizi's yellow talisman came up empty!

"Chief Immortal, where is she?"

Li Guangzong was obviously dumbfounded.

His eyes were wide open and he looked around, as if he wanted to see some clues.

But it's a pity.

He couldn't find anything at all!

When Xuanjizi heard Li Guangzong's chirping voice, he felt a wave of boredom in his heart.

"Can you shut up!"

"Noisy and noisy, it affects Taoist performance!"

He yelled angrily.

Li Guangzong didn't dare to speak anymore and quickly shut his mouth.

At this time.

Xuanjizi also looked around.

I found that Li Qian seemed to have disappeared without a trace!

Not even a trace left.

However, Xuanjizi is a person with real abilities after all.

Of course he won't give up!

I saw him biting his middle finger lightly. At the same time, he pulled out a mahogany sword from his waist.

Wipe the blood on the body of the mahogany sword.

"The evil spirits are evil, come on quickly!"

There was a cry of surprise in his mouth.

At the same time, a golden light shot out from the sword!

This golden light instantly illuminates the entire room, forcing out all the evil spirits hiding in the darkness.


The next second.

Li Qian did not show up.

Something else appeared!

Soul seduction chain!


Zhou Chen takes action!

Because he knew that under this golden light, Li Qian had no power to fight back.

Therefore, I can only take action myself!

The Soul Hooking Chain seemed to be shot out of the void.

Like a spiritual snake, it flew towards Xuanjizi's door!

Xuanjizi shouted: "Broken!"

The peach wood sword in his hand slashed hard!

In just one click, it collided with the soul seduction chain!

"Dog's blood will destroy evil spirits!"

Xuanjizi screamed again.

At the same time, a vial flew out of his sleeve.

The cork was opened, and a bright red liquid spilled out!

This is black dog blood!

Of course, it's not just black dogs.

It is blessed with some special things, which increases its power to ward off evil spirits.

Zhou Chen's figure flashed and disappeared in front of him!

Zhou Chen thought to himself.

This guy's strength is really good!

It seems that it is not easy to subdue him with the impermanence template.

Then try the horse face template!


With a low growl.

A larger and burlier figure appeared in front of Xuan Jizi and Li Guangzong!

It was Zhou Chen who transformed into a horse face!

The horse is wearing armor and holding a long sword!

Majestic and majestic, like an evil spirit from hell!

"Is this, is this the horse noodle in the legendary bull-headed horse noodle? Oh my god, I'm dead, I'm dead..."

Li Guangzong was almost scared to death.

Ma Mian is taller than Wu Chang!

In this room, I couldn't even stand upright.

At this moment, it seems condescending.

Looking down at the two of them.


at the same time.

The huge long knife swung towards them and slashed at them!

"What horse face? It's just an illusion cast by a little ghost!"

"Look at Master Tao breaking it!"

Xuanjizi was not afraid.

He squeezed the magic formula with his hand and punched out several more yellow talismans.

These yellow talismans are indeed much more powerful than before.

Bang bang bang!

When it hit Ma Mian's body, bursts of fire even appeared!

Zhou Chen felt it.

This guy is really awesome!

Although there are just a few paper talismans, they will not defeat me.

But I don’t know if he has any other methods!

Therefore, Zhou Chen's figure flickered.

Disappeared again!

Seeing the two disappearing one after another, Li Guangzong finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Immortal, have you eliminated these two ghosts?"


Xuanjizi replied.

Li Guangzong immediately shuddered again.

His heart, which had just relaxed, immediately picked up again.

"You little ghost dares to make trouble in front of this Taoist master. When I cast a spell, I will destroy them all!"

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth is the foundation of Wanqi."

"Cultivation for hundreds of millions of kalpas will prove my magical power!"

The mysterious executioner pinches the magic formula and chants the divine mantra.

A golden light also appeared in this room!

The golden light took Xuanjizi as the center of the circle and continued to spread towards the surroundings.

Zhou Chen knew.

This is the golden mantra he recited.

Prepare to use this to eliminate both yourself and Li Qian!

I am not afraid, but the Golden Light Divine Curse is one of the most powerful Taoist spells.

He was worried that Li Qian couldn't bear it.

Such as now.

Li Qian is feeling the other person


This does not mean that Zhou Chen has no trump card!

"Judge Soul Order!"

Zhong Kui, the Secretary of Punishment for Evil, appears!


in this room.

A stronger aura appeared!

The angry-eyed judge appeared and instantly suppressed Xuanjizi's momentum!


Xuanjizi's heart trembled.

If we say that both the impermanence and the horse face just now can be understood as the illusion tricks of the ghost.

Then I really don’t know how to explain this Zhong Kui.

Because the aura brought by this image of Zhong Kui is unparalleledly powerful!

Xuanjizi also felt deeply shocked!

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