Not long after.

Xu Mingming had been beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Hmph, call me whatever you want. You fatherless bastard, no matter how you call, no one will come to save you!"

A burst of venting made Zheng Yong feel very satisfied.

He clenched his fists loudly.

"I have a father!"

Xu Mingming, who fell to the ground, struggled to spit out four words.

at the same time.

He pushed himself up with difficulty.

Staggering, but still stood up.

His father told him.

A man should stand upright!

Especially when facing bad guys, you must not show weakness and have the courage to fight!


Zheng Yongyi frowned.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Xu Mingming's dare to talk back.

At this moment.

Came to Xu Mingming again.

She kicked him hard and said sternly: "You little bastard, you fucking say that again!"

"I have a father!"

"My father is a hero!"

Xu Mingming almost roared when he said this.

That's exactly what it is.

These words completely angered Zheng Yong.

I saw him swinging his fist again and hitting Xu Mingming hard in the face!


at the same time.

A thunder flashed across the sky!

Dark clouds like ink gathered from all directions.

Heavy rain poured down!

After receiving a punch from Zheng Yong, Xu Mingming staggered but did not fall down.

"You are not allowed to insult my father like this!"

A roar.

Xu Mingming rushed towards Zheng Yong.

Immediately afterwards, he also punched Zheng Yong on the body.

Zheng Yong was shocked!

Does this kid dare to resist?

At the same time, the anger in his heart was completely ignited!

You have always been the one to bully others, when will it be those guys' turn to resist!

"You little bastard, you're looking for death!"

this moment.

Zheng Yong no longer has any scruples.

He punched Xu Mingming in the face again.

Xu Mingming shook his head.


Bang bang!

Next, he seemed crazy.

Punch after punch!

Hit Xu Mingming in the face unscrupulously!

He is just a kid in the first grade of junior high school, how can he withstand such an attack?

It didn't take long.

He had been beaten so hard that he was completely helpless!

"Go together!"

Zheng Yong gave an order.

Soon, other people rushed over.

They once again launched a brutal attack on Xu Mingming!

When this wave of attacks ended, Xu Mingming fell to the ground and was breathless!

"Tell me, tell me you're a bastard without a father! Otherwise I'll throw you off the stairs!"

Zheng Yong still refused to give up.

He grabbed Xu Mingming's hair and pulled him up from the ground.


"My father is a hero!"

However, what came out of Xu Mingming's mouth was still the same.

"Okay, you're looking for death, aren't you?"

"Then I'll help you!"

At this time, Zheng Yong was extremely angry.

With a prominent family background, of course he doesn't care about the life or death of people like Xu Mingming!

Seeing how stubborn Xu Mingming was, he immediately pulled Xu Mingming up from the ground without hesitation.

Drag him all the way to the edge of the rooftop.

"I'll give you one last chance!"

"If you don't tell me, you'll go to hell to be with your damn father!"

Zheng Yong's eyes were about to burst.

"My father is a great hero!"

Xu Mingming was already as angry as a gossamer at this time.

He struggled to get the words out of his mouth!

even so.

Xu Mingming still has no intention of backing down!

"Okay, then go die!"

Zheng Yong roared.

At the same time, he kicked hard.

Xu Mingming's body drew an arc from the rooftop and fell rapidly downstairs!


In the rain.

Ji Lanjuan is running fast.

At this point, it was already time for Xu Mingming to go to his stall to help.

But today, no one was seen.

Moreover, Xu Mingming didn't bring an umbrella.

In addition, there was always an uneasy feeling in her heart.

I decided to let others help me look at the stall, and I came over to see what was going on.


When she walked to an unfinished building not far from the school.

But I saw a black shadow falling from the sky!


It hit Ji Lanjuan hard in front of her.

Ji Lanjuan was shocked!

Her mood suddenly sank.

After a brief moment of confusion, Ji Lanjuan saw that it was a person.

At this time, he had a bloody head.

Blood and brains mixed with rain flowed all over the ground.

Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his face was beyond recognition.

But how could Ji Lanjuan not recognize her son? !

That’s right!

It’s Xu Mingming!


Ji Lanjuan let out a shrill scream.

She threw down her umbrella and immediately came to her son.

"Obviously, obviously!"

"What's wrong with you? Look at mom!"

Ji Lanjuan burst into tears.

However, the only answer she received was the blood flowing from Xu Mingming's head.

And the rumbling thunder in the sky!

Zhou Chen returned to reality.

He had seen this on the Internet before.

It caused an uproar on the Internet!

However, Zheng Tao paid for a good lawyer at that time.

He used energy again to destroy the surveillance video at that time!

They distorted the facts and said that Xu Mingming relied on his excellent grades to make things difficult for Zheng Yong and had a quarrel with Zheng Yong.

Finally, they were pushed to the rooftop of the unfinished building.

As for the followers, they were all said to be here to break up the fight.

And it was raining heavily that day.

The rooftop of the unfinished building was unprotected, so Xu Mingming slipped and fell to his death!


There are a lot of discussions about this case on the Internet.

And I think this explanation makes no sense at all!

Because there are many obvious bruises on Xu Mingming's body!

This only happened after being beaten!

Moreover, he was still beaten by a group of people!

Zhou Chen was extremely angry!

He will never forget the pitiful gesture Zheng Yong made when facing the investigators!

He is obviously a heinous little devil!

But he packaged himself as a victim!


This case ended unexpectedly!

And Xu Mingming was also labeled as unruly and rude!

How does this allow him to rest in peace?

Even though everyone knows it.

Xu Mingming is not that kind of person.

But what can be done?

But Zheng Tao’s energy is so great!

Can reverse right and wrong!

He also knew Xu Mingming's father.

That is an agent who has the courage to fight against the evil forces!

He himself was sacrificed in the task of fighting against the evil forces!

The media also reported it at the time.

Therefore, Zhou Chen became even more angry!

Xu Mingming is the descendant of a hero!

Not even the descendants of heroes can be protected.

Wouldn't this chill the heroes who protect everyone?

How can their souls in heaven be at ease!

Zhou Chen knew it well.

Most people can live a stable life today only because countless people are carrying a heavy burden in the dark!

Don't let this happen again!

The evildoers must be brought to justice!

Think of this.

Zhou Chen did not hesitate.

A death notice is sent out!

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